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Nate Abele nateabele

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Electoral college history stolen from someone on Slashdot that I forgot to get their name to credit them. Felt it was a unique historical perspective and wanted to share it:

[T]he Electoral College operated differently at the beginning, and if you read the various proposals and debates among the Founders, it's very clear that their motivations were quite different.

I'll try to sum it up briefly. There were some of the Founders who wanted Congress to choose the President. There were others who wanted more diverse voices from state government representatives. Few really wanted to entrust it to "the people," because they had all read their ancient Greek and Roman history and knew that democracies were largely disasters that eventually ended up putting tyrants into power.

There is NOTHING in the Constitution saying how Electoral College members are chosen, only that the state legislatures decide how. In the majority of states for the first few decades of the U.S., Electors were mostly chosen by state governmen

nateabele / combine-observables.js
Last active September 21, 2016 01:15
Request for feedback on combining multiple observables.
* This is the simplest way I could think of to consolidate multiple observables such that
* (a) subscribers receive the latest value from *all* observables, (b) subscribers are notified
* whenever *any* source observable is updated, and (c) new subscribers receive the most current
* (consolidated) value. Still seems pretty complicated, so I feel like I must be missing something.
var reporter = new ReplaySubject(1);
var foo = new ReplaySubject(1);
var bar = new ReplaySubject(1);
var all = Observable.combineLatest(foo, bar);

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am nateabele on github.
  • I am nateabele ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 85E0 80CB 0ACC 2788 8958 96C9 5200 1371 F1BE 8EDC

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Radify is seeking an ace ops tech

Radify is looking for an ops tech to help manage and evolve our infrastructure on a part-time, ad-hoc basis. We have a globally-distributed all-remote team of talented developers. We value creativity, and pushing each other to do great work.

We're actively seeking an ops developer/technician well-versed in AWS and Ansible. For an idea of how we manage infrastructure and what the work will entail, look no further than our blog.

nateabele /
Last active October 29, 2018 00:19
I tweeted ( that every supposed 'market failure' cited in an article ( was actually the result of government intervention. Jon Snook (@snookca) challenged me to back that up, and I'm too lazy to fix up my blog, so here's my…

List of Claimed Capitalism/Market Failures

"When legislators control buying and selling, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators."

  • "Real wages for most Americans haven't increased in 40 years": This just so happens to coincide with the Grunch of Giants (here's the kids' version of the same/similar set of concepts)
  • "The 2008 financial crisis showed the inherent instability of the current system": Gambling With Other People's Money
  • "Modern economies are increasingly based around information. Information "wants to be free"—as the saying goes—but free things are bad for capitalism, because capitalism is about competition and making profits": Flawed, reductionist comparison. See Zero to One
  • "Information goods aren't like physi
nateabele / Gulpfile.babel.js
Last active November 10, 2015 14:39
In Search of the One True Gulpfile –
import gulp from 'gulp';
import gif from 'gulp-if';
import smaps from 'gulp-sourcemaps';
import babel from 'gulp-babel';
import concat from 'gulp-concat';
import uglify from 'gulp-uglify';
import jas from 'gulp-jasmine';
import conn from 'gulp-connect';
import yargs from 'yargs';
import config from './package.json';
import R from 'ramda';
let { is, complement, filter, map, mapObj, mapObjIndexed, prop, pipe, identity, mergeAll, toLower } = R;
class Domp {
constructor() {
this.propMap = {
name: pipe(prop('nodeName'), toLower),
type: prop('nodeType'),
nateabele / makeicon
Created September 10, 2014 20:29
Cross-platform tool for generating icons from PNGs, see
ICONUTIL := $(word 1, $(shell command -v iconutil icnsutil) iconutil)
%.icns: %.iconset $$(wildcard $$(@D)/$$*.iconset/icon_*.png)
$(ICONUTIL) -c icns -o $@ $<
%.ico: %.iconset $$(wildcard $$(@D)/$$*.iconset/icon_*[0-9].png)
convert -background transparent -colors 256 $(filter-out $<,$^) $@
nateabele / api_messages
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
Angular Workshop Draft 2
"from": "Nate",
"to": "Everybody",
"subject": "Doing a demo",
"body": "Hope I don't screw this up"
"from": "Everybody",
"to": "Nate",
/* ... */
* Allows each Mongo collection to have a sequence ID for numbering objects.
* @param array $scope The scope for this counter. A scope is an array of key/value pairs
* that represent the conditions used to group this sequence. For example, a
* scope may be the ID of a company, allowing each company to have their own