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🧠 Codeddict 🤤

NabiL Ashbat nabily4e-dev

🧠 Codeddict 🤤
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Google advanced search operators are special commands and characters that filter search results. They do this by making your searches more precise and focused.

For example, the site: operator restricts results to those from a particular site:

The site: search operator filters for results from a particular site |1400x824

In this post, you’ll learn all of Google’s search operators and how to master them for SEO.

Google search operators: the complete list

Using Google search operators effectively can indeed be very beneficial for finding up-to-date and official resources for TOEFL preparation. Here are some tips and tricks using Google Dorking techniques that can help you locate the most relevant and current study materials for the TOEFL exam in 2024:

1. Use the site: Operator

Focus your search on domains known for educational resources and official information. For TOEFL, the Educational Testing Service (ETS) is the official body, so you can start there. TOEFL 2024

2. Use the filetype: Operator


The order of operations is a set of rules that determines the sequence in which different parts of a mathematical expression are calculated. In Python, the order of operations follows the PEMDAS acronym, which stands for:

  • Parentheses ( )
  • Exponentiation (**)
  • Multiplication (*)
  • Division (/)
  • Addition (+)
  • Subtraction (-)

Difference between cookies, session and tokens

In this video, Valentin Despa, a software developer and instructor, explains the concepts and uses of cookies, sessions, and tokens in web development. He uses examples and diagrams to illustrate the differences and similarities between these three terms.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored by the browser and sent to the server with every request. They can be used to store information such as user preferences, shopping cart items, or authentication status. Cookies have a name, a value, an expiration date, and a domain attribute that specifies which websites can access them.

What are sessions?

To Do Well in this Course

Here are some tips for doing well in this course. We suggest you read this every week or so for the first few weeks of the course, that will help incorporate these ideas into your work.

  1. Program design is something you learn by doing – if all you do is watch the videos and look at the solutions to lecture/practice problems, you will almost certainly fail this course. Instead you should:
  • Watch the videos actively: try having DrRacket open and typing along with the lecture. Just stop the video if you need a moment to catch up.
  • Use the pause button! If you are watching actively, typing along and so on you will need to pause the video periodically.
  • Try to re-work the lecture problems on your own from scratch after every lecture.
  • Do practice problems, working them from scratch before looking at the solution.In the words of a former student:

It's funny how repetition in actually doing the work leads to it all of a sudden making sense to me. I can't explain it. I

Here we simply copy a previously existed ssh keys from another system, instead of doing all the ssh stuff!!

# change ownership of folder and contents
sudo chown nabily4e_suse:users .ssh/ .ssh/* .gitconfig
# change .ssh/ .ssh/* permissions
# change to the .ssh folder
sudo chmod 644
sudo chmod 600 id_rsa

JavaScript Style Guide


JavaScript is the main client-side scripting language used by many of Consular Systems and Technology (CST) web applications projects. This style guide is a list of dos and don'ts for JavaScript programs. This content was adapted from the Google JavaScript Style Guide retrieved from by Aaron Whyte, Bob Jervis, Dan Pupius, Erik Arvidsson, Fritz Schneider, and Robby Walker. Content was modified for use in CST. It is distributed under the CC-By 3.0 License for open source. Content was added from input of the Systems Integration, and Innovation (SII) Branch as well as from various Government and industry subject matter experts.

1. JavaScript Language Rules


Declarations with var: Always

Decision: When you fail to specify var, the variable gets placed in the global context, potentially clobbering existing values. Also, if there's no declaration, it's hard to tell in what scope a variable lives (e.g.,

// Terminal settings
"": "Git Bash", // Sets the default terminal profile on Windows to PowerShell
"terminal.integrated.env.linux": {}, // Sets environment variables for the integrated terminal on Linux
"": {}, // Sets environment variables for the integrated terminal on Windows
// Workbench settings
"workbench.colorTheme": "GitHub Dark Default", // Sets the color theme of the workbench
"workbench.sideBar.location": "right", // Positions the sidebar on the right
"workbench.iconTheme": "material-icon-theme",