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Denis mrjazz

Code as a product
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package main
import (
import os
import time
import warnings
import math
import numpy as np
from numpy import newaxis
from keras.layers.core import Dense, Activation, Dropout
from keras.layers.recurrent import LSTM
from keras.models import Sequential
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if (isset($_SERVER['argv']) && count($_SERVER['argv']) > 1) {
$doc = file_get_contents($_SERVER['argv'][1]);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($doc);
process($xml, "Missed pages:", 'messagebox_warning');
process($xml, "Questions:", 'help');
markersList($xml, "Won't be implemented in first version:", 'stop-sign');
// endpoints
function getToken() {
echo 'GET token';
function postToken() {
echo 'POST token';

Correction price logic

System looking for indicators that impact on price and according to type of indicator, calculate price include koefficient. This coefficient will be applied to next positions until section won't be finished or new indicator meet.

Case sensetive volume indicators:

  • '10cl' : 0.133333333
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from time import time
CHARACTERS = [' ', '.', ',', ':', ';', 'i', '1', 't', 'f', 'L', 'C', 'G', '0', '8', '@']
HEIGHT = 240
WIDTH = 426
"code": "OK",
"message": "Operation is successfully executed",
"data": [
"project": "5620e02e297df20600a0dbd0",
"employee": "5620de28297df20600a0d992",
"approvedBy": "5620de2f297df20600a0da02",
"reportedBy": "5620de28297df20600a0d992",
"item": "5620e02e297df20600a0dbd1",
2016-02-12 14:08:49,299 - sync - INFO - Request:
{"comment": "- 3-create-searchable-front-end-for-data - done\n- (gulp autoreload, tmp limit by zip codes, filter by multiple hcpcs codes, filter by total paid amount)\n", "reportedAt": "2016-02-11T14:08:49.0Z", "approvedBy": "5620de2f297df20600a0da02", "reportedBy": "5620de2f297df20600a0da02", "billedTime": 28800.0, "project": "56b0a9cd3ec0e60800c15ff3", "item": "56b0a9cd3ec0e60800c15ff4", "jiraTicket": "PROJ", "status": "approved", "approvedTime": 28800.0, "date": "2016-02-11T14:08:49.0Z", "employee": "5620de27297df20600a0d989", "approvedAt": "2016-02-11T14:08:49.0Z", "reportedTime": 28800.0, "type": "Regular", "employeeName": "Vladimir Gordienko"}
2016-02-12 14:08:49,299 - sync - INFO - Response:
{"code":"CREATED","message":"The request has been fulfilled and resulted in a new resource being created","data":{"comment":"- 3-create-searchable-front-end-for-data - done\n- (gulp autoreload, tmp limit by zip codes, filter by multiple hcpcs codes, filter by total
// npm install express
// npm install body-parser
var express = require('express');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser')
var app = express();
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));