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ethan-leba /
Last active August 16, 2024 12:04
Yabai + Emacs seamless window movement

Yabai + Emacs window movement integration

This is a short guide to setting up unified window movement bindings with Yabai + SKHD and Emacs, inspired by this tmux-vim movement guide. Short video demo here.

For example, if there’s if Emacs is in focus and there’s an Emacs window to the left, then that window will be focused with the binding. Otherwise, the next application to the left will be focused. In this guide I’m using alt - HJKL, but you can substitute those with whatever you’d like.

defmodule MyApp.Encoder do
@moduledoc """
General implementation for the Jason encoder to be used in Ecto schemas
defmacro __using__(opts) do
drop_fields = Keyword.get(opts, :drop, [])
quote do
defimpl Jason.Encoder, for: [__MODULE__] do