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Nathen Harvey nathenharvey

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nathenharvey / chef-client.log
Created September 11, 2013 00:59
chef-client -l debug output from the Chef Fundamentals class.
[2013-09-10T13:20:44+00:00] INFO: Forking chef instance to converge...
[2013-09-10T13:20:44+00:00] DEBUG: Fork successful. Waiting for new chef pid: 4549
[2013-09-10T13:20:44+00:00] DEBUG: Forked instance now converging
[2013-09-10T13:20:44+00:00] INFO: *** Chef 11.6.0 ***
[2013-09-10T13:20:44+00:00] DEBUG: Loading plugin os
[2013-09-10T13:20:44+00:00] DEBUG: Loading plugin kernel
[2013-09-10T13:20:44+00:00] DEBUG: Loading plugin ruby
[2013-09-10T13:20:44+00:00] DEBUG: Loading plugin languages
[2013-09-10T13:20:44+00:00] DEBUG: ---- Begin ruby -e "require 'rbconfig'; puts %Q(platform=#{RUBY_PLATFORM},version=#{RUBY_VERSION},release_date=#{RUBY_RELEASE_DATE},target=#{::Config::CONFIG['target']},target_cpu=#{::Config::CONFIG['target_cpu']},target_vendor=#{::Config::CONFIG['target_vendor']},target_os=#{::Config::CONFIG['target_os']},host=#{::Config::CONFIG['host']},host_cpu=#{::Config::CONFIG['host_cpu']},host_os=#{::Config::CONFIG['host_os']},host_vendor=#{::Config::CONFIG['host_vendor']},bin_dir=#{::Config::CO
$ chef-solo -c solo.rb -j node.js -l debug
[2013-08-14T19:11:21+00:00] INFO: *** Chef 0.10.8 ***
[2013-08-14T19:11:22+00:00] DEBUG: Building node object for nharveylearnchef02-starter
[2013-08-14T19:11:22+00:00] DEBUG: Extracting run list from JSON attributes provided on command line
[2013-08-14T19:11:22+00:00] INFO: Setting the run_list to "recipe[file_test]" from JSON
[2013-08-14T19:11:22+00:00] DEBUG: Applying attributes from json file
[2013-08-14T19:11:22+00:00] DEBUG: Platform is ubuntu version 12.04
[2013-08-14T19:11:22+00:00] INFO: Run List is [recipe[file_test]]
[2013-08-14T19:11:22+00:00] INFO: Run List expands to [file_test]
[2013-08-14T19:11:22+00:00] INFO: Starting Chef Run for nharveylearnchef02-starter
nathenharvey / knife.rb
Created July 25, 2013 16:07
A Chef knife.rb that uses the git gem to determine which git branch you're in and then updates the Chef server endpoint accordingly.
require 'rubygems'
require 'git'
g ='./')
current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
log_level :info
log_location STDOUT
node_name 'myworkstation'
cache_type 'BasicFile'
echo "Installing Chef $version"
case "$filetype" in
"rpm") rpm -Uvh "$tmp_dir/$filename" ;;
"deb") dpkg -i "$tmp_dir/$filename" ;;
"solaris") echo "conflict=nocheck" > /tmp/nocheck
echo "action=nocheck" >> /tmp/nocheck
pkgadd -n -d "$tmp_dir/$filename" -a /tmp/nocheck chef
"sh" ) bash "$tmp_dir/$filename" ;;


  1. Install an application that you'll use to ssh, if you don't already have one (OpenSSH, puTTY, etc.)

  2. Install a programmer's text editior, if you don't already have one (Vi/Vim, Emacs, Sublime Text 2, etc.)

  3. Install Chef Client on your local workstation

  • Not currently using Ruby? Install using the Opscode Installer
  • Currently using Ruby with a version manager like rvm or rbenv? gem install chef --version 11.4.0 --no-ri --no-rdoc

In the Chef Office Hours on December 20, 2012

Rob asked about getting chef installed on his server. We manually installed Chef there following the instructions at and then ran a knife bootstrap command. The easier way would have been to simply run the knife bootstrap command.

For example after launching a fresh instance on EC2, I can simply run:

$ knife bootstrap -x ubuntu -i ~/.aws/nharvey-aws.pem --sudo

-x is the username I'll login with: ubuntu
-i is the identify file I'll use when logging in: ~/.aws/nharvey-aws.pem

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby : do |config| = "bento-12.04"
config.vm.box_url = ""
config.vm.forward_port 80, 8080
config.vm.customize [
"modifyvm", :id,
nathenharvey /
Created May 8, 2012 10:51 — forked from jacobat/
i can has ruby-1.9.2 package with fpm
sudo apt-get -y install libssl-dev
gem list -i fpm || sudo gem install fpm --no-ri --no-rdoc