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Andrew Clark mrandyclark

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mrandyclark / index.html
Created January 2, 2018 04:43
powerzone generator web version
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$action = $_GET['action'];
class API {
// this is a function that you're going to pass a messageCode to.
// the message code will be an integer and you'll return a string
// that is the error message.
function getErrorMessage(messageCode)
var errorMessage = "";
// this is a function that you're going to pass a messageCode to.
// the message code will be an integer and you'll return a string
// that is the error message.
function getErrorMessage(messageCode)
var errorMessage = "";
// start the switch statement
<form id="new_size">
<input type="text" name="size_name" id="size_input" />
<input type="submit" />
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#new_size").submit(function(evt) {
function WriteToTheConsole(information) {
$(document).ready(function() {
WriteToTheConsole("hey jackass");
controller :sites do
match '/:action'
# this is pseudo code, so you'll probably need to fix it.
def index
#@tabs = [];
#@articles.each do |article|
# @tags << article.tags
@tabs = [