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Nils Seip nachtmaar

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mohanpedala /
Last active July 17, 2024 18:10
set -e, -u, -o, -x pipefail explanation
nachtmaar /
Last active January 30, 2022 18:14
I lost a password in my Keypass database and was looking for a way to search the lost password in all my backups easily and fast
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo -n "please enter the password for the keypass database:"
read -rs pw
echo "performing search in the following keypass databases:"
nachtmaar /
Created December 9, 2021 20:04
A script to randomly choose a hostname based on the list of star constellations
# based on this list
import random
x="Andromeda\tPrincess of Ethiopia\nAntlia\tAir pump\nApus\tBird of Paradise\nAquarius\tWater bearer\nAquila\tEagle\nAra\tAltar\nAries\tRam\nAuriga\tCharioteer\nBootes\tHerdsman\nCaelum\tGraving tool\nCamelopardalis\tGiraffe\nCancer\tCrab\nCanes Venatici\tHunting dogs\nCanis Major\tBig dog\nCanis Minor\tLittle dog\nCapricornus\tSea goat\nCarina\tKeel of Argonauts' ship\nCassiopeia\tQueen of Ethiopia\nCentaurus\tCentaur\nCepheus\tKing of Ethiopia\nCetus\tSea monster (whale)\nChamaeleon\tChameleon\nCircinus\tCompasses\nColumba\tDove\nComa Berenices\tBerenice's hair\nCorona Australis\tSouthern crown\nCorona Borealis\tNorthern crown\nCorvus\tCrow\nCrater\tCup\nCrux\tCross (southern)\nCygnus\tSwan\nDelphinus\tPorpoise\nDorado\tSwordfish\nDraco\tDragon\nEquuleus\tLittle horse\nEridanus\tRiver\nFornax\tFurnace\nGemini\tTwins\nGrus\tCrane\nHercules\tHercules, son of Zeus\nHorologium\tClock\nHydr
nachtmaar /
Last active January 30, 2022 18:14
How to upgrade Archer C7 v2
nachtmaar /
Last active January 30, 2022 18:14
My OpenWRT home router setup

My OpenWRT home router setup

This is a very quick tutorial on how I setup my TP Link Archer C7 v2 using OpenWRT. The document is mostly for myself to remember how to do it, but feel free to add your comments and improvements 😃

See Also: For installation/upgrade instructions see this


  • I don't want my private devices to be in the same network as my internet router

Astrophotography Image Stacking on Mac OS

This is a very quick tutorial on how I do my astrophotography image stacking on Mac OS. The document is mostly for myself to remember how to do it, but feel free to add your comments and improvements.

I knew some of the rules described in the following, but never really remembered them exactly. So here it is, my little reminder on how to stack astro photos.


nachtmaar /
Last active June 19, 2024 18:02
KeePassXC Auto-Type on iTerm2/zsh/Tmux

KeePass Auto-Type on iTerm2/zsh/Tmux

This is a very quick tutorial on how to auto-type passwords from KeePassXC to a CLI application. The document is mostly for myself to remember how to do it, but feel free to add your comments and improvements.


I use KeePassXC as my main password manager. About a couple of months ago I discovered I don't need to copy passwords from KeepassXC via clipboard. I found out about the Auto-Type feature in the KeepassXC User Guide. According to the user guide, Auto-Type "acts like a virtual keyboard to populate data from your entries directly into the corresponding websites or applications that you use".

This is great for websites since I don't need any browser plugin. Instead I just press CTRL-Option-A (in my case) and let the user and password fields be auto-completed using KeepassXC. in order to do this correctly, you can configure a Window-Association. This is usually the title of a website as f