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Mukesh Tiwari mukeshtiwari

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A : Type
k : nat
O : (A -> bool) -> A -> bool
Hmon : mon O
l : list A
Hin : forall a : A, In a l
Hlen : length l <= k
a : A
m : nat
H : iter O (S m) nil_pred a = true
We can prove
A -> B
but not
A -> B
(* equality on boolean predicates on a finite type is decidable *)
Lemma pred_eq_dec_aux {A: Type} (l: list A) :
forall (p1 p2: A -> bool), {forall a, In a l -> p1 a = p2 a} + {~(forall a, In a l -> p1 a = p2 a)}.
induction l as [| x xs IHxs].
(* nil case *)
intros p1 p2. left.
intros a Hin. inversion Hin.
(* list of the form x:xs *)
intros p1 p2.
(* all pairs that can be formed from a list *)
Fixpoint all_pairs {A: Type} (l: list A): list (A * A) :=
match l with
| [] => []
| c::cs => (c, c)::(all_pairs cs) ++ (map (fun x => (c, x)) cs)
++ (map (fun x => (x, c)) cs)
A : Type
Definition bounded_card (A: Type) (n: nat) := exists l, (forall a: A, In a l) /\ length l <= n.
Fixpoint all_pairs {A: Type} (l: list A): list (A * A) :=
match l with
| [] => []
| c::cs => (c, c) :: (all_pairs cs)
++ (map (fun x => (c, x)) cs)
++ (map (fun x => (x, c)) cs)
Definition bounded_card (A: Type) (n: nat) :=
exists l, (forall a: A, In a l) /\ length l <= n.
Lemma length_cand : forall {A : Type} n ,
Fixpoints.bounded_card A n -> Fixpoints.bounded_card (A * A) (n * n).
Lemma length_pair : forall {A : Type} (n : nat) (l : list A),
length l <= n -> length (all_pairs l) <= n * n.
intros. induction l.
auto with arith.
simpl. repeat rewrite app_length.
repeat rewrite map_length.
A : Type
n : nat
Lemma length_pair : forall {A : Type} (n : nat) (l : list A),
length l <= n -> length (all_pairs l) <= n * n.
intros A n l. generalize dependent n. induction l.
intros n H. auto with arith.
intros n H. destruct n.
inversion H.
simpl. simpl in H.
repeat rewrite app_length. repeat rewrite map_length.
Fixpoint re_not_empty {T : Type} (re : reg_exp T) : bool :=
match re with
| EmptySet => false
| EmptyStr => true
| Char _ => true
| App re1 re2 | Union re1 re2 => orb (re_not_empty re1) (re_not_empty re2)
| Star re => re_not_empty re
Lemma re_not_empty_correct : forall T (re : reg_exp T),
Fixpoint re_not_empty {T : Type} (re : reg_exp T) : bool :=
match re with
| EmptySet => false
| EmptyStr => true
| Char _ => true
| App re1 re2 => andb (re_not_empty re1) (re_not_empty re2)
| Union re1 re2 => orb (re_not_empty re1) (re_not_empty re2)
| Star re => true (* always match empty string *)