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Nate Abele nateabele

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(Re)-inventing on (un)-principle

A super popular activity in the JS ecosystem is to reinvent things.

Sometimes for fun, sometimes for style pickiness, but usually out of ignorance that the problem domain has already been explored and broken down into fundamental Named Things™—not based on the whims of the moment, or the pendulum-swing reaction to the design pattern you got burned by in your last big work project, or looking at The Popular Thing™ and thinking of all the things you hate about it.

Some people call this reasoning from first principles vs. reasoning by analogy (hint: people call it that because That's What It's Called—this is going to come back as a theme later).

One example of this that has a long and distinguished history is programmers poisoned influenced by OO style finding lots of different ways to reinvent function composition.

html, body {
background: gray;
color: white;

Li3 2.0 Migration Guide

Li3 2.0 is a maximally-API-compatible upgrade from Li3 1.3 and 1.2, which provides support for PHP 8.1 and above. See the CHANGELOG for an exhaustive list of differences. What follows are guidelines for migrating application code.

Base classes

Base classes lithium\core\Object and lithium\core\StaticObject (and their *Deprecated aliases) have been removed from the framework.

Object initialization

setInterval(() => { let b = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('div[role=button]')).filter(b => /show \d+ tweets/i.test(b.innerText))[0]; b && }, 1000)
nateabele / media.php
Created February 17, 2012 17:44
An example of how to completely reconfigure Lithium's templating engine
use lithium\net\http\Media;
* This re-maps your template paths so you can have stuff like `pages/users_{username}.php`
* instead of the Lithium default.
Media::type('html', 'text/html', array(
'view' => 'lithium\template\View',
nateabele / Base.php
Created September 19, 2012 21:53
MongoDB-based model accessors (relationships) in Lithium
namespace my_app\models;
use MongoId;
use lithium\data\collection\DocumentArray;
use lithium\data\collection\DocumentSet;
use lithium\data\entity\Document;
use lithium\util\Inflector;
use lithium\core\Libraries;
nateabele / Posts.10.js
Last active March 20, 2019 20:47 — forked from beardedtim/Posts.10.js
Forked in response to this article: — I'm not sure I translated the code 100% correctly, but, you get the idea.
* This is a forked and annotated example. I think it gets a lot of stuff right in terms
* of best practices on composition.
* There are a few things that I think could be better organized... that doesn't mean that
* the author is wrong; the things I'm calling out probably aren't even related to the point
* of the article.
* One of my issues with React is that it encourages decomposition for no good reason, which
* just makes your UI harder to maintain because you have to piece together dozens of tiny
nateabele /
Last active October 29, 2018 00:19
I tweeted ( that every supposed 'market failure' cited in an article ( was actually the result of government intervention. Jon Snook (@snookca) challenged me to back that up, and I'm too lazy to fix up my blog, so here's my…

List of Claimed Capitalism/Market Failures

"When legislators control buying and selling, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators."

  • "Real wages for most Americans haven't increased in 40 years": This just so happens to coincide with the Grunch of Giants (here's the kids' version of the same/similar set of concepts)
  • "The 2008 financial crisis showed the inherent instability of the current system": Gambling With Other People's Money
  • "Modern economies are increasingly based around information. Information "wants to be free"—as the saying goes—but free things are bad for capitalism, because capitalism is about competition and making profits": Flawed, reductionist comparison. See Zero to One
  • "Information goods aren't like physi

AI Labs Open Source Contributor Guide

Last Update: Apr 4, 2018


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