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All connections to server
netstat -ntu | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
All connection States
netstat -nat | awk '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
Limit HTTP connections to 20 sessions
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --syn --dport 80 -m connlimit --connlimit-above
20 --connlimit-mask 24 -j DROP
Checking how many connections to 80
netstat -n | grep :80 |wc -l
morteza-mori / group & user
Created July 3, 2017 07:36
linux group & user
Users & Groups
Group file: /etc/group
Add User:
adduser USER
New Group:
groupadd GROUP
newgrp GROUP
Account numbering and important settings: /etc/login.defs
Own a user a folder:
Client: psql
Connect to server: psql -h database user
Connection quit: \q
Connect: sudo -u postgres psql postgres
Create user: sudo -u postgres createuser -D -A -P myuser
Create Database: sudo -u postgres createdb -O myuser mydb
Drop Database: drop database DATABASE ;
Dump Database: pg_dump -Fc -U USER DATABASE > NAME
Restore Database: pg_restore -Fc -j CORE_LIMIT -U USER -d DB OLDDB
Ping with nmap
nmap -sP IP
Port state
nmap --reason HOST
TCP connect() scan—(Nmap -sT )
TCP SYN or half-open scan—(Nmap -sS )
TCP FIN, XMAS, and NULL scans—(Nmap -sF , -sX , -sN )
TCP ACK scan—(Nmap -sA )
TCP idle scan—(Nmap -sI )
Ex: nc -v IP PORT → Connect to the port
Open port and listen: nc -k -l PORT → -k means keep listening
Port scanning: nc -zv IP PORTRANGE
nc -p 31337 -w 5 42
Open a TCP connection to port 42 of, using port 31337 as
the source port, with a timeout of 5 seconds:
nc -u 53
Open a UDP connection to port 53 of
To listen on port PORT and accept:
morteza-mori / tcp kill
Created July 3, 2017 07:42
tcp kill method
Kill TCP connection
tcpkill -9 host
Create IPIP Tunnel:
Linux 1:
# ip tunnel add ipip-Tunnel mode ipip remote local
# ifconfig ipip-Tunnel
Linux 2:
# ip tunnel add ipip-Tunnel mode ipip remote local
# ifconfig ipip-Tunnel
# ip tunnel show
lsof → List open files.
lsof -i :PORT → Shows networking related port
lsof -i@IP → Shows connections to a specific host
lsof -i -sTCP:LISTEN → Shows listening ports
lsof -i -sTCP:ESTABLISHED → Shows established connections
lsof -u USER → What user opens
lsof DIR → Shows everything interacting with a given DIR
lsof -i :PORT → Shows which process uses the port
Find all files in home folder with mp3 format
find ~ -iname '*.mp3'
Find all directories with 777 perm
find /var/www -type d -perm 777
Find all files greater than 20M and sort
find / -type f -size +20M -exec ls -lh {} \; 2> /dev/null | awk '{ print
$NF ": " $5 }' | sort -nk 2,2
Find text files that were last modified 60 days ago
find /home/you -iname "*.txt" -mtime -60 -print
nethogs - iptraf - bmon - iftop - nmon - glances - iostat - iotop - tload - pstree
- httpry​- dhcpdump - mysql-sniffer - p0f - pktstat​- sysdig​- tcptrack ​-
vnstat - goaccess ​- apachetop - whowatch
According to some problems which happend on servers, it's good idea to use Tmux with RED pane color on servers to avoid problems.
After installing Tmux, put this config in "/etc/tmux.conf" or "~/.tmux.conf": set -g status-bg red
My terminal demonstration:
Green: is my local tmux
Red: is server tmux