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Antoine Fabri moodymudskipper

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######### machine learning ##########
snippet _hclust
model <- hclust(dist(iris[-5]), method="complete") # define model
predicted <- cutree(model,k=3) # cut tree (get cluster membership)
plot(model) # plot dendogram
plot(iris$Sepal.Length, iris$Sepal.Width, col = predicted) # result by 2 variables
plot(iris$Sepal.Length, iris$Sepal.Width, col = iris$Species)
######### misc ##########
moodymudskipper / create_report.R
Last active October 16, 2018 01:48
pass parameters and run a rmd report in a "clean environment"
# this function will run a rmd report in a "clean environment", which means it
# ignores what's in the global environment and what packages have been attached.
# It can be fed adhoc parameters however.
# "clean environment" is between quotes because loaded namespaces in the
# original environment CAN influence the report, and the rmd rendering CAN alter
# the loaded namespaces.
# In practice this should not be an issue in most cases but let it be said that
# the only known way to be sure about the reproduciblity of a report is to knit
Not sure exactly how useful that would be but that'd be a fun small package.
The following `infix` function parses an expression containing
multiple infix operators so we can do things like `infix(x %is_between% y %and% z)`, i.e an "infix operation" with more than 2 parameters.
See example.
The name `infix` is not great.
We often need to do set operations on lists, where the actual unions or
intersections happen on names, not content, and special treatment is to be
applied in the content.
We propose a way to generalize set operations, take the following examples:
X <- list(a = 1, b = 2:3, c = 4)
Y <- list(b = 3:4, d = 6)
moodymudskipper / on.exit2
Created July 26, 2019 10:40
on.exit for scripts
# on.exit for scripts, on.exit2 will create, update or overwrite
# the object .on.exit.exprs (of class expression) in the calling environment
# at the end of the script we evaluate .on.exit.exprs
on.exit2 <- function(expr = NULL, add = FALSE, after = TRUE){
if(!exists(".on.exit.exprs", parent.frame()))
assign(".on.exit.exprs",expression(), envir = parent.frame())
.on.exit.exprs <<- c(.on.exit.exprs, substitute(expr))
moodymudskipper / expect_same_behavior.R
Last active August 19, 2019 09:02
custom testthat expectation to test if 2 syntaxes are equivalent
expect_same_behavior <- function(object, expected, ...){
object_chr <- deparse(substitute(object))
expected_chr <- deparse(substitute(expected))
quiet <- purrr::safely(purrr::quietly(identity))
object <- eval(substitute(quiet(object)))
expected <- eval(substitute(quiet(expected)))
identical(object$result$result, expected$result$result, ...),
sprintf("`%s` and `%s` don't return the same result.", object_chr, expected_chr))
moodymudskipper / print_list.rmd
Last active September 23, 2019 12:03
print list nicely
``` r
#' print list nicely
#' @param l list to print
#' @param n_named max number of named items to display if list/sublist contains only named items
#' @param n_unnamed max number of items to display if list/sublist contains unnamed items
#' @param fun function to use to print items
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to fun
#' @return unchanged input
moodymudskipper / gist:b41262109ef1065cb7c89c9bf351f8fd
Created October 30, 2019 10:29
alternate syntax for functionals using tags
``` r
# remotes::install_github("moodymudskipper/tag")
mapping_impl <- tag::tag(
args = alist(.pmap =),
# setup
moodymudskipper / scale_y_duration
Last active November 13, 2019 15:02
scale_y_duration displays time in sec, min, hour or day depending on max value
scale_y_duration <- function(..., units = c("s","min","h","day")){
units <- match.arg(units, c("ms","seconds","minutes","hours","days", "weeks", "months", "years"),
several.ok = TRUE)
# to get them in the right order
units <- intersect(c("ms","seconds","minutes","hours","days", "weeks", "months", "years"), units)
ms <- 1/1000
min <- 60
h <- 60 *min
moodymudskipper / gist:0d2713c4f4561b9a1d42ced52ac4c90b
Created November 26, 2019 13:11
dplyr functions by type of first input
``` r
# devtools::install_github("moodymudskipper/help")
library(tidyverse, warn.conflicts = F)
env <- as.environment("package:dplyr")
dplyr_funs <- ls(envir = env)
arg_descr <- sapply(dplyr_funs, function(x) {
if(!is.function(get(x,envir = env))) return("not a function")
arg_nm <- names(formals(x,envir = env))[[1]]
if(!length(arg_nm)) return("no argument")