Install the following dependencies
brew install pipenv
brew install ffmpeg
pipenv install --python 3.10
# Load environment secrets with with 1Password CLI Injection | |
# | |
# Used with | |
# source | |
# AWS Service Account Credentials | |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={{ op://$OP_VAULT/$INF_PROJECT.aws_access_key/username }} | |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={{ op://$OP_VAULT/$INF_PROJECT.aws_access_key/password }} | |
# Project Secrets |
-- Query the database to calculate a recommended innodb_buffer_pool_size | |
-- and get the currently configured value | |
-- The rollup as the bottom row gives the total for all DBs on the server, where each other row is recommendations per DB. | |
Recommended_InnoDB_Buffer_Pool_Size, | |
( | |
SELECT CONCAT(CEILING(variable_value/POWER(1024,FLOOR(LOG(variable_value)/LOG(1024)))),SUBSTR(' KMGT',FLOOR(LOG(variable_value)/LOG(1024))+1,1)) |
#!/bin/bash | |
# This script crawls all urls in a /sitemap.xml file and loads them, effectively priming the cache | |
# Usage: ./ | |
time wget --quiet https://$1/sitemap.xml --output-document - | \ | |
egrep -o "https?://[^<]+" | \ | |
grep $1 | \ | |
grep -v "jpg" | \ | |
xargs -i -d '\n' curl --output /dev/null --silent --write-out '%{http_code} %{time_total}ms %{url_effective} \n' {} |
# Some output format parameters require newer versions of curl | |
# These examples were done with Curl 7.54.0 with HTTP/2 Support | |
# The kind of output you would expect to see with the two functions here (time_url and url_ping) would look like this: | |
[user@683dd22606f5 /]# URL_TO_CHECK="" | |
[user@683dd22606f5 /]# time_url "${URL_TO_CHECK}" |
# The check_url recursive function | |
check_url() { | |
THIS_URL="${1}" | |
HTTP_RESP_CODE=$(curl -ksI "${THIS_URL}" | grep -i 'HTTP/' | cut -d' ' -f 2) | |
echo "${THIS_URL} -> ${HTTP_RESP_CODE}" | |
if [ "${HTTP_RESP_CODE}" == "301" ] || [ "${HTTP_RESP_CODE}" == "302" ] | |
then | |
HTTP_LOC=$(curl -ksI ${1} | grep -i 'Location: ' | cut -d'_' -f 2) | |
HTTP_REDIRECT=$(echo "${HTTP_LOC}" | tail -c +11 | tr -d '\r' | tr -d '\n') |
new_hostname="my-new-hostname" | |
sudo scutil --set HostName ${new_hostname} | |
sudo scutil --set LocalHostName ${new_hostname} | |
sudo scutil --set ComputerName ${new_hostname} | |
dscacheutil -flushcache | |
# reboot mac |
# Verify SSL | | | |
openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in $ssl_domain.key | openssl md5 | |
openssl req -noout -modulus -in $ssl_domain.csr | openssl md5 | |
openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in $ssl_domain.crt | openssl md5 | |
# Output text of certificate | |
openssl x509 -text -in /etc/nginx/ssl/$ssl_domain.crt | |
# Get details of all certs in .crt bundle file to verify certificate chain |
# find the biggest .png files in a sub directory | |
# referenced from | |
find . -type f -iname "*.png" -printf '%s %p\n'| sort -nr | head -25 | |
# List all symlinks recursively in a directory | |
find ./ -type l -printf "%p -> %l\n" | |
find . -type l -ls | |
# List all broken symlinks |
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
set -eu | |
######################################## | |
## Introduction | |
######################################## | |
input_filter v0.1 |