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I hereby claim:

  • I am muness on github.
  • I am muness ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 2A4A 21E1 2459 19BC 3839 DB07 D305 9DA2 9A48 003E

To claim this, I am signing this object:

muness / gist:5878434
Last active January 15, 2017 22:58
Notes from David Ratcliffe's webcast on empowering leaders
Empowering IT Leaders
David Ratcliffe webcast, 2013-06-27 @ 1pm ET
slides, notes:
In IT or software
You want to do something positive for your employer
Three main topics:
Coordinating across teams - today
Integrating teams output
Maintaining system integrity
Why is coordinating across teams so hard?
* Dependencies lead to fits and starts
Kinds of dependencies:
* Functional dependencies (a then b then c) - story mapping helps with that.
# wire this in cron with something like this:
# 13,57,43,27 * * * * ~/bin/cal_im_reminder
export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH" ; eval "$(rbenv init -)";
export TZ='America/New_York' # adjust to your timezone!
~/bin/gcalcli agenda --calendar <calendars from which you want IM reminders> --tsv | ~/bin/gcalcli_parse_tsv 10 | sendxmpp <personal gmail> -t <xmpp account you're logged into normally. for me that's my work account>
muness / 2012-BoS-notes.txt
Created October 2, 2012 17:58
BoS 2012 conference notes
# General notes
* Wifi woes, as usual.
* Conference food sucks, as usual
* Gave away a dead tree book. why a dead tree and not an eBook?
* #Bos2012
* Lots of energy from everyone I talked to.
# Kathy Sierra's badass users talk

Start a rest server by running:

bin/rest 8888 myalias "datomic:mem://"

Then interact with it with curl:

curl -i -X PUT http://localhost:8888/db/myalias/seattle # Create a database
curl -H Content-Type: -H "Content-Type:" -X POST -d @- http://localhost:8888/db/myalias/seattle

{:db/id #db/id[:db.part/db]

muness /
Created August 28, 2009 13:19
Setup things on a fresh Leopard box
# 1) Install XCode. Requires auth and doesn't accept http basic auth
mkdir ~/tmp
mkdir ~/bin
pushd ~/tmp
curl -O -s &&
unzip iTerm*.zip &&
sudo mv /Applications
# In ~/.bash_profile define a PROJECT_PARENT_DIRS array and source this script. e.g.
# source ~/
if [ -z "${PROJECT_PARENT_DIRS[*]}" ]; then
echo "Define a PROJECT_PARENT_DIRS array in ~/.bash_profile"
if [ -d "$PARENT_DIR" ]; then
for PROJECT_DIR in $(ls $PARENT_DIR); do