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my_list = ["my name is nadia ", "21 years old ",3.50 ,208115517 ]
for i in my_list:
print "student info is %r" % i
my_map = { "student a GPA: " : 4 ,"student B GPA:" : 3 ,"student C GPA:" : 2 ,"student C GPA:":1}
for x in my_map:
print x , my_map[x]
while count < 6 :
print 'the count is:' , count
nadia2012 / gist:1880254
Created February 22, 2012 00:47
class ex
nadia al-otaibi 208115517
wjood al-ajmi 208217252
#Create a program that continuously runs asking the user for his name
# Show a customized greeting message after the user enters his name
while x==1:
#done by nadia , wojod , sara , marwa
class_data = [
{"name":"Mohammed Abdulla", "id":2008021080, "grade":91, },
{"name":"Ali Ahmad", "id":2009011022, "grade":68, },
{"name":"Ahmad Mohammad", "id":2008011085, "grade":74, },
{"name":"Salem Sulaiman", "id":2007011033, "grade":97, },
{"name":"Sara Fareed", "id":2008011003, "grade":85, },
data = [
{"name":"Ali Khalid", "weight":80.6, "height":1.78},
{"name":"Dalal Yousef", "weight":52.2, "height":1.65},
{"name":"Deema Sulaiman", "weight":160, "height":1.80},
{"name":"Aseel Salim", "weight":42.8, "height":1.67},
{"name":"Bader Abdulla", "weight":96, "height":1.79},
{"name":"Abrar Adel", "weight":77, "height":1.60},
data = [
{"name":"Ali Khalid", "weight":80.6, "height":1.78},
{"name":"Dalal Yousef", "weight":52.2, "height":1.65},
{"name":"Deema Sulaiman", "weight":160, "height":1.80},
{"name":"Aseel Salim", "weight":42.8, "height":1.67},
{"name":"Bader Abdulla", "weight":96, "height":1.79},
{"name":"Abrar Adel", "weight":77, "height":1.60},
pip install
import tweepy
import sys
import webbrowser
import json
import osimport mimetypesfrom tweepy.binder
import bind_apifrom tweepy.error
import TweepErrorfrom tweepy.parsers
nadia2012 / gist:2202270
Created March 26, 2012 02:01
twitter project
#done by :nadia alotaibi,wojood alajmi,sara alkahaldy,marow adel
#pip install tweepy
import tweepy
from tweepy.error import TweepError
import json
api = tweepy.API(auth)
##retreave 100 tweets
tweets = tweepy.api.user_timeline("mis350")
nadia2012 / gist:2330272
Created April 7, 2012 16:44
mini project
# done by nadia alotaibi 208115517, wjood alajmi 208217252, marwa adel 208115357, sara alkaldy 206216912
import tweepy
import sys
from tweepy.error import TweepError
#retrave 100 tweet
while 1:
x=raw_input("for Q1 ENTER (tweets) for Q2 ENTER (mentions) for Q3 ENTER(hashtags) and to exit ENTER (quit),please: ")
if x=="tweets":