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jthuraisamy /
Last active April 12, 2022 20:00
Windows Toolkit

Windows Toolkit


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NotMedic / Instructions.txt
Created December 2, 2018 02:29
Siri -> HomeBridge -> HomeBridge-ssh -> iptables
This is a pretty simple setup:
Siri is used to control Homebridge using the HomeKit protocol.
Homebridge has a module named Homebridge-ssh that allows you to run commands over ssh.
There is a shell script on an OpenWrt box to enable, disable, and check the status of a MAC Address block in the FORWARD table.
1. Install node on your platform. I went with 8.9 for no specific reason other than I initially had issues with 10 that probably weren't related..
2. Install homebridge and homebridge-ssh. You should probably also put hombridge-config-ui-x on there too... I used the unsafe-perm parameter after getting a significant number of errors:
sudo -i npm install -g homebridge --unsafe-perm
sudo -i npm install -g homebridge-ssh --unsafe-perm