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Created May 30, 2015 22:56
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"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"input = \"\"\"\n",
"Call me Ishmael. Some years ago--never mind how long precisely--having\n",
"little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on\n",
"shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of\n",
"the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating\n",
"the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth;\n",
"whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find\n",
"myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up\n",
"the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get\n",
"such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to\n",
"prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically\n",
"knocking people's hats off--then, I account it high time to get to sea\n",
"as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With a\n",
"philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly\n",
"take to the ship. There is nothing surprising in this. If they but knew\n",
"it, almost all men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very\n",
"nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me.\n",
"There now is your insular city of the Manhattoes, belted round by\n",
"wharves as Indian isles by coral reefs--commerce surrounds it with\n",
"her surf. Right and left, the streets take you waterward. Its extreme\n",
"downtown is the battery, where that noble mole is washed by waves, and\n",
"cooled by breezes, which a few hours previous were out of sight of land.\n",
"Look at the crowds of water-gazers there.\n",
"Circumambulate the city of a dreamy Sabbath afternoon. Go from Corlears\n",
"Hook to Coenties Slip, and from thence, by Whitehall, northward. What\n",
"do you see?--Posted like silent sentinels all around the town, stand\n",
"thousands upon thousands of mortal men fixed in ocean reveries. Some\n",
"leaning against the spiles; some seated upon the pier-heads; some\n",
"looking over the bulwarks of ships from China; some high aloft in the\n",
"rigging, as if striving to get a still better seaward peep. But these\n",
"are all landsmen; of week days pent up in lath and plaster--tied to\n",
"counters, nailed to benches, clinched to desks. How then is this? Are\n",
"the green fields gone? What do they here?\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import re\n",
"words = [w.lower() for w in re.split(r'\\s|(--)', input) if w and w != '--']"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 11,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from collections import Counter\n",
"output = Counter()\n",
"within_distance = 5\n",
"for i in range(len(words) - within_distance):\n",
" for j in range(i + 1, i + within_distance):\n",
" output[(words[i], words[j], j - i)] += 1"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 12,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"Counter({('the', 'of', 2): 4, ('it', 'a', 2): 3, ('the', 'the', 4): 3, ('some', 'the', 3): 3, ('and', 'the', 2): 3, ('in', 'my', 1): 2, ('i', 'find', 1): 2, ('of', 'the', 4): 2, ('the', 'is', 3): 2, ('to', 'to', 3): 2, ('whenever', 'i', 1): 2, ('in', 'some', 3): 2, ('is', 'a', 1): 2, ('of', 'it', 3): 2, ('of', 'the', 1): 2, ('find', 'myself', 1): 2, ('whenever', 'myself', 3): 2, ('to', 'as', 4): 2, ('the', 'some', 2): 2, ('i', 'myself', 2): 2, ('city', 'of', 1): 2, ('whenever', 'find', 2): 2, ('and', 'to', 3): 2, ('the', 'upon', 4): 2, ('the', 'and', 2): 2, ('the', 'whenever', 2): 2, ('to', 'is', 4): 2, ('to', 'get', 1): 2, ('to', 'me', 2): 2, ('it', 'is', 1): 2, ('principle', 'prevent', 2): 1, ('do', 'see?', 2): 1, ('circumambulate', 'the', 1): 1, ('landsmen;', 'of', 1): 1, ('i', 'have', 1): 1, ('stepping', 'the', 2): 1, ('quietly', 'to', 2): 1, ('the', 'battery,', 1): 1, ('days', 'pent', 1): 1, ('towards', 'with', 3): 1, ('the', 'there.', 4): 1, ('coenties', 'and', 2): 1, ('little', 'no', 2): 1, ('upper', 'that', 4): 1, ('were', 'of', 4): 1, ('as', 'can.', 2): 1, ('the', 'belted', 2): 1, ('men', 'degree,', 3): 1, ('a', 'cato', 3): 1, ('of', 'circumambulate', 3): 1, ('circulation.', 'find', 3): 1, ('and', 'with', 2): 1, ('i', 'account', 1): 1, ('off', 'account', 3): 1, ('account', 'high', 2): 1, ('a', 'seaward', 3): 1, ('funeral', 'especially', 4): 1, ('stepping', 'into', 1): 1, ('off', 'and', 3): 1, ('clinched', 'then', 4): 1, ('with', 'right', 3): 1, ('with', 'philosophical', 2): 1, ('me,', 'requires', 3): 1, ('cato', 'throws', 1): 1, ('of', 'fixed', 3): 1, ('from', 'by', 2): 1, ('me', 'deliberately', 2): 1, ('of', 'funeral', 2): 1, ('circulation.', 'myself', 4): 1, ('then,', 'account', 2): 1, ('cherish', 'very', 1): 1, ('november', 'my', 2): 1, ('the', 'towards', 3): 1, ('men', 'their', 2): 1, ('sea', 'soon', 2): 1, ('cherish', 'the', 3): 1, ('november', 'whenever', 4): 1, ('cooled', 'breezes,', 2): 1, ('peep.', 'these', 2): 1, ('purse,', 'to', 4): 1, ('better', 'peep.', 2): 1, ('call', 'me', 1): 1, ('in', 'if', 4): 1, ('fields', 'do', 3): 1, ('better', 'but', 3): 1, ('years', 'never', 2): 1, ('it', 'moral', 4): 1, ('and', 'by', 2): 1, ('little', 'in', 4): 1, ('damp,', 'november', 2): 1, ('like', 'silent', 1): 1, ('her', 'and', 3): 1, ('flourish', 'upon', 4): 1, ('and', 'cooled', 1): 1, ('moral', 'to', 2): 1, ('mole', 'washed', 2): 1, ('the', 'mouth;', 1): 1, ('high', 'time', 1): 1, ('i', 'sail', 4): 1, ('sentinels', 'all', 1): 1, ('to', 'the', 1): 1, ('thence,', 'whitehall,', 2): 1, ('previous', 'were', 1): 1, ('a', 'damp,', 1): 1, ('up', 'the', 1): 1, ('is', 'nothing', 1): 1, ('coffin', 'and', 2): 1, ('surf.', 'the', 4): 1, ('purse,', 'particular', 3): 1, ('some', 'high', 1): 1, ('extreme', 'downtown', 1): 1, ('or', 'nearly', 4): 1, ('in', 'i', 4): 1, ('requires', 'principle', 4): 1, ('of', 'round', 4): 1, ('extreme', 'is', 2): 1, ('soul;', 'i', 2): 1, ('these', 'of', 4): 1, ('account', 'to', 4): 1, ('i', 'time', 4): 1, ('looking', 'the', 2): 1, ('round', 'as', 3): 1, ('week', 'up', 3): 1, ('meet;', 'especially', 2): 1, ('a', 'few', 1): 1, ('fixed', 'some', 4): 1, ('up', 'in', 1): 1, ('a', 'hours', 2): 1, ('ishmael.', 'some', 1): 1, ('mole', 'by', 3): 1, ('is', 'where', 3): 1, ('thence,', 'by', 1): 1, ('coenties', 'thence,', 4): 1, ('where', 'is', 4): 1, ('there.', 'circumambulate', 1): 1, ('still', 'peep.', 3): 1, ('in', 'their', 1): 1, ('the', 'dreamy', 4): 1, ('streets', 'take', 1): 1, ('before', 'warehouses,', 2): 1, ('ocean', 'some', 2): 1, ('pier-heads;', 'over', 3): 1, ('round', 'by', 1): 1, ('hook', 'slip,', 3): 1, ('particular', 'me', 3): 1, ('thousands', 'mortal', 4): 1, ('about', 'and', 3): 1, ('waves,', 'breezes,', 4): 1, ('some', 'years', 1): 1, ('to', 'from', 3): 1, ('their', 'degree,', 1): 1, ('upon', 'the', 1): 1, ('as', 'by', 3): 1, ('seaward', 'but', 2): 1, ('degree,', 'time', 2): 1, ('take', 'ship.', 3): 1, ('some', 'the', 4): 1, ('me', 'shore,', 2): 1, ('is', 'november', 4): 1, ('and', 'whenever', 2): 1, ('washed', 'waves,', 2): 1, ('every', 'and', 4): 1, ('ship.', 'there', 1): 1, ('what', 'see?', 3): 1, ('the', 'seated', 3): 1, ('they', 'almost', 4): 1, ('but', 'all', 3): 1, ('previous', 'out', 2): 1, ('their', 'some', 2): 1, ('driving', 'spleen', 3): 1, ('ocean', 'there', 3): 1, ('bulwarks', 'from', 3): 1, ('are', 'all', 1): 1, ('upon', 'pier-heads;', 2): 1, ('corlears', 'to', 2): 1, ('years', 'ago', 1): 1, ('regulating', 'whenever', 3): 1, ('what', 'posted', 4): 1, ('about', 'it', 4): 1, ('prevent', 'me', 1): 1, ('ship.', 'nothing', 3): 1, ('methodically', 'hats', 3): 1, ('such', 'an', 1): 1, ('by', 'breezes,', 1): 1, ('silent', 'around', 3): 1, ('money', 'my', 2): 1, ('which', 'a', 1): 1, ('aloft', 'in', 1): 1, ('water-gazers', 'circumambulate', 2): 1, ('fixed', 'reveries.', 3): 1, ('in', 'nothing', 4): 1, ('watery', 'of', 2): 1, ('that', 'is', 3): 1, ('by', 'a', 3): 1, ('pistol', 'and', 1): 1, ('shore,', 'would', 4): 1, ('peep.', 'but', 1): 1, ('take', 'extreme', 4): 1, ('november', 'in', 1): 1, ('from', 'high', 3): 1, (\"people's\", 'off', 2): 1, ('sword;', 'to', 4): 1, ('strong', 'moral', 1): 1, ('cooled', 'by', 1): 1, ('sea', 'as', 3): 1, ('street,', 'methodically', 2): 1, ('northward.', 'see?', 4): 1, ('drizzly', 'my', 3): 1, ('is', 'and', 4): 1, ('up', 'plaster', 4): 1, ('battery,', 'noble', 3): 1, ('precisely', 'little', 2): 1, ('ishmael.', 'never', 4): 1, ('mouth;', 'is', 3): 1, ('interest', 'i', 4): 1, ('afternoon.', 'go', 1): 1, ('pausing', 'before', 1): 1, ('years', 'how', 4): 1, ('lath', 'plaster', 2): 1, ('do', 'posted', 3): 1, ('principle', 'me', 3): 1, ('shore,', 'i', 3): 1, ('methodically', \"people's\", 2): 1, ('other,', 'the', 4): 1, ('the', 'methodically', 3): 1, ('money', 'purse,', 3): 1, ('thought', 'sail', 3): 1, ('striving', 'to', 1): 1, ('this.', 'knew', 4): 1, ('world.', 'is', 2): 1, ('no', 'my', 3): 1, ('my', 'whenever', 2): 1, ('desks.', 'then', 2): 1, ('tied', 'to', 1): 1, ('on', 'i', 2): 1, ('town,', 'upon', 3): 1, ('if', 'striving', 1): 1, ('stepping', 'street,', 3): 1, ('cooled', 'a', 4): 1, ('it,', 'almost', 1): 1, ('find', 'involuntarily', 2): 1, ('in', 'whenever', 3): 1, ('especially', 'whenever', 1): 1, ('land.', 'the', 3): 1, ('against', 'some', 3): 1, ('all', 'days', 4): 1, ('me', 'ishmael.', 1): 1, ('moral', 'prevent', 3): 1, ('of', 'meet;', 4): 1, ('slip,', 'and', 1): 1, ('see?', 'like', 2): 1, ('northward.', 'what', 1): 1, ('ocean', 'me.', 2): 1, ('to', 'desks.', 1): 1, ('all', 'the', 2): 1, ('there', 'now', 1): 1, ('thousands', 'upon', 1): 1, ('coffin', 'up', 4): 1, ('as', 'is', 4): 1, ('bulwarks', 'of', 1): 1, ('the', 'ocean', 1): 1, ('such', 'upper', 2): 1, ('rear', 'every', 2): 1, ('degree,', 'other,', 4): 1, ('in', 'if', 2): 1, ('still', 'better', 1): 1, ('regulating', 'the', 1): 1, ('way', 'driving', 4): 1, ('the', 'street,', 1): 1, ('tied', 'counters,', 2): 1, ('grim', 'about', 1): 1, ('it', 'way', 3): 1, ('up', 'of', 3): 1, ('upon', 'of', 2): 1, ('surrounds', 'it', 1): 1, ('pausing', 'coffin', 2): 1, ('sabbath', 'from', 3): 1, ('mouth;', 'whenever', 1): 1, ('nearly', 'the', 1): 1, ('seated', 'some', 4): 1, ('some', 'over', 2): 1, ('surprising', 'if', 3): 1, ('i', 'sail', 2): 1, ('have', 'driving', 2): 1, ('indian', 'coral', 3): 1, ('the', 'funeral', 4): 1, ('spleen', 'and', 1): 1, ('me', 'into', 4): 1, ('downtown', 'battery,', 3): 1, ('the', 'streets', 1): 1, ('regulating', 'circulation.', 2): 1, ('some', 'mind', 4): 1, ('thousands', 'fixed', 4): 1, ('coral', 'reefs', 1): 1, ('by', 'few', 4): 1, ('i', 'meet;', 1): 1, ('in', 'leaning', 4): 1, ('into', 'street,', 2): 1, ('some', 'against', 2): 1, ('up', 'lath', 2): 1, ('i', 'growing', 3): 1, ('growing', 'mouth;', 4): 1, ('battery,', 'where', 1): 1, ('in', 'ocean', 1): 1, ('cato', 'himself', 2): 1, ('they', 'it,', 3): 1, ('if', 'to', 2): 1, ('sword;', 'quietly', 2): 1, ('the', 'city', 1): 1, ('would', 'little', 4): 1, ('and', 'a', 3): 1, ('of', 'at', 3): 1, ('you', 'posted', 2): 1, ('town,', 'thousands', 4): 1, ('thousands', 'of', 3): 1, ('then', 'are', 3): 1, ('about', 'whenever', 3): 1, ('meet;', 'and', 1): 1, ('of', 'in', 4): 1, ('nailed', 'to', 1): 1, ('seaward', 'these', 3): 1, ('it', 'time', 2): 1, ('account', 'it', 1): 1, ('hours', 'out', 3): 1, ('that', 'noble', 1): 1, ('a', 'drizzly', 2): 1, ('plaster', 'counters,', 3): 1, ('quietly', 'take', 1): 1, ('meet;', 'whenever', 3): 1, ('i', 'take', 2): 1, ('hypos', 'such', 2): 1, ('corlears', 'coenties', 3): 1, ('is', 'are', 2): 1, ('i', 'quietly', 1): 1, ('are', 'gone?', 4): 1, ('a', 'strong', 1): 1, ('upon', 'i', 3): 1, ('insular', 'the', 3): 1, ('and', 'interest', 4): 1, ('myself', 'pausing', 2): 1, ('and', 'the', 3): 1, ('long', 'little', 3): 1, ('looking', 'over', 1): 1, ('of', 'days', 2): 1, ('long', 'or', 4): 1, ('do', 'you', 1): 1, ('i', 'my', 4): 1, ('i', 'this', 2): 1, ('sword;', 'i', 1): 1, ('time', 'get', 2): 1, ('at', 'of', 3): 1, ('particular', 'on', 4): 1, ('a', 'way', 1): 1, ('washed', 'and', 3): 1, ('mind', 'long', 2): 1, ('a', 'moral', 2): 1, ('the', 'watery', 1): 1, ('streets', 'its', 4): 1, ('a', 'go', 4): 1, ('high', 'aloft', 1): 1, ('take', 'the', 2): 1, ('sabbath', 'afternoon.', 1): 1, ('my', 'i', 3): 1, ('if', 'they', 1): 1, ('seaward', 'peep.', 1): 1, ('sentinels', 'town,', 4): 1, ('hats', 'off', 1): 1, ('all', 'in', 2): 1, ('then', 'this?', 2): 1, ('counters,', 'to', 2): 1, ('nothing', 'particular', 1): 1, ('particular', 'interest', 2): 1, ('himself', 'his', 2): 1, ('take', 'waterward.', 2): 1, ('having', 'no', 3): 1, ('sword;', 'take', 3): 1, ('by', 'reefs', 2): 1, ('these', 'are', 1): 1, ('my', 'find', 4): 1, ('never', 'long', 3): 1, ('to', 'how', 2): 1, ('city', 'sabbath', 4): 1, ('bulwarks', 'ships', 2): 1, (\"people's\", 'hats', 1): 1, ('it', 'to', 3): 1, ('then', 'is', 1): 1, ('by', 'surrounds', 4): 1, ('very', 'nearly', 1): 1, ('men', 'some', 4): 1, ('some', 'time', 1): 1, ('substitute', 'ball.', 4): 1, ('some', 'never', 3): 1, ('before', 'bringing', 4): 1, ('dreamy', 'sabbath', 1): 1, ('is', 'in', 3): 1, ('in', 'tied', 4): 1, ('but', 'it,', 2): 1, ('knocking', \"people's\", 1): 1, ('have', 'the', 4): 1, ('sea', 'as', 1): 1, ('pent', 'and', 4): 1, ('off', 'then,', 1): 1, ('hook', 'coenties', 2): 1, ('myself', 'about', 3): 1, ('up', 'every', 4): 1, ('aloft', 'the', 2): 1, ('clinched', 'to', 1): 1, ('leaning', 'the', 2): 1, ('a', 'i', 2): 1, ('principle', 'from', 4): 1, ('how', 'this?', 3): 1, ('then,', 'it', 3): 1, ('the', 'round', 3): 1, ('its', 'extreme', 1): 1, ('take', 'there', 4): 1, ('nothing', 'me', 4): 1, ('days', 'in', 3): 1, ('now', 'city', 4): 1, ('it', 'requires', 1): 1, ('shore,', 'i', 1): 1, ('crowds', 'of', 1): 1, ('strong', 'to', 3): 1, ('nearly', 'feelings', 3): 1, ('hand', 'me,', 2): 1, ('into', 'and', 3): 1, ('against', 'spiles;', 2): 1, ('as', 'if', 1): 1, ('the', 'that', 3): 1, ('some', 'seated', 1): 1, ('their', 'or', 4): 1, ('of', 'i', 3): 1, ('there', 'in', 4): 1, ('you', 'like', 3): 1, ('there', 'surprising', 3): 1, ('is', 'by', 2): 1, ('a', 'throws', 4): 1, ('it', 'get', 4): 1, ('growing', 'about', 2): 1, ('off', 'the', 1): 1, ('there.', 'the', 2): 1, ('and', 'from', 1): 1, ('like', 'around', 4): 1, ('of', 'spleen', 4): 1, ('they', 'but', 1): 1, ('breezes,', 'which', 1): 1, ('sight', 'at', 4): 1, ('now', 'insular', 3): 1, ('then,', 'i', 1): 1, ('street,', 'and', 1): 1, ('me,', 'a', 4): 1, ('this', 'my', 2): 1, ('almost', 'their', 4): 1, ('see', 'watery', 2): 1, ('clinched', 'how', 3): 1, ('thought', 'about', 4): 1, ('out', 'of', 3): 1, ('the', 'i', 3): 1, ('nearly', 'same', 2): 1, ('looking', 'bulwarks', 3): 1, ('deliberately', 'stepping', 1): 1, ('desks.', 'this?', 4): 1, ('some', 'leaning', 1): 1, ('thence,', 'northward.', 3): 1, ('soon', 'can.', 3): 1, ('this?', 'are', 1): 1, ('the', 'there', 2): 1, ('commerce', 'with', 3): 1, ('mouth;', 'a', 4): 1, ('me.', 'is', 3): 1, ('hypos', 'upper', 4): 1, ('seated', 'the', 2): 1, ('my', 'and', 2): 1, ('stepping', 'and', 4): 1, ('is', 'the', 3): 1, ('same', 'ocean', 4): 1, ('to', 'on', 3): 1, ('hand', 'it', 4): 1, ('from', 'the', 4): 1, ('strong', 'prevent', 4): 1, ('surprising', 'they', 4): 1, ('by', 'cooled', 3): 1, ('whitehall,', 'do', 3): 1, ('about', 'little', 2): 1, ('and', 'rear', 4): 1, ('off', 'spleen', 2): 1, ('get', 'an', 2): 1, ('reveries.', 'the', 4): 1, ('of', 'week', 1): 1, ('driving', 'the', 2): 1, ('circumambulate', 'a', 4): 1, ('fields', 'they', 4): 1, ('or', 'very', 3): 1, ('were', 'out', 1): 1, ('having', 'money', 4): 1, ('manhattoes,', 'belted', 1): 1, ('of', 'that', 2): 1, ('in', 'plaster', 3): 1, ('is', 'waves,', 3): 1, ('go', 'hook', 3): 1, ('insular', 'city', 1): 1, ('slip,', 'thence,', 3): 1, ('men', 'in', 1): 1, ('very', 'the', 2): 1, ('the', 'water-gazers', 3): 1, ('it', 'right', 4): 1, ('ships', 'some', 3): 1, ('the', 'spiles;', 1): 1, ('quietly', 'ship.', 4): 1, ('is', 'damp,', 2): 1, ('your', 'insular', 1): 1, ('reefs', 'surrounds', 2): 1, ('little', 'and', 1): 1, ('thousands', 'of', 1): 1, ('streets', 'you', 2): 1, ('time', 'sea', 4): 1, ('benches,', 'to', 2): 1, ('such', 'hand', 3): 1, ('warehouses,', 'bringing', 2): 1, ('spiles;', 'the', 4): 1, ('having', 'or', 2): 1, ('northward.', 'do', 2): 1, ('dreamy', 'go', 3): 1, ('waterward.', 'extreme', 2): 1, ('if', 'it,', 4): 1, ('other,', 'nearly', 3): 1, ('on', 'thought', 3): 1, ('ocean', 'with', 1): 1, ('and', 'whitehall,', 4): 1, ('ago', 'how', 3): 1, ('ball.', 'with', 1): 1, ('methodically', 'off', 4): 1, ('get', 'hand', 4): 1, ('water-gazers', 'the', 3): 1, ('to', 'counters,', 1): 1, ('benches,', 'how', 4): 1, ('degree,', 'some', 1): 1, ('philosophical', 'flourish', 1): 1, ('and', 'nothing', 1): 1, ('substitute', 'and', 3): 1, ('philosophical', 'throws', 3): 1, ('right', 'the', 3): 1, ('time', 'to', 3): 1, ('all', 'men', 1): 1, ('then,', 'high', 4): 1, ('in', 'the', 1): 1, ('before', 'coffin', 1): 1, ('especially', 'hypos', 3): 1, ('me,', 'it', 2): 1, ('silent', 'all', 2): 1, ('their', 'time', 3): 1, ('left,', 'you', 4): 1, ('to', 'to', 2): 1, ('posted', 'all', 4): 1, ('coenties', 'slip,', 1): 1, ('spiles;', 'seated', 2): 1, ('circulation.', 'i', 2): 1, ('manhattoes,', 'round', 2): 1, ('purse,', 'and', 1): 1, ('of', 'sabbath', 3): 1, ('soon', 'as', 1): 1, ('the', 'town,', 1): 1, ('of', 'look', 2): 1, ('sight', 'land.', 2): 1, ('ships', 'from', 1): 1, ('and', 'circulation.', 3): 1, ('there', 'is', 2): 1, ('over', 'the', 1): 1, ('from', 'thence,', 1): 1, ('then', 'the', 4): 1, ('and', 'plaster', 1): 1, ('and', \"people's\", 3): 1, ('in', 'time', 4): 1, ('is', 'your', 1): 1, ('damp,', 'in', 3): 1, ('i', 'driving', 3): 1, ('a', 'flourish', 2): 1, ('extreme', 'the', 3): 1, ('grim', 'mouth;', 3): 1, ('little', 'watery', 4): 1, ('ship.', 'surprising', 4): 1, ('feelings', 'towards', 1): 1, ('same', 'towards', 2): 1, ('the', 'me.', 3): 1, ('were', 'of', 2): 1, ('spleen', 'regulating', 2): 1, ('upon', 'looking', 4): 1, ('town,', 'thousands', 2): 1, ('with', 'me.', 1): 1, ('my', 'get', 2): 1, ('round', 'indian', 4): 1, ('whitehall,', 'northward.', 1): 1, ('all', 'degree,', 4): 1, ('men', 'reveries.', 4): 1, ('by', 'which', 2): 1, ('tied', 'nailed', 3): 1, ('slip,', 'by', 4): 1, ('his', 'quietly', 3): 1, ('at', 'water-gazers', 4): 1, ('in', 'and', 2): 1, ('i', 'i', 2): 1, ('i', 'involuntarily', 3): 1, ('go', 'from', 1): 1, ('other,', 'cherish', 1): 1, ('you', 'downtown', 4): 1, ('nothing', 'to', 2): 1, ('same', 'the', 3): 1, ('upper', 'me,', 3): 1, ('towards', 'the', 1): 1, ('in', 'reveries.', 2): 1, ('sentinels', 'the', 3): 1, ('look', 'of', 4): 1, ('all', 'stand', 4): 1, ('ocean', 'leaning', 3): 1, ('by', 'coral', 1): 1, ('but', 'knew', 1): 1, ('moral', 'me', 4): 1, ('ishmael.', 'ago', 3): 1, ('interest', 'me', 1): 1, ('wharves', 'indian', 2): 1, ('aloft', 'as', 4): 1, ('plaster', 'tied', 1): 1, ('by', 'do', 4): 1, ('is', 'washed', 1): 1, ('sight', 'look', 3): 1, ('the', 'stand', 2): 1, ('pier-heads;', 'some', 1): 1, ('ball.', 'philosophical', 3): 1, ('flourish', 'himself', 3): 1, ('seated', 'upon', 1): 1, ('a', 'see', 3): 1, ('of', 'there.', 2): 1, ('isles', 'by', 1): 1, ('philosophical', 'himself', 4): 1, ('no', 'purse,', 4): 1, ('street,', 'knocking', 3): 1, ('landsmen;', 'days', 3): 1, ('of', 'manhattoes,', 2): 1, ('almost', 'in', 3): 1, ('it', 'drizzly', 4): 1, ('the', 'by', 4): 1, ('to', 'sea', 3): 1, ('to', 'benches,', 4): 1, ('an', 'me,', 4): 1, ('is', 'surprising', 2): 1, ('is', 'this?', 1): 1, ('the', 'a', 3): 1, ('over', 'ships', 4): 1, ('growing', 'grim', 1): 1, ('which', 'hours', 3): 1, ('all', 'around', 1): 1, ('men', 'in', 2): 1, ('soul;', 'myself', 4): 1, ('bulwarks', 'china;', 4): 1, ('reveries.', 'some', 1): 1, ('out', 'of', 1): 1, ('i', 'can.', 1): 1, ('reveries.', 'against', 3): 1, ('now', 'is', 1): 1, ('is', 'that', 4): 1, ('see', 'of', 4): 1, ('i', 'a', 4): 1, ('waterward.', 'downtown', 3): 1, ('mole', 'is', 1): 1, ('my', 'particular', 4): 1, ('belted', 'by', 2): 1, ('is', 'the', 1): 1, ('in', 'lath', 1): 1, ('myself', 'coffin', 4): 1, ('cherish', 'same', 4): 1, ('stand', 'thousands', 1): 1, ('grim', 'whenever', 4): 1, ('and', 'knocking', 2): 1, ('how', 'is', 2): 1, ('and', 'especially', 1): 1, ('in', 'degree,', 2): 1, ('some', 'aloft', 2): 1, ('having', 'little', 1): 1, ('silent', 'the', 4): 1, ('with', 'her', 1): 1, ('there', 'insular', 4): 1, ('to', 'still', 3): 1, ('from', 'some', 2): 1, ('days', 'lath', 4): 1, ('to', 'clinched', 2): 1, ('by', 'whitehall,', 1): 1, ('the', 'every', 3): 1, ('coral', 'it', 4): 1, ('time', 'cherish', 3): 1, ('of', 'ships', 1): 1, ('drizzly', 'november', 1): 1, ('and', 'up', 2): 1, ('you', 'its', 2): 1, ('still', 'seaward', 2): 1, ('green', 'what', 3): 1, ('cato', 'upon', 3): 1, ('deliberately', 'the', 3): 1, ('hook', 'and', 4): 1, ('in', 'this.', 1): 1, ('surrounds', 'surf.', 4): 1, ('posted', 'silent', 2): 1, ('as', 'as', 2): 1, ('the', 'over', 4): 1, ('breezes,', 'a', 2): 1, ('whitehall,', 'what', 2): 1, ('mortal', 'ocean', 4): 1, ('before', 'and', 3): 1, ('against', 'the', 1): 1, ('leaning', 'some', 4): 1, ('ago', 'never', 1): 1, ('as', 'isles', 2): 1, ('you', 'see?', 1): 1, ('and', 'which', 4): 1, ('look', 'crowds', 3): 1, ('there.', 'city', 3): 1, ('some', 'pier-heads;', 4): 1, ('by', 'northward.', 2): 1, ('that', 'a', 3): 1, ('high', 'the', 3): 1, ('rear', 'i', 4): 1, ('striving', 'still', 4): 1, ('same', 'feelings', 1): 1, ('the', 'feelings', 2): 1, ('where', 'noble', 2): 1, ('hours', 'previous', 1): 1, ('prevent', 'deliberately', 3): 1, ('ships', 'high', 4): 1, ('i', 'would', 1): 1, ('a', 'sabbath', 2): 1, ('meet;', 'my', 4): 1, ('whenever', 'my', 1): 1, ('knocking', 'hats', 2): 1, ('noble', 'mole', 1): 1, ('better', 'these', 4): 1, ('november', 'soul;', 3): 1, ('requires', 'strong', 2): 1, ('about', 'a', 1): 1, ('it', 'surf.', 3): 1, ('the', 'manhattoes,', 1): 1, ('peep.', 'all', 4): 1, ('ago', 'long', 4): 1, ('strong', 'principle', 2): 1, ('landsmen;', 'week', 2): 1, ('the', 'bulwarks', 1): 1, ('is', 'of', 4): 1, ('watery', 'part', 1): 1, ('my', 'soul;', 1): 1, ('noble', 'washed', 3): 1, ('desks.', 'is', 3): 1, ('this?', 'fields', 4): 1, ('waterward.', 'is', 4): 1, ('by', 'what', 3): 1, ('whenever', 'involuntarily', 4): 1, ('himself', 'i', 4): 1, ('men', 'ocean', 3): 1, ('sabbath', 'go', 2): 1, ('me', 'from', 1): 1, ('but', 'these', 1): 1, ('all', 'town,', 3): 1, ('rigging,', 'striving', 3): 1, ('upon', 'mortal', 3): 1, ('the', 'is', 4): 1, ('get', 'as', 3): 1, ('nailed', 'clinched', 3): 1, ('afternoon.', 'corlears', 3): 1, ('whenever', 'growing', 4): 1, ('take', 'to', 1): 1, ('to', 'ship.', 2): 1, ('if', 'knew', 3): 1, ('philosophical', 'cato', 2): 1, ('take', 'you', 1): 1, ('some', 'cherish', 4): 1, ('knew', 'it,', 1): 1, ('waves,', 'by', 3): 1, ('and', 'tied', 2): 1, ('and', 'part', 4): 1, ('feelings', 'with', 4): 1, ('there', 'your', 3): 1, ('by', 'waves,', 1): 1, ('afternoon.', 'from', 2): 1, ('reefs', 'with', 4): 1, ('i', 'high', 3): 1, ('involuntarily', 'before', 2): 1, ('whitehall,', 'you', 4): 1, ('with', 'flourish', 3): 1, ('up', 'and', 3): 1, ('insular', 'manhattoes,', 4): 1, ('benches,', 'desks.', 3): 1, ('in', 'they', 3): 1, ('right', 'and', 1): 1, ('you', 'waterward.', 1): 1, ('corlears', 'hook', 1): 1, ('such', 'of', 4): 1, ('precisely', 'no', 4): 1, ('leaning', 'against', 1): 1, ('pent', 'in', 2): 1, ('from', 'aloft', 4): 1, ('see', 'the', 1): 1, ('throws', 'himself', 1): 1, ('sail', 'a', 2): 1, ('towards', 'me.', 4): 1, ('sight', 'of', 1): 1, ('ocean', 'reveries.', 1): 1, ('whenever', 'such', 4): 1, ('a', 'in', 4): 1, ('isles', 'coral', 2): 1, ('regulating', 'i', 4): 1, ('against', 'seated', 4): 1, ('crowds', 'there.', 3): 1, ('seated', 'pier-heads;', 3): 1, ('soul;', 'find', 3): 1, ('pent', 'lath', 3): 1, ('ball.', 'a', 2): 1, ('china;', 'aloft', 3): 1, ('in', 'purse,', 2): 1, ('sea', 'i', 4): 1, ('china;', 'high', 2): 1, ('pistol', 'with', 3): 1, ('these', 'landsmen;', 3): 1, ('involuntarily', 'pausing', 1): 1, ('about', 'mouth;', 2): 1, ('to', 'sea', 1): 1, ('are', 'landsmen;', 2): 1, ('silent', 'sentinels', 1): 1, ('coral', 'surrounds', 3): 1, ('spiles;', 'some', 1): 1, ('or', 'money', 2): 1, ('a', 'the', 4): 1, ('that', 'mole', 2): 1, ('belted', 'as', 4): 1, ('it', 'with', 1): 1, ('rigging,', 'as', 1): 1, ('off', 'it', 4): 1, ('street,', \"people's\", 4): 1, ('to', 'as', 2): 1, ('knew', 'almost', 2): 1, ('your', 'the', 4): 1, ('never', 'precisely', 4): 1, ('funeral', 'and', 3): 1, ('get', 'to', 1): 1, ('upon', 'his', 1): 1, ('to', 'prevent', 1): 1, ('my', 'substitute', 1): 1, ('it', 'damp,', 3): 1, ('as', 'i', 3): 1, ('that', 'washed', 4): 1, ('commerce', 'surrounds', 1): 1, ('some', 'or', 2): 1, ('pistol', 'ball.', 2): 1, ('damp,', 'drizzly', 1): 1, ('or', 'no', 1): 1, ('the', 'world.', 1): 1, ('city', 'a', 2): 1, ('upon', 'thousands', 1): 1, ('reefs', 'it', 3): 1, ('from', 'to', 3): 1, ('of', 'water-gazers', 1): 1, ('over', 'bulwarks', 2): 1, ('and', 'streets', 3): 1, ('of', 'some', 4): 1, ('and', 'ball.', 1): 1, ('i', 'especially', 3): 1, ('with', 'cato', 4): 1, ('get', 'sea', 2): 1, ('reefs', 'commerce', 1): 1, ('i', 'and', 2): 1, ('if', 'but', 2): 1, ('the', 'find', 4): 1, ('a', 'still', 1): 1, ('high', 'to', 2): 1, ('i', 'off', 4): 1, ('mind', 'having', 4): 1, ('find', 'before', 4): 1, ('mind', 'how', 1): 1, ('green', 'gone?', 2): 1, ('drizzly', 'soul;', 4): 1, ('funeral', 'i', 1): 1, ('me', 'i', 3): 1, ('of', 'driving', 1): 1, ('of', 'the', 3): 1, ('hats', 'account', 4): 1, ('pent', 'up', 1): 1, ('the', 'as', 2): 1, ('from', 'coenties', 4): 1, ('from', 'whitehall,', 3): 1, ('me.', 'there', 1): 1, ('can.', 'my', 3): 1, ('it', 'i', 4): 1, ('interest', 'shore,', 3): 1, ('of', 'sight', 1): 1, ('i', 'grim', 4): 1, ('left,', 'streets', 2): 1, ('if', 'get', 3): 1, ('circumambulate', 'city', 2): 1, ('get', 'a', 1): 1, ('ishmael.', 'years', 2): 1, ('city', 'dreamy', 3): 1, ('in', 'soul;', 2): 1, ('of', 'afternoon.', 4): 1, ('coffin', 'bringing', 3): 1, ('a', 'to', 4): 1, ('me', 'stepping', 3): 1, ('throws', 'upon', 2): 1, ('your', 'city', 2): 1, ('sabbath', 'corlears', 4): 1, ('as', 'soon', 1): 1, ('her', 'left,', 4): 1, ('myself', 'before', 3): 1, ('can.', 'substitute', 4): 1, ('i', 'would', 3): 1, ('of', 'belted', 3): 1, ('from', 'stepping', 2): 1, ('of', 'me,', 1): 1, ('spiles;', 'upon', 3): 1, ('lath', 'and', 1): 1, ('by', 'indian', 3): 1, ('a', 'november', 3): 1, ('in', 'rigging,', 2): 1, ('and', 'by', 3): 1, ('i', 'whenever', 4): 1, ('men', 'fixed', 1): 1, ('bringing', 'the', 2): 1, ('but', 'almost', 3): 1, ('surf.', 'left,', 3): 1, ('whenever', 'is', 2): 1, ('throws', 'sword;', 4): 1, ('city', 'the', 2): 1, ('it', 'her', 2): 1, ('years', 'mind', 3): 1, ('is', 'substitute', 2): 1, ('and', 'left,', 1): 1, ('crowds', 'water-gazers', 2): 1, ('purse,', 'nothing', 2): 1, ('bringing', 'of', 4): 1, ('all', 'their', 3): 1, ('thence,', 'what', 4): 1, ('mortal', 'men', 1): 1, ('me', 'some', 2): 1, ('ships', 'china;', 2): 1, ('waves,', 'and', 1): 1, ('for', 'pistol', 1): 1, ('pausing', 'warehouses,', 3): 1, ('part', 'world.', 3): 1, ('never', 'mind', 1): 1, ('all', 'week', 3): 1, ('to', 'a', 2): 1, ('warehouses,', 'and', 1): 1, ('of', 'world.', 2): 1, ('about', 'see', 4): 1, ('and', 'watery', 3): 1, ('long', 'precisely', 1): 1, ('is', 'city', 3): 1, ('involuntarily', 'coffin', 3): 1, ('hats', 'then,', 2): 1, ('watery', 'world.', 4): 1, ('hook', 'to', 1): 1, ('what', 'you', 2): 1, ('washed', 'cooled', 4): 1, ('nothing', 'interest', 3): 1, ('feelings', 'ocean', 3): 1, ('as', 'can.', 4): 1, ('an', 'hand', 2): 1, ('my', 'purse,', 1): 1, ('that', 'strong', 4): 1, ('like', 'all', 3): 1, ('which', 'few', 2): 1, ('aloft', 'rigging,', 3): 1, ('and', 'methodically', 1): 1, ('little', 'see', 2): 1, ('himself', 'sword;', 3): 1, ('myself', 'the', 4): 1, ('find', 'grim', 3): 1, ('my', 'hypos', 1): 1, ('bringing', 'rear', 3): 1, ('a', 'have', 3): 1, ('particular', 'to', 1): 1, ('over', 'of', 3): 1, ('the', 'circulation.', 1): 1, ('to', 'desks.', 4): 1, ('a', 'were', 4): 1, ('of', 'every', 1): 1, ('my', 'an', 4): 1, ('hypos', 'an', 3): 1, ('counters,', 'benches,', 3): 1, ('and', 'my', 3): 1, ('and', 'hats', 4): 1, ('insular', 'of', 2): 1, ('of', 'of', 2): 1, ('water-gazers', 'city', 4): 1, ('feelings', 'the', 2): 1, ('part', 'of', 1): 1, ('rigging,', 'if', 2): 1, ('nothing', 'this.', 3): 1, ('and', 'particular', 2): 1, ('world.', 'a', 3): 1, ('this', 'is', 1): 1, (\"people's\", 'i', 4): 1, ('on', 'shore,', 1): 1, ('call', 'ishmael.', 2): 1, ('right', 'streets', 4): 1, ('world.', 'way', 4): 1, ('of', 'a', 1): 1, ('very', 'feelings', 4): 1, ('some', 'spiles;', 4): 1, ('left,', 'the', 1): 1, ('is', 'have', 4): 1, ('isles', 'commerce', 4): 1, ('thought', 'i', 1): 1, ('every', 'meet;', 3): 1, ('the', 'pier-heads;', 1): 1, ('upper', 'of', 2): 1, ('stand', 'of', 4): 1, ('substitute', 'for', 1): 1, ('damp,', 'my', 4): 1, ('my', 'pistol', 3): 1, ('as', 'get', 4): 1, ('its', 'the', 4): 1, ('desks.', 'how', 1): 1, ('for', 'with', 4): 1, ('quietly', 'the', 3): 1, ('and', 'see', 1): 1, ('of', 'off', 2): 1, ('waterward.', 'its', 1): 1, ('as', 'striving', 2): 1, ('degree,', 'or', 3): 1, ('way', 'of', 3): 1, ('isles', 'reefs', 3): 1, ('counters,', 'clinched', 4): 1, ('from', 'into', 3): 1, ('high', 'rigging,', 4): 1, ('city', 'manhattoes,', 3): 1, ('almost', 'all', 1): 1, ('deliberately', 'street,', 4): 1, ('how', 'little', 4): 1, ('which', 'previous', 4): 1, ('himself', 'upon', 1): 1, ('the', 'ships', 3): 1, ('these', 'all', 2): 1, ('a', 'of', 4): 1, ('nearly', 'towards', 4): 1, ('the', 'there', 4): 1, ('for', 'and', 2): 1, ('as', 'i', 1): 1, ('way', 'i', 1): 1, ('and', 'take', 4): 1, ('nothing', 'if', 4): 1, ('the', 'waterward.', 4): 1, ('mortal', 'fixed', 2): 1, ('a', 'previous', 3): 1, ('tied', 'to', 4): 1, ('would', 'a', 3): 1, ('landsmen;', 'pent', 4): 1, ('get', 'upper', 3): 1, ('with', 'now', 3): 1, ('hats', 'i', 3): 1, ('especially', 'my', 2): 1, ('other,', 'very', 2): 1, ('this?', 'green', 3): 1, ('i', 'about', 3): 1, ('way', 'have', 2): 1, ('out', 'sight', 2): 1, ('go', 'to', 4): 1, ('of', 'pent', 3): 1, ('commerce', 'it', 2): 1, ('very', 'same', 3): 1, ('ago', 'mind', 2): 1, ('is', 'way', 2): 1, ('grim', 'the', 2): 1, ('part', 'the', 2): 1, ('previous', 'of', 3): 1, ('crowds', 'circumambulate', 4): 1, ('to', 'coenties', 1): 1, ('rear', 'funeral', 3): 1, ('nothing', 'in', 2): 1, ('me.', 'now', 2): 1, ('the', 'same', 1): 1, ('little', 'the', 3): 1, ('the', 'of', 3): 1, ('to', 'interest', 1): 1, ('to', 'shore,', 4): 1, ('i', 'the', 4): 1, ('the', 'green', 1): 1, ('the', 'fields', 2): 1, ('get', 'still', 2): 1, ('it,', 'in', 4): 1, ('to', 'benches,', 1): 1, ('part', 'it', 4): 1, ('peep.', 'are', 3): 1, ('green', 'do', 4): 1, ('around', 'thousands', 4): 1, ('the', 'knocking', 4): 1, ('and', 'counters,', 4): 1, ('of', 'up', 4): 1, ('counters,', 'nailed', 1): 1, ('streets', 'waterward.', 3): 1, ('go', 'corlears', 2): 1, ('surf.', 'and', 2): 1, ('are', 'week', 4): 1, ('is', 'insular', 2): 1, ('wharves', 'isles', 3): 1, ('drizzly', 'in', 2): 1, ('surprising', 'in', 1): 1, ('indian', 'by', 2): 1, ('coffin', 'warehouses,', 1): 1, ('are', 'fields', 3): 1, ('every', 'i', 2): 1, ('coral', 'commerce', 2): 1, ('time', 'other,', 2): 1, ('take', 'its', 3): 1, ('high', 'get', 3): 1, ('or', 'cherish', 2): 1, ('its', 'downtown', 2): 1, ('its', 'is', 3): 1, ('fields', 'gone?', 1): 1, ('the', 'with', 2): 1, ('battery,', 'mole', 4): 1, ('sail', 'and', 4): 1, ('it', 'strong', 3): 1, ('posted', 'sentinels', 3): 1, ('me.', 'your', 4): 1, ('growing', 'the', 3): 1, ('especially', 'get', 4): 1, ('coenties', 'from', 3): 1, ('by', 'and', 2): 1, ('and', 'hypos', 4): 1, ('would', 'about', 2): 1, ('funeral', 'meet;', 2): 1, ('this', 'for', 4): 1, ('are', 'the', 1): 1, ('ocean', 'against', 4): 1, ('throws', 'his', 3): 1, ('on', 'i', 4): 1, ('cooled', 'which', 3): 1, ('they', 'knew', 2): 1, ('world.', 'it', 1): 1, ('to', 'nailed', 2): 1, ('see?', 'sentinels', 4): 1, ('an', 'of', 3): 1, ('noble', 'is', 2): 1, ('every', 'funeral', 1): 1, ('get', 'soon', 4): 1, ('requires', 'a', 1): 1, ('of', 'requires', 4): 1, ('city', 'belted', 4): 1, ('myself', 'growing', 1): 1, ('ball.', 'flourish', 4): 1, ('you', 'extreme', 3): 1, ('from', 'northward.', 4): 1, ('that', 'requires', 2): 1, ('mortal', 'in', 3): 1, ('look', 'the', 2): 1, ('upon', 'some', 3): 1, ('from', 'china;', 1): 1, ('lath', 'to', 4): 1, ('if', 'a', 4): 1, ('a', 'dreamy', 1): 1, ('to', 'from', 4): 1, ('green', 'fields', 1): 1, ('all', 'landsmen;', 1): 1, ('like', 'sentinels', 2): 1, ('the', 'nothing', 4): 1, ('look', 'at', 1): 1, ('whenever', 'hypos', 2): 1, ('hand', 'that', 3): 1, ('deliberately', 'into', 2): 1, ('a', 'principle', 3): 1, ('in', 'but', 4): 1, ('week', 'pent', 2): 1, ('pier-heads;', 'the', 4): 1, ('her', 'surf.', 1): 1, ('and', 'philosophical', 4): 1, ('battery,', 'that', 2): 1, ('still', 'but', 4): 1, ('of', 'land.', 3): 1, ('where', 'that', 1): 1, ('there.', 'of', 4): 1, ('with', 'is', 4): 1, ('seaward', 'are', 4): 1, ('land.', 'at', 2): 1, ('around', 'stand', 3): 1, ('left,', 'take', 3): 1, ('reveries.', 'leaning', 2): 1, ('the', 'noble', 4): 1, ('me,', 'that', 1): 1, ('wharves', 'as', 1): 1, ('by', 'isles', 4): 1, ('some', 'in', 3): 1, ('fixed', 'in', 1): 1, ('with', 'and', 4): 1, ('this', 'substitute', 3): 1, ('is', 'battery,', 2): 1, ('looking', 'of', 4): 1, ('i', 'it', 2): 1, ('little', 'or', 1): 1, ('to', 'there', 3): 1, ('with', 'there', 2): 1, ('the', 'gone?', 3): 1, ('by', 'commerce', 3): 1, ('the', 'from', 4): 1, ('surrounds', 'her', 3): 1, ('china;', 'some', 1): 1, ('with', 'surf.', 2): 1, ('a', 'and', 2): 1, ('that', 'it', 1): 1, ('is', 'drizzly', 3): 1, ('in', 'as', 3): 1, ('downtown', 'the', 2): 1, ('is', 'i', 3): 1, ('from', 'deliberately', 1): 1, ('surrounds', 'with', 2): 1, ('plaster', 'nailed', 4): 1, ('surf.', 'right', 1): 1, ('flourish', 'cato', 1): 1, ('substitute', 'pistol', 2): 1, ('call', 'some', 3): 1, ('this.', 'but', 3): 1, ('moral', 'principle', 1): 1, ('me', 'thought', 4): 1, ('my', 'nothing', 3): 1, ('requires', 'moral', 3): 1, ('time', 'to', 1): 1, ('land.', 'crowds', 4): 1, ('circumambulate', 'of', 3): 1, ('into', 'the', 1): 1, ('surprising', 'this.', 2): 1, ('and', 'bringing', 1): 1, ('myself', 'involuntarily', 1): 1, ('of', 'from', 2): 1, ('find', 'growing', 2): 1, ('at', 'crowds', 2): 1, ('washed', 'by', 1): 1, ('it,', 'all', 2): 1, ('of', 'men', 2): 1, ('waves,', 'cooled', 2): 1, ('his', 'sword;', 1): 1, ('some', 'bulwarks', 4): 1, ('where', 'mole', 3): 1, ('see?', 'posted', 1): 1, ('this.', 'if', 1): 1, ('pistol', 'a', 4): 1, ('a', 'little', 1): 1, ('extreme', 'battery,', 4): 1, ('get', 'better', 3): 1, ('ship.', 'is', 2): 1, ('his', 'i', 2): 1, ('the', 'where', 2): 1, ('were', 'sight', 3): 1, ('upper', 'hand', 1): 1, ('with', 'a', 1): 1, ('few', 'were', 3): 1, ('around', 'town,', 2): 1, ('you', 'silent', 4): 1, ('rear', 'of', 1): 1, ('lath', 'tied', 3): 1, ('the', 'looking', 3): 1, ('call', 'years', 4): 1, ('mole', 'waves,', 4): 1, ('by', 'wharves', 1): 1, ('striving', 'a', 3): 1, ('spleen', 'the', 3): 1, ('of', 'is', 4): 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"metadata": {},
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"outputs": [],
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