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Stephen Caudill mrmemes-eth

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mrmemes-eth / Gemfile
Created September 13, 2010 16:28
Neither does this terrible thing
source ''
gem 'bundler', '~> 1.0.0'
gem 'decent_exposure', '~> 1.0.0.rc1'
gem 'devise', '~> 1.1.2'
gem 'haml'
gem 'hassle', :git => 'git://'
gem 'pg'
gem 'rails', '3.0.0'
class ThingsController < ApplicationController
respond_to :html, :json
# decent_exposure won't currently intuit a collection (plural resource) for you. The SLTD error is
# caused by a circular reference between an undeclared collection (which the singular resource attempts
# to scope from) and the singular resource. To fix this problem, just define the collection:
expose(:things) { Thing.all }
# or alternatively, something like:
# expose(:things) { current_user.things }
mrmemes-eth /
Created October 7, 2010 13:17
error after running rake cucumber. using ruby 1.9.2p0, rails 3, rspec 2.0.0rc
/Users/dev/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/minitest/unit.rb:566:in `block in process_args': invalid option:
--profile (OptionParser::InvalidOption)
from /Users/dev/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/minitest/unit.rb:545:in `new'
from /Users/dev/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/minitest/unit.rb:545:in `process_args'
from /Users/dev/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/minitest/unit.rb:576:in `run'
from /Users/dev/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/minitest/unit.rb:492:in `block in autorun'
(in /Users/dev/hashrocket/heatusa)
mrmemes-eth / btelles-master-rspec-output.txt
Created December 3, 2010 00:59
RSpec run output. Rubies: 1.8.7p302 and 1.9.2-p0.
(in /Users/voxdolo/dev/decent_exposure)
DecentExposure classes extending DecentExposure
- should respond to #expose
- should respond to #default_exposure
- creates a method with the given name
- prevents the method from being a callable action
- declares the method as a helper method
mrmemes-eth / _session_output.irb
Created January 20, 2011 14:32
Confusing Mongoid output - full source from examples below at:
ruby-1.9.2-p0 :026 > s = Session.create
=> #<Session _id: 4d3845f0c1037b05f3000005, created_at: 2011-01-20 14:25:52 UTC, updated_at: 2011-01-20 14:25:52 UTC, name: "aa", custom: nil>
ruby-1.9.2-p0 :027 > s.timers <<
=> [#<Pomodoro _id: 4d384601c1037b05f3000006, created_at: 2011-01-20 14:26:09 UTC, updated_at: 2011-01-20 14:26:09 UTC, duration: 1500>]
ruby-1.9.2-p0 :028 > s.timers.count
=> 1
ruby-1.9.2-p0 :029 > s.reload
=> #<Session _id: 4d3845f0c1037b05f3000005, created_at: 2011-01-20 14:25:52 UTC, updated_at: 2011-01-20 14:25:52 UTC, name: "aa", custom: nil>
ruby-1.9.2-p0 :030 > s.pomodoros.count
=> 0
mrmemes-eth / cancan_exposure.rb
Created March 28, 2011 23:02
A default exposure for decent_exposure that assigns instance variables (to make cancan happy)
default_exposure do |name|
collection = name.to_s.pluralize
if respond_to?(collection) && collection != name.to_s && send(collection).respond_to?(:scoped)
proxy = send(collection)
proxy = name.to_s.classify.constantize
instance_variable_set("@#{name}") = if id = params["#{name}_id"] || params[:id]
proxy.find(id).tap do |r|
mrmemes-eth / scope_steps.rb
Created March 30, 2011 18:24
Scope assertions to portions of the page
module SectionLocator
def within_parent(content, elements = ['*'], &block)
expr = %(//*[(#{elements.join('|')})/descendant-or-self::*[contains(., "#{content}")]])
within(:xpath, expr, &block)
def within_parent_preceding(content, elements = ['*'], &block)
expr = %(//*[(#{elements.join('|')})[contains(., "#{content}")]]/..)
within(:xpath, expr, &block)
mrmemes-eth / attached_file.rb
Created May 17, 2011 20:44 — forked from jens/attached_file.rb
Duplicate items when using update_attributes and decent_exposure
class AttachedFile < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :parent, :polymorphic => true
mrmemes-eth / decent_decorator.rb
Created June 1, 2012 19:17
Simple monkey patch for decent_exposure's nu_nu branch to add automatic decoration of singular resources. Throw this in config/initializers and monkey patch your way to victory! Assumes a module like the one included.
class DecentExposure::ActiveRecord::Finder
def decorated_singular_resource
rescue NameError
def resource
if plural?
module ClearEyes
module ViewHelpers
def self.included(base)
base.send(:attr_accessor, :image, :options)
def r_image( pixel_ratio )
insert_on = -File.extname(self.image).size-1
image_tag(self.image.insert(insert_on, "@#{pixel_ratio}x"), self.options)