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Will Vaughn nackjicholson

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nackjicholson /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
Writing Components For Bower

[Bower][1] is a package manager for front end web development. It stores all sorts of CSS and Javascript libraries.

Why do you need to use it? You don't. But as I see it, this is the scenario it addresses, and you should decide for yourself if you're fed up with that scenario or not.

How we manage awesome libraries now

You find a new library for javascript that you want to use in your project, maybe you're on the official site for the library, maybe you're on it's github, maybe those are the same thing. You download or clone the project to your computer. You then copy and paste the files into your project. That's pretty easy. Well a few months go by, and you realize the awesome guys that build your new library are really fast at releasing new versions, and you're a few behind. You make your way back to, download the new version, copy it, paste it into your project, and delete the old version. Months go by, you've found 27 other's, they all update all the time, you have e

nackjicholson /
Created December 22, 2014 05:39
Roll your own Yeoman Generators

Prior to my last attempt to use Yeoman, I had tried on three separate occasions to start a project with it. All three times ended in overwhelming confusion, and a feeling that I was so far behind on the state of web development that maybe I should just quit and start making and selling my own bumper stickers at the Saturday market. I'm really glad I was born with the gift of stubborn perseverance, and a sharp sense of revenge. I became determined to make Yeoman my bitch, and as it turns out, it wasn't that wanted to be my bitch all along.

All of the Things!!!

I think as a web developer I have a propensity to try to take on too many "best practices" all at once. This is because I spend a lot of time with my head down on a project, and when I get the chance to look up, everyone is gone. On to the next one. When I start something new therefore, I spend time catching up on the state of the world. I found [Grunt][1], [Bower][2], and [Yeoman][3]. They got me with the sales pitch, generating template

nackjicholson /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
How I let TDD happen in PHP

Test Driven Development is a practiced skill. I'll be the first to tell you, I don't have it. I am working on it though. What I want to share in this blog is the process I go through to flip my brain from thinking about how to write code, to thinking about how to write tests I can code against.

I'm going to assume if you've found this blog you already know what TDD is, why you should be doing it, the basics of [PHPUnit][1], and you don't need a lengthy description of what we're talking about here. The gist is this:

1. Write unit tests
2. Write code that passes those tests.
3. Refactor without failing the tests.
nackjicholson /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12

A stylistic dispute about indentation and line breaking of large function calls which take a callback as well.

This? All parentheses and brackets on separate lines, arguments indented and given their own line breaks to start on.

nackjicholson / theWidgetKing.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
The Widget King A tale written in javascript monad streams
// What do you guys think about this as a way to possibly pass streams
// around from one module to another? I don't think it comes up in simple
// examples but I can see in complex cases where if you wanted a separation of
// concerns for a stream, that you might want them to be passed around. It
// kind of opens up a protocol for communication between modules.
// Essentially this is a widgetMaker module which is responsible for making
// widgets. And the widgetKing module wants to be notified every time a widget
// comes off the factory floor.
nackjicholson / gist:67cdaff4ae83c7d54bab
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Forward a most stream
'use strict';
var most = require('most');
var Q = require('q');
var forwardFromPromisedStream = function(promise) {
return most.create(function(add, end, error) {
promise.then(function(stream) {
stream.observe(add).then(end, error);
nackjicholson / abusiveTest.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
Javascript Unit vs Behavior Testing blog gist.
'use strict';
var proxyquire = require('proxyquire')
var should = require('should')
var sinon = require('sinon')
describe('ec2/doesAutoScalingGroupExist', function () {
var _
var constantFunc;
var ec2
nackjicholson / serviceLookup.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
Node.js service lookup with consul
import got from 'got-promise';
import sample from 'lodash/collection/sample';
function serviceLookup(serviceName, routePath) {
let serviceHealthUrl = `${serviceName}?passing`; // jshint ignore:line
function composeServiceUrl(response) {
let service = sample(response.body).Service;
return `http://${service.Address}:${service.Port}${routePath}}}`;
nackjicholson /
Created December 22, 2014 05:35
AngularJS, Phonegap, and Angular Seed. Let's Go!

I have been wanting to learn how to write a mobile app with Phonegap for, well...since I first heard there was such an incredible thing as Phonegap. The very idea that it could make a Objective-C ignorant (but js ambitious) developer like myself, able to take his satisfactory JS/HTML/CSS code and transform it into a satisfactory mobile experience. Yay, Phonegap. But, you probably aren't here because you don't know what Phonegap is, you're probably here because you want to put the oh-so-interesting angularjs framework onto a phone and do incredible things. Well, so did I. I found great tutorials, the best of which is definitely this 4-part delight by [@markcoleman][1].

[Phonegap and Angularjs the Start][2]

I would've been lost without it. However, after I completed it I wanted to build my own app, and I was looking for a place to start. In my exploratory phase with angular, I had discovered the [angular-seed][3] project and [angular-phonecat][4] tutorial. I knew angular-seed would start me out with runnable

nackjicholson / "npm run dev" with wr instead of watch.
Last active December 11, 2015 01:18
Using the `wr` is a lot faster than using `watch` due to this issue:
"scripts": {
"lint": "eslint --ignore-pattern=src/public/js/dist/*.js src && jscs src",
"test": "mocha --compilers js:babel-register src/**/*.test.js",
"dev": "wr --exec 'clear && npm run -s lint && npm run -s test' src"