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Nathaniel nathanielks

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nathanielks / new.php
Created November 21, 2013 18:03
tribe_get_the_day_link bug. Line 16 in old.php was attributing $date_description to 'next day' as opposed to comparing that it was true. It also wasn't feeding date on line 19 a unix timestamp.
* Get the date for the day navigation link
* @param string $date_description
* @return string
* @since 3.1.1
* @throws OverflowException
function tribe_get_the_day_link_date( $date_description ) {
nathanielks / wp_ultimate_csv_importer.php
Created November 18, 2013 18:23
Updated wp_ultimate_csv_importer.php. Works with WP installs that are in a separate directory now. Updated hard links to wp-content and wp-admin to use admin_url and plugins_url.
*Plugin Name: WP Ultimate CSV Importer
*Plugin URI:
*Description: A plugin that helps to import the data's from a CSV file.
*Version: 3.2.3
*Author URI:
* Copyright (C) 2013 Smackcoders (
nathanielks / add-to-sidebar.php
Created April 26, 2013 18:22
These functions will programmatically add widgets to a specified sidebar. This can be useful when a theme is first installed to fill specific sidebars with widgets you're written for your theme. $add_to_sidebar takes the id of the sidebar you wish to add to. $widgets takes the id's of the widgets you wish to add.
function cur_add_widget_to_sidebar( $widget_name, $add_to_sidebar, &$sidebar_options ){
$widget = get_option('widget_'.$widget_name);
if(!is_array($widget))$widget = array();
$count = count($widget)+1;
$sidebar_options[$add_to_sidebar][] = $widget_name.'-'.$count;
$widget[$count] = array();
nathanielks / WooCommerce Sale Products up front
Last active December 11, 2015 12:38
This will force WooCommerce sale items to the front of the store listing, prices lowest to highest, then sorted by title A-Z.
* Sale Products Up Front
add_action( 'woocommerce_product_query', 'cur_sale_products_up_front', 10, 2);
add_filter('posts_request', 'cur_modify_products_query', 10, 2);
add_filter('loop_start', 'cur_reorder_sale_items');
//Utility function
function cur_replace_text($startPoint, $endPoint, $newText, $source) {
nathanielks / Readme
Created September 7, 2012 04:46
jQuery Element Inline Distributor
I wrote this so that I could evenly distribute elements in a line. Here's an example that may explain better than words:, What it does it take the parent element and scans it for specific child elements. It then calculates the various widths and adds a left margin accordingly. The reason each element is given a display: block and float:left is because of a weird bug with display: inline. The script requires the elements to displayed inline initially, but because inline elements have a few extra pixels around them, the elements aren't all contained, even though the math is right. Really weird. Anyway, here's how you use it.
Here's the demo:
nathanielks / leaflet-init.js
Created July 27, 2012 00:38
Leaflet Focus Overlay
var center = new L.LatLng(-18.9717, -3.53815); // geographical point (longitude and latitude)
var map = new L.Map('map', {
scrollWheelZoom: false,
}).setView(center, 3);
var watercolor = new L.StamenTileLayer("watercolor").addTo(map);
var overlayUrl = '/path/to/image.png',
nathanielks / functions.php
Created March 14, 2012 21:25 — forked from johnmegahan/functions.php
Extended Walker class for use with the Twitter Bootstrap toolkit Dropdown menus in Wordpress.
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'bootstrap_setup' );
if ( ! function_exists( 'bootstrap_setup' ) ):
function bootstrap_setup(){
add_action( 'init', 'register_menu' );
nathanielks / wordpress.php
Created February 1, 2012 19:58 — forked from cogentParadigm/wordpress.php
Automated Wordpress Installer
$usage = "Automated Wordpress installer\nby Ali Gangji\nUsage: wordpress install_dir -u dbuser -p dbpass -d dbname\nOptions:\n";
$usage .= " -u dbuser Database username\n";
$usage .= " -p dbpass Database password\n";
$usage .= " -d dbname Database name\n";
$usage .= " -h dbhost Database host\n";
$usage .= " --private Hide blog from search engines\n";
$usage .= " --prefix prefix Database prefix\n";
if ($argc < 2) {