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msarchet / gist:4649919
Created January 27, 2013 19:26
Example For Dfowler
var TinyChat = TinyChat || {};
TinyChat.ConnectionID = '';
TinyChat.Connection = null;
TinyChat.Proxy = null;
TinyChat.StartChat = function () {
TinyChat.Connection = $.hubConnection();
TinyChat.Connection.logging = true;
msarchet / Hub.cs
Last active December 11, 2015 19:39
This is the code required to reproduce a bug in SignalR where joining a Group will allow messges to be invoked on the server even if the hub is not conencted to
//This is the code required for the hub
public class TestHub :Hub
public void joinGroup()
Groups.Add(Context.ConnectionId, "base");
public void Send()
msarchet / Hub.cs
Created January 28, 2013 00:21
An Example of binding to a proxy later and adding a user to a group allowing a method on a proxy to be invoked
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace noproxySignalR
//This is the code required for the hub
public async void CheckForRooms()
var getRooms = new Task<IList<RoomModel>>(() => { return _roomRepo.Rooms(); });
var Rooms = await getRooms;
var emptyRooms = new List<RoomModel>();
foreach (var room in Rooms)
if (_userRoomRepo.GetUsersForRoom(room.RoomName).Any())
msarchet / Example.cs
Created February 1, 2013 16:06
Ghost Doc Example
/// <summary>
/// Joins the chat.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="UserName">Name of the user.</param>
/// <param name="authguid">The authguid.</param>
/// <exception cref="System.Exception">
/// Unable to find user
/// or
/// Unable to authorize user
/// </exception>
msarchet / Extensions.cs
Created February 7, 2013 04:17
Cleanly update an item in a ServiceStack.Redis.IRedisList<T>
Sometimes you need to just udpate something and assure that it happens
public static class GenericReplaceLock
public static void Replace<T>(this IRedisClient Client, string key, T old, T newer)
using (var redis = Client.As<T>())
using (var transaction = redis.CreateTransaction())
var oldUser = User;
User.UserStatus = (UserStatuses)Status;
var newUser = User;
using(var client = ClientManager.GetClient())
client.Replace<UserModel>(UsersKey, oldUser, newUser);
return User;
msarchet / RetryRedisClient.cs
Created February 12, 2013 04:24
pseudo code for redis retry
public static TResult Retry(this IRedisClient client, Func<TResult> Retry)
return (TResult)Retry.Invoke();
catch(RedisException RedisException)
//Do Something Here To Wait
return (TResult)Retry.Invoke();
msarchet / GenericLockedUpdates.cs
Last active October 16, 2017 17:37
Sometime you need to make sure that Redis is actually updating what you want to update
Sometimes you need to just update something and assure that it happens
public static class GenericReplaceLock
public static void UpdateListItem<T>(this IRedisClientsManager Manager, string key, T old, T newer)
using (var Client = Manager.GetClient())
using (var redis = Client.As<T>())
using (var transaction = redis.CreateTransaction())
msarchet /
Last active December 13, 2015 22:09
Overview for Redis Hangout

Redis Basics

  • How to get it running
  • Data Types
  • Using it in a development environment
  • Using it in a production environment


  • Generic vs Non-Generic