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%% @type sspec() = {dist(), board()}.
%% @type dist() = integer().
%% @type field() = [info()].
%% @type info() = s | w | integer().
%% @type board() = [[field()]].
%% @type ssol() = [[integer()]].
%% @spec khf2:n_away(SSpec::sspec(), SSol::ssol()) -> B::bool().
cella(S, I) ->
M = length(S),
K = trunc(math:sqrt(M)),
IS = (((I-1) div K) * K) + 1,
JS = (((I-1) rem K) * K) + 1,
cella(S, I) when I =< length(S), I >= 0 ->
M = length(S),
K = trunc(math:sqrt(M)),
IS = (((I-1) div K) * K) + 1,
Version: 1
Map: Town03
Date: 03/26/20 18:17:36
Frame 1 at 0 seconds
Create 1: spectator (0) at (4407, -584, 415)
Create 2: traffic.unknown (0) at (-8184, -13767, 53)
Create 3: traffic.stop (0) at (-8505.62, -14977.1, 0)
Create 4: traffic.stop (0) at (-8850.89, -15026.8, -0.00012207)
Create 5: traffic.stop (0) at (-9901.66, -13686, 18.875)
// Here at Prezi we work a lot with templates across all our products
// Consider a backend system called template-service. This service has the following API:
// /api/v1/templates/:
// params:
// - product__in - products of content we would like to read
// - type__in - type of template we would like to read
// response:
// [{
// key: string,
# There is a database where we store all presentation meta data.
# In that database there is a table called 'presentation' with fields:
# - id: Long
# - title: Varchar(255)
# - like_count: Long
# - view_count: Long
# - created_at: Date
# - created_by_usr_id: Long
# - is_public: Boolean