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"... the Tracy-Widom distribution and its large deviation tails represent a universal phase transition between weak- and strong-coupling phases."
mtnygard /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
A printable table of refactor actions to help me memorize the keystrokes.
Sequence Action
ad add declaration for current top-level form
ai add import to namespace declaration, then jump back
ap add a dependency to your project depends on refactor-nrepl
ar add require to namespace declaration, then jump back (see optional setup)
au add "use" (ie require refer all) to namespace declaration, then jump back
cc cycle surrounding collection type
ci refactoring between if and if-not
cp cycle privacy of defns and defs
mtnygard / gist:06fe9aa8e598f41b61a9
Created February 14, 2015 17:29
Mark Burgess's book stack on Complexity
- Information and the Nature of Reality, Davies and Gregersen
- Swarm Intelligence, Bonabeau, Dorigo, Theraulaz
- Chaos, ed. Arun V. Holden
- Linked, Baraboa
- The Origins of Order, Kauffman
- Investigations, Kauffman
- Emergence, Steven Johnson
- Elements of Information Theory, Cover, Thomas
- The End of Certainty, Prigogine
- Physical Fluid Dynamics, Tritton
* Generate acc validation response object.
* @param xmlString the xml string
* @return the com.zzz.cap.xml.accountvalres. postpaid account validation
* response
* @throws Exception the exception
public class XxxxxManager extends GenericService {
private static final String NO = "N";
private static final String YES = "Y";
private static final String TRUESTR = "true";
private static final String FALSESTR = "false";
if (availableCode != null && availableCode.equals(NO)) {
resultHash.put(id, Boolean.valueOf(FALSESTR));
strBuffer.append("orderTotal " + orderTotal + NEWLINE);
# ec2 ami-1515f67c
sudo sed -i 's/universe/multiverse universe/' /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo sed -i 's/karmic main/karmic restricted main/' /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ruby ruby1.8-dev libopenssl-ruby1.8 rdoc ri irb build-essential wget ssl-cert sudo git-core rake librspec-ruby libxml-ruby thin couchdb zlib1g-dev libxml2-dev
mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
tar zxf rubygems-1.3.6.tgz
# copies, jar
1 CcxClientApi.jar
1 GroboCodeCoverage-1.1.0-aitests.jar
1 GroboCodeCoverage-1.1.0-ant.jar
1 GroboCodeCoverage-1.1.0-core.jar
1 GroboCodeCoverage-1.1.0-eutests.jar
1 GroboCodeCoverage-1.1.0-iutests.jar
1 GroboCodeCoverage-1.1.0-runtime.jar
1 GroboCodeCoverage-1.1.0-utests.jar
1 GroboPMTI-1.0.0alpha3-aitests.jar
(ns webui.core
(:use compojure.core
[ring.util.response :only (response content-type)]
(:require [compojure.route :as route])
(fleet-ns views "templates")
mtnygard / Compilation errors
Created March 13, 2011 04:04
Parser generated from ImaginaryNode.g
/Users/mtnygard/work/atg-xref/indexer/src/gen-java/ illegal start of expression
if ( !() ) {
/Users/mtnygard/work/atg-xref/indexer/src/gen-java/ illegal start of expression
while ( ) {