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Michael van Tellingen mvantellingen

  • Utrecht, The Netherlands
View GitHub Profile
(function () {
$(function () {
var jwtUI =
'<div class="input"><input placeholder="JWT Token" id="input_jwt" name="jwt" type="text" size="20"></div>';
$(jwtUI).insertBefore('#api_selector div.input:last-child');
function addAuthorization() {
var token = $('#input_jwt').val();
DELETE FROM catalogue_category;
INSERT INTO catalogue_category (path, depth, numchild, name, description, slug) values ("000J", 1, 13, "category 182", "", "category-182");
INSERT INTO catalogue_category (path, depth, numchild, name, description, slug) values ("000M", 1, 35, "category 1300", "", "category-1300");
INSERT INTO catalogue_category (path, depth, numchild, name, description, slug) values ("000D", 1, 10, "category 101", "", "category-101");
INSERT INTO catalogue_category (path, depth, numchild, name, description, slug) values ("0006", 1, 1, "category 56", "", "category-56");
INSERT INTO catalogue_category (path, depth, numchild, name, description, slug) values ("000B", 1, 69, "category 96", "", "category-96");
INSERT INTO catalogue_category (path, depth, numchild, name, description, slug) values ("000E", 1, 22, "category 114", "", "category-114");
INSERT INTO catalogue_category (path, depth, numchild, name, description, slug) values ("0008", 1, 1, "category 66", "", "category-66");
def my_view(request):
# here i want to know if path-1 or path-2 was taken, preferably via a var n matchdict?
config.add_route('my-route', '/path-1/view')
config.add_route('my-route', '/path-2/view')
import datetime
import uuid
import psycopg2.extras
from sqlalchemy import Column, MetaData, Table
from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, DateTime, TypeDecorator
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import ARRAY, array
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import UUID
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import cast, literal, select