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mwalz / Mini Mongo Command Ref
Created May 30, 2013 19:54
Mongo Command Line Quick Reference
## Mongo CLI commands I don't use often enough to remember
## select database to use
use db_name
## list 'tables'
show collections
## list table contents
mwalz / Mission Control Relaunch
Created August 6, 2013 17:56
Relaunch Mission Control (Mac OS X)
# Occasionally Mission Control has a partially rendered background stuck in the upper left of the Spaces view. This relaunches mission control and takes care of the issue.
killall Dock
## ffmpeg encoding for Twilio, Genesys and other voice delivery platforms
## File input can be any format ffmpeg accepts (.mp3, .wav, .avi, etc.), output shout should be .wav format
ffmpeg -i "YOUR_INPUT_FILE.m4a" -ar 8000 -ac 1 -ab 64 -acodec pcm_mulaw "YOUR_OUTPUT_FILE.wav" -map 0:0

Keybase proof

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  • I am mwalz on github.
  • I am mwalz ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDGI-ONnc8yEp2H4dZ1gt0JtP2iBGl8NYvG3hf-pihbsQo

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