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require 'erb'
require 'benchmark'
TEMPLATE = "<b><%= name %></b> in <%= city %>, <%= state_id %>"
LOCALS = { :name => 'Wes', :city => 'Seattle', :state_id => 'WA' }
def render_with_plain_erb
local_variables =*LOCALS.keys).new(*LOCALS.values) { binding })
ruby-1.8.7-p299 ➜ code ruby webmock_patron_body_stubbing_test.rb
Loaded suite webmock_patron_body_stubbing_test
Finished in 0.024057 seconds.
1) Failure:
test_patron(BodyStubbingTest) [webmock_patron_body_stubbing_test.rb:44]:
<"response for foo body"> expected but was
<"response for nil body">.
require 'rubygems'
require 'rspec'
shared_examples_for :a_foo do |supported_features|
it 'responds to #to_s' do
subject.should respond_to(:to_s)
it 'responds to #bar' do
subject.should respond_to(:bar)
ruby-1.8.6-p399 ➜ rvm use 1.8.6
info: Using ruby 1.8.6 p399
ruby-1.8.6-p399 ➜ ruby rspec_constant_spec.rb
Finished in 0.00083 seconds
1 example, 0 failures
ruby-1.8.6-p399 ➜ rvm use 1.8.7
require 'benchmark'
n1, n2 = 100, 1000
Benchmark.benchmark do |b|"<<") do
hash = { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
n1.times do |i|
n2.times do |i2|
hash[i] << i2
require 'parka'
# The DSL used in the gemsets block will cause Parka to dynamically generate a bunch of rake tasks:
# rake parka:ar_238:install => generates a Gemfile using the ar_238 gemset, and runs `bundle install` against it
# rake parka:ar_238:update => runs a `bundle update` against the ar_238 gemset
# rake parka:ar_238:update GEM=foo => runs a `bundle update foo` against the ar_238 gemset
# rake parka:all:install => generates a Gemfile for all gemsets, and runs `bundle install` against each
# rake parka:ar_238:spec => run the spec task using the current ruby interpreter and the ar_238 gemset
# rake parka:ar_235:spec => run the spec task using the current ruby interpreter and the ar_238 gemset
➜ code rvm use 1.8.7
info: Using ruby 1.8.7 p302
ruby-1.8.7-p302 ➜ code rvm gemset create rspec_187_error
info: Gemset 'rspec_187_error' created.
ruby-1.8.7-p302 ➜ code rvm gemset use rspec_187_error
info: Now using gemset 'rspec_187_error'
ruby-1.8.7-p302@rspec_187_error ➜ code gem install rspec --pre --no-rdoc --no-ri
>> Routes.user_path(7)
=> "/users/7"
>> Routes.user_url(7)
=> ""
$ ruby private_class_method.rb
private_class_method.rb:13: private method `bar' called for Foo:Class (NoMethodError)
require 'benchmark'
class MyStruct <; end
class MyStructHolder
def get_via_instance_variable
@my_struct ||=
@@hash = do |hash, key|