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config {
type: "operations",
hasOutput: true,
schema: "production",
name: "test_user_reputation",
disabled: false,
dependencies: [ "reputation_data", "reputation_data_v", "user_reputation" ],
tags: ["unit_tests"],
description: "Advanced unit test to test complex query operations.",
config {
type: "operations",
hasOutput: true,
schema: "production",
disabled: false,
name: "user_reputation",
dependencies: ["reputation_data", "reputation_data_v"],
tags: ["user_reputation"],
description: "user_reputation based on reputation_data from firehose"
config {
type: "test",
dataset: "reputation_data_v"
-- use input to mock some test data for production.reputation_data table used by the view:
input "reputation_data" {
'{"user_id":1,"reputation_level":3.5,"updated_at":"1999-01-01 00:00:01 UTC"}' as src
-- run the view and we expect to get:

config { type: "test", dataset: "reputation_data_v" } -- use input to mock some test data for production.reputation_data table used by the view: input "reputation_data" { select '{"user_id":1,"reputation_level":3.5,"updated_at":"1999-01-01 00:00:01 UTC"}' as src } -- run the view and we expect to get:

config {
type: "view",
name: "reputation_data_v",
schema: "production",
dependencies: "reputation_data",
tags: ["reputation_data"]
cast(json_extract(src,'$.user_id') as int64) as user_id
config {
type: "operations",
hasOutput: true,
schema: "production",
disabled: false,
name: "reputation_data",
tags: ["reputation_data"],
description: "reputation_data pipeline real-time updates from events."
with events as (
select 'open_chat' as event_name, '10.1.0' as app_display_version union all
select 'open_chat' as event_name, '10.1.9' as app_display_version union all
select 'open_chat' as event_name, '9.1.4' as app_display_version union all
select 'open_chat' as event_name, '9.0.0' as app_display_version
,REGEXP_EXTRACT(app_display_version, '^[^.^]*') main_version
,safe_cast(REGEXP_EXTRACT(app_display_version, '[0-9]+.[0-9]+') as float64) release_version
-- One or more digits (\d+), optional period (\.?), zero or more digits (\d*).
with object as
(select '{"aed":3.6732,"afn":78.45934,"all":110.586428}' as rates)
, data as (
select "usd" as base_currency,
regexp_extract_all(rates, r'"[^"]+":\d+\.?\d*') as pair
from object
, splits as (
with d as (
select * from unnest([
struct('0003f' as user_pseudo_id, 12322175 as user_id, timestamp '2020-10-10 16:46:59.878 UTC' as event_timestamp, 'join_group' as event_name),
('0003',12,timestamp '2022-10-10 16:50:03.394 UTC','set_avatar'),
('0003',12,timestamp '2022-10-10 17:02:38.632 UTC','set_avatar'),
('0003',12,timestamp '2022-10-10 17:09:38.645 UTC','set_avatar'),
('0003',12,timestamp '2022-10-10 17:10:38.645 UTC','join_group'),
('0003',12,timestamp '2022-10-10 17:15:38.645 UTC','create_group'),
('0003',12,timestamp '2022-10-10 17:17:38.645 UTC','create_group'),
('0003',12,timestamp '2022-10-10 17:18:38.645 UTC','in_app_purchase'),
select * from unnest([
1 as user_id
, 111 as reputation
, timestamp('2021-12-16 13:00:01') as update_time