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Improving things

Johan Manner mrManner

Improving things
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mrManner / HKT_draft1.txt
Created November 7, 2012 14:14
Inbjudan gotingmöte 2012-11-11
Som du förhoppningsvis redan vet kommer roverscouternas riksting 2013 hållas i Göteborg. Go:ting 13 går av stapeln första helgen i februari för att vara exakt.
I nuläget söker vi engagerade scouter i Göteborgsområdet som vill hjälpa till att planera och genomföra tinget, alternativt ställa upp som funktionärer på plats.
Vi kommer att ha ett möte i Göteborg nu på söndag, 11 november, klockan 14. Visst är du intresserad?
Tre fingrar mot pannan
Helén Toftered, GRUS
Johan Manner, ROKO
body {
background: url("/img/campaigns/eastereggs/bubbles.gif") repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
#blocket {
font-family: times new roman,serif;
margin: 0;
a img, .sprite_common_acc_avatar {
border: 1px solid blue;
mrManner / onlyOnEgg.js
Created March 25, 2013 16:59
De två script som inte finns på fågel-sidan. Verkar inte skumt alls.
pdf_location : "",
list_id : "45979135",
ad_id : "45979135",
subject : "Floppydisks",
self_link : "",
image : "8537064950.jpg",
image_size : { width: 728, height: 546 } ,
price : "144",
store_chain : "",

For example, the Finnish Broadcasting Company journalist Bettina Sågbom and Helsingin Sanomat, the managing editor Paula Salovaara have received messages that they or their families have been threatened to kill.

A number of Finnish-Swedish journalists and politicians have been forced in recent days threatened online. For example, the Finnish Broadcasting Company journalist Bettina Sågbom and Helsingin Sanomat, the managing editor Paula Salovaara have received messages that they or their families have been threatened to kill.

Both have received threatening messages from the address associated with the Internet anonymous Tor network. Anonymous online discussed the identity of the recipient which is difficult to find due to hedging.

New threatening messages started coming when Sågbom and Salovaara reported total social network. Sågbom told that she will die "situation, striking an accident," and Salovaara "contingent capital punishment" threatened to change more strongly.

Both have been raining the tremendou

mrManner / gist:5923255
Created July 3, 2013 22:01
Ryktet om min död är kraftigt överdrivet...
Attn: Beneficiary,
Sorry for the delay in your inheritance payment, because of the distraction we have
from Prof Charles Soludo and Dr. James Baker who came to our office trying to claim
your fund, and also they said that you are dead, and my wife is in trouble now
because she is the only one who knows that you are alive but their are greedy people
over here who did not want you to receive what belong to you, and they have
conspired a great difficulty to transfer my wife to World Bank in switzerland so
that my wife will not sue them to court, so please we want to be sure before
mrManner /
Last active December 24, 2015 10:49



  • Hur ser skolan ut idag?
  • Sjunkande resultat
  • Ökad segregering
  • Havererat friskolesystem
  • Antingen inga/dåliga datorer, eller bristande undervisning om desamma
  • Prata med elever!

Supersimpel föredragningslista

  1. Stadgarna – hur går vi vidare
  2. Rekrytering?
  3. Årsmöte?
  4. Ekonomi.
  5. Framtagande av policyer
mrManner /
Created October 23, 2013 00:22
Policyer och liknande till /dev/scout

Policyer och liknande till /dev/scout

  • Årsmöteskostnad och arrangemang
  • FOSS
  • Ansvarsfördelning inom projekt
  • Medlemsavgift
  • Åsiktsplattform
  • Resepolicy
  • Kommunikationsplattformspolicy
mrManner / kul-barn
Created October 23, 2013 20:39
Upplockat från Internet någonstans
Helt underbara slutsatser! Dagens skratt!!!!
Det är bättre för tjejer att vara singel än vad det är
för killar. Killar behöver någon som plockar upp efter
/Anna, 9 år
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
1 ( 27.523 ms 6.438 ms 4.076 ms
2 ( 1.369 ms 1.294 ms 9.092 ms
3 ( 2.306 ms 2.021 ms 6.301 ms
4 ( 61.791 ms 27.420 ms 12.286 ms
5 ( 15.855 ms 12.298 ms 2.530 ms
6 ( 13.805 ms ( 12.860 ms ( 3.307 ms
7 ( 12.874 ms