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  • CentOS release 6.4 (Final)
  • td-agent-1.1.18-0.x86_64
  • fluent-plugin-secure-forward (0.1.6)
  • msgpack (0.4.7)


muddydixon / features.js
Last active December 22, 2015 19:09
apple iphone 5cのcanvasのあれ
(function() {
var C = {_showOnScrolls: [],__onScroll: function v(a) {
this._showOnScrolls.forEach(function(b) {
},add: function A(a, b) {
if (!this.__boundOnScroll) {
this.__boundOnScroll = this.__onScroll.bind(this);
AC.Element.addEventListener(b, "scroll", this.__boundOnScroll)
muddydixon /
Created August 28, 2013 02:50
特定のbranchの特定のファイルに対するcommitだけをmergeする方法ってどうやるんでしょうか? こうじゃないですよね・・・
for hash in `git log --pretty=format:"%h" $branch $file`;do
echo git cherry-pick $hash;
INSERT INTO hoge (num) VALUES (0.156385139170201),(0.223289187855215),(0.474215383446914),(0.577255681247102),(0.188064718514472),(0.520055067710913),(0.879612448063508),(0.118504724273485),(0.266510761334221),(0.888896261866421);
muddydixon /
Last active December 18, 2015 17:58
This html crashes phantomjs. A html that the `select` containing `option` elements also crashes phantomjs. However a html in which span is above select does not crash phantomjs.
phantom = require 'node-phantom'
fs = require 'fs'
html = fs.readFileSync 'sample.html', 'utf8'
phantom.create (err, ph)->
ph.createPage (err, page)->
page.set 'content', html
Mac OS 10.8.3
Chrome 26.0.1410.65
Project Tab Manager 2.0.1 from Chrome WebStore
1. 新しいプロジェクトを名前(例えば"sns")を付けて保存→可能
2. 編集ボタンからプロジェクトブックマークを編集→可能
3. ポップアップで確認→2)の変更は反映されていない
4. プロジェクトに紐付けられているタブの上でポップアップを開く→保存したタブが一番上で、「新しいプロジェクト」のフォームは表示されない
5. 新しいタブを開いてポップアップを開く→同じく最初に名前をつけた"sns"プロジェクトのみが表示され、「新しいプロジェクト」のフォームは表示されない
muddydixon /
Last active December 15, 2015 08:59
params =
alpha: [1,2,3]
set = []
prods = {}
prod = 1
for param, idx in d3.entries(params)
prods[param.key] = prod
muddydixon / sampledata.js
Created March 14, 2013 11:33
var amp = 100;
var sigma = 10;
var data1 = d3.range(0,100).map(function(d){ return 0|Math.random() * amp;});
var data2 = d3.range(0,100).map(function(d){ return {x: 0|Math.random() * amp};});
var data3 = d3.range(0,100).map(function(d, idx){ return {date: new Date(2013, 0, idx), val: 0|Math.random() * amp};});
var norm = d3.random.normal(amp, sigma);
var data4 = d3.range(0,100).map(function(d, idx){ return {date: new Date(2013, 0, idx), val: norm()};} );
var freqs = [1, 24, 7 * 24];
muddydixon / nestedController.html
Created March 11, 2013 18:01
I cannot find how to get object as argument of nested ng-controller
<div ng-controller="MembersCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="member in members" ng-controller="MemberCtrl">

[[統計学]]および[[経済学]]、とりわけ[[時系列解析]]の分野において、’’’自己回帰和分移動平均モデル’’’ (じこかいきわぶんいどうへいきんモデル) {{lang-en-short|Autoregressive integrated moving average model}}、’’’ARIMAモデル’’’ [[Mathematical model|model]])は、[[自己回帰移動平均モデル]] (ARMA)を一般化したモデルです。これらのモデルは、

In [[statistics]] and [[econometrics]], and in particular in [[time series analysis]], an ’’’autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA)‘’’ [[Mathematical model|model]] is a generalization of an [[autoregressive moving average]] (ARMA) model. These models are fitted to [[time series]] data either to better understand the data or to predict future points in the series ([[forecasting]]). They are applied in some cases where data show evidence of [[Stationary process|non-stationarity]], where an initial differencing step (corresponding to the “integrated” part of the model) can be applied to remove the non-stationarity.

The model is generally referred to as an ARIMA model where [[parameter]]s ’’p’’, ’’d’’, and ’’q’’ are non-negative integers that refer t