I hereby claim:
- I am mzsanford on github.
- I am mzsanford (https://keybase.io/mzsanford) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 3B22 CD6F 7871 FD73 7ED2 5307 1051 10ED C04C BEF1
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
import java.util.logging.Logger | |
import javax.servlet.http.{HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse} | |
import org.mortbay.jetty.Server | |
import org.mortbay.jetty.handler.AbstractHandler | |
object Test extends AbstractHandler { | |
val log = Logger.getLogger("handler") | |
def main(args : Array[String]) = { |
latin = "a" | |
arabic = [0xfeb6].pack('U') # Sheen, ش | |
cjk = [0x3333].pack('U') # HUIITO, ㌳ | |
kcodes = [ 'NONE', 'u', 's' ] | |
chars = [latin, arabic, cjk] | |
patterns = [ /\w/, /\W/, /[[:punct:]]/ ] | |
kcodes.each do |kcode| | |
$KCODE = kcode |
space = " " | |
japanese_space = [0x3000].pack('U') | |
puts "---" | |
puts "Space and \\s : #{!!space.match('\s')}" | |
puts "Japanese Space and \\s : #{!!japanese_space.match('\s')}" | |
puts "---" | |
puts "Space and [[:space:]] : #{!!space.match('[[:space:]]')}" | |
puts "Japanese Space and [::space:]] : #{!!japanese_space.match('[[:space:]]')}" |
latin = "6" | |
egypt = [0x0666].pack('U') # Arabic-Indic 6 - ٦ | |
china = [0x516d].pack('U') # 六 | |
braille = [0x2820].pack('U') | |
chars = [latin, egypt, china, braille ] | |
patterns = [ /\d/, /[[:digit:]]/, /[[:alnum:]]/] | |
chars.each do |char| |
# From a .vimrc | |
# Usage: <ESC>,indent<Enter> | |
# | |
map <Leader>indent :s/^\( *[^ ]\)/ \1/<CR> |
# Shell commands: | |
# ∴ sudo gem install twitter-text | |
# ∴ ruby script/console | |
Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.5) | |
>> require 'twitter-text' | |
=> [] | |
>> include Twitter::Extractor | |
=> Object | |
>> urls = extract_urls("This has a url: http://twitter.com") |
require 'flockdb' | |
flock = Flock.new "localhost:7915", :graphs => { :a_to_b => 1, :b_to_c => 2 } | |
flock.add(1, :a_to_b, 1) | |
flock.add(1, :a_to_b, 2) | |
flock.add(1, :a_to_b, 3) | |
flock.add(2, :b_to_c, 1) | |
flock.add(2, :b_to_c, 2) |
require 'rubygems' | |
require 'benchmark' | |
require 'httparty' | |
require 'eventmachine' | |
require 'em-http' | |
class Interatred |
∴ ruby subclass.rb | |
== Sinatra/1.4.2 has taken the stage on 4567 for development with backup from Thin | |
>> Thin web server (v1.5.1 codename Straight Razor) | |
>> Maximum connections set to 1024 | |
>> Listening on localhost:4567, CTRL+C to stop | |
---- Init myApp | |
-- Setting up array id 70252864198560 | |
-- Starting GC | |
---- Waiting in memory (1848): #<MyApp:0x007fca08831ad8 @default_layout=:layout, @app=nil, @template_cache=#<Tilt::Cache:0x007fca08830f20 @cache={}>> | |
---- Waiting in memory (3576): #<MyApp:0x007fca0a0710a8 @default_layout=:layout, @app=nil, @template_cache=#<Tilt::Cache:0x007fca08830f20 @cache={}>, @env={"SERVER_SOFTWARE"=>"thin |