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Peep a web page through the spyhole!
This is the world time clock user interface.
You can check current time at one view.
This UI is used for the folloing application.
- modify the source code
- Draw by mouse drag (compatible with touch)
- Export your drawing to png format
- modify the source code
Play a music video and related one after another automatically
ListPlayer is a video player with a playlist.
You can create, play and share your video playlist.
- Search videos and add them to your playlist
- Generate your playlist link to share with others
Select all of the text in the field on focus
nasitra / gist:348a5eac93ca93f954cc
Created January 28, 2015 13:25
Change git author/committer name and email in the history
git filter-branch -f --env-filter "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME='name'; GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=''; GIT_COMMITTER_NAME='name'; GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL='';" HEAD
nasitra / gist:a5288d35a32a7137a517
Last active November 20, 2015 12:54
Make changed files between master branch and current branch
git archive --format=zip --prefix=master/ master `git diff --name-only HEAD master` -o
git archive --format=zip --prefix=current/ HEAD `git diff --name-only HEAD master` -o
nasitra / gist:dca40c6b5d30499fdba4
Created April 1, 2015 12:20
read() file no response?


if (fd = open("test.txt", O_RDONLY) == -1) {
  printf("open error\n");
read(fd, buf, size); // No response?(fd == 0)


nasitra / gist:aa378d536888e20056ce
Last active July 23, 2020 09:05
Use member function for pthread and detach in C++
int T::method() {
return 0;
// static member function
void *T::threadStart(void *obj) {
int ret;
T *me = reinterpret_cast<T *>(obj);
ret = me->method();
return (void *)ret;