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def getAvailableLetters(lettersGuessed):
lettersGuessed: list, what letters have been guessed so far
returns: string, comprised of letters that represents what letters have not
yet been guessed.
L2 = []
import string
for c in string.ascii_lowercase:
def getGuessedWord(secretWord, lettersGuessed):
secretWord: string, the word the user is guessing
lettersGuessed: list, what letters have been guessed so far
returns: string, comprised of letters and underscores that represents
what letters in secretWord have been guessed so far.
count = 0
blank = ['_'] * len(secretWord)
#print blank
mooreniemi / hangman
Created October 23, 2012 01:14
def hangman(secretWord):
secretWord: string, the secret word to guess.
Starts up an interactive game of Hangman.
* At the start of the game, let the user know how many
letters the secretWord contains.
* Ask the user to supply one guess (i.e. letter) per round.
def compChooseWord(hand, wordList):
Given a hand and a wordList, find the word that gives
the maximum value score, and return it.
This word should be calculated by considering all the words
in the wordList.
If no words in the wordList can be made from the hand, return None.
mooreniemi / findBestShift
Created November 9, 2012 00:14
600x PS5
def findBestShift(wordList, text):
Finds a shift key that can decrypt the encoded text.
text: string
returns: 0 <= int < 26
### TODO
mooreniemi / PS7
Created November 25, 2012 20:12
class RectangularRoom(object):
A RectangularRoom represents a rectangular region containing clean or dirty
A room has a width and a height and contains (width * height) tiles. At any
particular time, each of these tiles is either clean or dirty.
def __init__(self, width, height):
mooreniemi / PS7-3
Created November 26, 2012 01:45
# === Problem 3
def runSimulation(num_robots, speed, width, height, min_coverage, num_trials,
Runs NUM_TRIALS trials of the simulation and returns the mean number of
time-steps needed to clean the fraction MIN_COVERAGE of the room.
The simulation is run with NUM_ROBOTS robots of type ROBOT_TYPE, each with
speed SPEED, in a room of dimensions WIDTH x HEIGHT.
mooreniemi / 600x PS7-4
Created November 26, 2012 15:37
# Enter your code for runSimulation in this box.
def runSimulation(num_robots, speed, width, height, min_coverage, num_trials,
Runs NUM_TRIALS trials of the simulation and returns the mean number of
time-steps needed to clean the fraction MIN_COVERAGE of the room.
The simulation is run with NUM_ROBOTS robots of type ROBOT_TYPE, each with
speed SPEED, in a room of dimensions WIDTH x HEIGHT.
def insert(atMe, newFrob):
atMe: a Frob that is part of a doubly linked list
newFrob: a Frob with no link
This procedure appropriately inserts newFrob into the linked list that atMe is a part of.
# Your Code Here
if newFrob.myName() < atMe.myName():
if atMe.getBefore() == None:
jQuery ->
# Create a comment
.on "ajax:beforeSend", (evt, xhr, settings) ->
.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
.on "ajax:success", (evt, data, status, xhr) ->