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total=$(wc -l < $arquivo)
if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
echo "Informe um caminho... Ex: resize /home/user_url"
# Renomeando todos os arquivos [JPG jpeg gif png] para jpg
find $1 -type f \( -name \*.JPG -o -iname \*.jpeg -o -iname \*.gif -o -iname \*.png \) | xargs -n 1 bash -c 'mv "$0" "${0%.*}.jpg"'
cPanel's minimal tmp setup is horrific at best. With stuff climbing up there constantly, it should be increased from 512mb to at least a 2-3 gig partition. Here's how to do this:
Step 1: Remove the old tmp space
service httpd stop
service mysql stop
rm -rf /usr/tmpDSK
Step 2, edit the script used to create tmp space
This post links my 3Box profile to my Github account! Web3 social profiles by 3Box.
✅ did:3:bafyreifer2sv67eormu5zpvi5jpk3jju26lrbebd6pbswul3id2vlm5iny ✅
Create your profile today to start building social connection and trust online at

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am mzfshark on github.
  • I am thinkincoin ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAC2pa66_0sm8lcpzxv4qm86mIcPJmsi6gj5HZAj5XqgQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (access/Ownable.sol)
pragma solidity >0.8.0;
import "../utils/ContextUpgradeable.sol";
import "../proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";
* @dev Contract module which provides a basic access control mechanism, where