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Last active December 15, 2015 07:49
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use tempdb;
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'Person')) drop table Person;
create table Person (Id int primary key, Name varchar(50) not null, Age int);
insert Person (Id, Name, Age) values (1, 'hoge', 10);
insert Person (Id, Name, Age) values (2, 'foo', 30);
insert Person (Id, Name, Age) values (3, 'bar', null);
module Prelude
open Tranq
(* 年齢に関する判別共用体をカプセル化するモジュール: このモジュールのすべての関数は副作用なし *)
module Age =
type T =
| Child of int
| Adult of int
| Unknown
(* int option -> T *)
let compose = function
| Some age ->
if age > 20 then Adult age else Child age
| _ -> Unknown
(* int T -> int option *)
let decompose = function
| Child age | Adult age -> Some age
| Unknown -> None
(* T -> T *)
let incr age =
decompose age |> ((+) 1) |> compose
(* 判別共用体をアクティブパターンへ変換 *)
let (|Child|Adult|Unknown|) = function
| Child age -> Child age
| Adult age -> Adult age
| Unknown -> Unknown
(* IDataConv<T, int option> *)
let conv = {
new IDataConv<T, int option> with
member this.Compose(v) = compose v
member this.Decompose(t) = decompose t }
(* Tranqの設定*)
let private config =
let reg = DataConvRegistry()
{ Dialect = MsSqlDialect(reg)
ConnectionProvider = fun () ->
let connectionString = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=tempdb;Integrated Security=True;"
new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString) :> System.Data.Common.DbConnection
Listener = function
| SqlIssuing(_, stmt) -> printfn "LOG: %s" stmt.FormattedText
| _ -> () }
(* トランザクションの実行 *)
let eval workflow = Tx.eval config workflow
open Tranq
open Prelude
(* DBのテーブルに対応するPersonレコード *)
type Person = { [<Id>]Id: int; Name: string; Age: Age.T; }
(* DBアクセスのモジュール: このモジュールのすべての関数は副作用あり *)
module Dao =
(* Tx<Person list> *)
let all = Db.query<Person> "select * from Person" []
(* int -> Tx<Person> *)
let find (id: int) = Db.find<Person> [id]
(* Person -> Tx<Person> *)
let update = Db.update<Person>
(* 業務ロジックのモジュール: このモジュールのすべての関数は副作用なし*)
module Logic =
(* Person -> Person *)
let incrAge person =
{ person with Age = Age.incr person.Age}
(* Person -> string *)
let describe person =
match person.Age with
| Age.Child _ -> "子供"
| Age.Adult _ -> "大人"
| Age.Unknown -> "年齢不詳"
(* 業務ロジックとDBアクセスをつなぐモジュール: このモジュールのすべての関数は副作用あり*)
module Service =
(* 'a -> Tx<Person> *)
let updateAge id = txRequired {
let! person = Dao.find id
let person =
|> Logic.incrAge
return! Dao.update person }
(* Tx<Person list>*)
let update = txRequired {
let! person1 = updateAge 1
let! person2 = updateAge 2
let! person3 = updateAge 3
return [person1; person2; person3] }
(* Tx<string>*)
let describe = txRequired {
let! persons = Dao.all
return persons |> Logic.describe }
(* トランザクションの実行 *)
eval Service.update |> function
| Success ret -> printfn "success: %+A\n" ret
| Failure exn -> printfn "failure: %+A\n" exn
(* トランザクションの実行 *)
eval Service.describe |> function
| Success ret -> printfn "success: %+A\n" ret
| Failure exn -> printfn "failure: %+A\n" exn
LOG: select Id, Name, Age from Person where Id = 1
LOG: update Person set Name = N'hoge', Age = 11 where Id = 1
LOG: select Id, Name, Age from Person where Id = 2
LOG: update Person set Name = N'foo', Age = 31 where Id = 2
LOG: select Id, Name, Age from Person where Id = 3
LOG: update Person set Name = N'bar', Age = null where Id = 3
success: [{Id = 1;
Name = "hoge";
Age = Child 11;}; {Id = 2;
Name = "foo";
Age = Adult 31;}; {Id = 3;
Name = "bar";
Age = Unknown;}]
LOG: select * from Person
success: ["子供"; "大人"; "年齢不詳"]
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