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Last active July 24, 2024 16:06
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Update-AUPackages Report #powershell #chocolatey


2 2020.8.11.94620 UTC: 2020-08-11 09:46 naveen521kk/au-packages

This file is automatically generated by the update_all.ps1 script using the AU module.

Ignored | History | Force Test | Releases

Last run was OK

Finished 2 packages after .17 minutes.
1 updated, 1 pushed, 0 ignored
0 errors - 0 update, 0 push.


Icon Name Updated Pushed RemoteVersion NuspecVersion
love2d True 🔸 True 11.3 0.1


Icon Name Updated Pushed RemoteVersion NuspecVersion
love2d True 🔸 True 11.3 0.1
mysql-python False 📥 False 8.0.21 8.0.21


love2d - checking updates using au version 2020.8.11.94620

URL check
nuspec version: 0.1
remote version: 11.3
New version is available
Automatic checksum skipped
Running au_BeforeUpdate
Updating files
  $Latest data:
    Checksum32                (String)     dc434ef7b427de462ddced513a2f62614fbdc3ce103481771eaf6470d161e3c0
    Checksum64                (String)     46c1d2bab149ce911f0c21d5763a121902f06fe27397d592a09801bfdf726d73
    NuspecVersion             (String)     0.1
    PackageName               (String)     love2d
    RELEASENOTES              (String)     Released: 2019-10-27

  • Added support for FLAC audio files.

  • Added support for microphone recording on Android.

  • Added (false by default). On Android, setting it to true requests microphone recording permission from the user.

  • Added Decoder:clone.

  • Added Data:getFFIPointer.

  • Added Joystick:getDeviceInfo.

  • Added Joystick:getGamepadMappingString and love.joystick.getGamepadMappingString(guid).

  • Added love.math.colorToBytes and love.math.colorFromBytes.

  • Added 'usedpiscale' boolean (true by default) to love.window.setMode and love.conf. Disables automatic DPI scaling when false.

  • Added love.window.getDisplayOrientation and a love.displayrotated callback.

  • Added love.window.get/setVSync, to allow setting vsync without recreating the window.

  • Added love.window.getSafeArea.

  • Added an optional vertex count parameter to Mesh:setVertices.

  • Added support for rgba4, rgb5a1, rgb565, rgb10a2, rg11b10f, r8, rg8, r16, rg16, r16f, rg16f, r32f, and rg32f formats in ImageData and Images.

  • Added support for loading .dds files that contain uncompressed pixel data.

  • Changed audio file type detection, so it probes all supported backends for unrecognized extensions.

  • Fixed "bad lightuserdata" errors when running love on some arm64 devices.

  • Fixed boot.lua's line numbers in stack traces to match its source code.

  • Fixed the deprecation system not fully restarting when love.event.quit("restart") is used.

  • Fixed love.isVersionCompatible.

  • Fixed named Channels persisting across love.event.quit("restart") occurrences.

  • Fixed race conditions when different love.physics Worlds are used in different threads.

  • Fixed World:getJoints to return the fully resolved type of the Joint, instead of the base type.

  • Fixed love.timer.sleep(0) to return control to the OS scheduler instead of being a no-op.

  • Fixed love.math.randomNormal incorrectly using cached state after love.math.setRandomSeed or setRandomState.

  • Fixed returning an incorrect hash for certain input sizes.

  • Fixed to cause a Lua error instead of crashing when invalid arguments are used.

  • Fixed the Data-returning variant of and File:read to return the number of bytes that were read.

  • Fixed love.filesystem's require loaders to error instead of crashing when no argument is given.

  • Fixed love.filesystem.mount(Data).

  • Fixed a memory leak when loading files in some situations.

  • Fixed

  • Fixed audio clicks immediately after playing a Source on iOS.

  • Fixed Source:play + Source:stop + Source:play looping the first few ms of sound for streaming Sources on iOS.

  • Fixed Source:play + Source:seek looping the first few ms of sound for streaming Sources on iOS.

  • Fixed occasional pops in streaming sources on iOS.

  • Fixed to use previously set playback positions on stopped Sources.

  • Fixed Source:setEffect(name, true) and Source:getEffect(name) when the effect has no associated Filter.

  • Fixed, "queue") to cause a Lua error.

  • Fixed Source:setPitch to error if the given pitch is <= 0, NaN, or infinity.

  • Fixed video seeking and pausing in various scenarios.

  • Fixed an audio Source memory leak when a Video gets garbage collected after playing it.

  • Fixed video playback support on some Adreno-based Android devices.

  • Fixed black fringes around text in some situations.

  • Fixed extreme flickering when text moves along non-integer coordinates.

  • Fixed the first character in a string sometimes not being processed during text vertex generation.

  • Fixed Text:set(" ") not clearing any previously set text in a Text object.

  • Fixed to return a table with boolean values in its fields instead of number values.

  • Fixed lines not rendering properly if a single line has more than 65,000 vertices.

  • Fixed a pixel shader performance regression on some graphics drivers when OpenGL 3 or OpenGL ES 3 is used.

  • Fixed text not showing up on Radeon HD 3000-series graphics cards on Windows.

  • Fixed non-integer DPI scale values being truncated to integers in

  • Fixed creating depth canvases on Windows systems when using an Intel HD 3000 GPU.

  • Fixed automatic batching performance to be more consistent on all operating systems.

  • Fixed gammaToLinearPrecise in shaders not being as precise as it should be.

  • Fixed ImageData:paste and ImageData:setPixel to have more consistent clamping and rounding of color values when different formats are used.

    URL32                     (MatchInfo)
    URL64                     (MatchInfo)
    Version                   (String)     11.3
    setting id: love2d
    updating version: 0.1 -> 11.3
    (?i)(<releaseNotes>)(.*?)(<\/releaseNotes>) = ${1}Released: 2019-10-27

  • Added support for FLAC audio files.

  • Added support for microphone recording on Android.

  • Added (false by default). On Android, setting it to true requests microphone recording permission from the user.

  • Added Decoder:clone.

  • Added Data:getFFIPointer.

  • Added Joystick:getDeviceInfo.

  • Added Joystick:getGamepadMappingString and love.joystick.getGamepadMappingString(guid).

  • Added love.math.colorToBytes and love.math.colorFromBytes.

  • Added 'usedpiscale' boolean (true by default) to love.window.setMode and love.conf. Disables automatic DPI scaling when false.

  • Added love.window.getDisplayOrientation and a love.displayrotated callback.

  • Added love.window.get/setVSync, to allow setting vsync without recreating the window.

  • Added love.window.getSafeArea.

  • Added an optional vertex count parameter to Mesh:setVertices.

  • Added support for rgba4, rgb5a1, rgb565, rgb10a2, rg11b10f, r8, rg8, r16, rg16, r16f, rg16f, r32f, and rg32f formats in ImageData and Images.

  • Added support for loading .dds files that contain uncompressed pixel data.

  • Changed audio file type detection, so it probes all supported backends for unrecognized extensions.

  • Fixed "bad lightuserdata" errors when running love on some arm64 devices.

  • Fixed boot.lua's line numbers in stack traces to match its source code.

  • Fixed the deprecation system not fully restarting when love.event.quit("restart") is used.

  • Fixed love.isVersionCompatible.

  • Fixed named Channels persisting across love.event.quit("restart") occurrences.

  • Fixed race conditions when different love.physics Worlds are used in different threads.

  • Fixed World:getJoints to return the fully resolved type of the Joint, instead of the base type.

  • Fixed love.timer.sleep(0) to return control to the OS scheduler instead of being a no-op.

  • Fixed love.math.randomNormal incorrectly using cached state after love.math.setRandomSeed or setRandomState.

  • Fixed returning an incorrect hash for certain input sizes.

  • Fixed to cause a Lua error instead of crashing when invalid arguments are used.

  • Fixed the Data-returning variant of and File:read to return the number of bytes that were read.

  • Fixed love.filesystem's require loaders to error instead of crashing when no argument is given.

  • Fixed love.filesystem.mount(Data).

  • Fixed a memory leak when loading files in some situations.

  • Fixed

  • Fixed audio clicks immediately after playing a Source on iOS.

  • Fixed Source:play + Source:stop + Source:play looping the first few ms of sound for streaming Sources on iOS.

  • Fixed Source:play + Source:seek looping the first few ms of sound for streaming Sources on iOS.

  • Fixed occasional pops in streaming sources on iOS.

  • Fixed to use previously set playback positions on stopped Sources.

  • Fixed Source:setEffect(name, true) and Source:getEffect(name) when the effect has no associated Filter.

  • Fixed, "queue") to cause a Lua error.

  • Fixed Source:setPitch to error if the given pitch is <= 0, NaN, or infinity.

  • Fixed video seeking and pausing in various scenarios.

  • Fixed an audio Source memory leak when a Video gets garbage collected after playing it.

  • Fixed video playback support on some Adreno-based Android devices.

  • Fixed black fringes around text in some situations.

  • Fixed extreme flickering when text moves along non-integer coordinates.

  • Fixed the first character in a string sometimes not being processed during text vertex generation.

  • Fixed Text:set(" ") not clearing any previously set text in a Text object.

  • Fixed to return a table with boolean values in its fields instead of number values.

  • Fixed lines not rendering properly if a single line has more than 65,000 vertices.

  • Fixed a pixel shader performance regression on some graphics drivers when OpenGL 3 or OpenGL ES 3 is used.

  • Fixed text not showing up on Radeon HD 3000-series graphics cards on Windows.

  • Fixed non-integer DPI scale values being truncated to integers in

  • Fixed creating depth canvases on Windows systems when using an Intel HD 3000 GPU.

  • Fixed automatic batching performance to be more consistent on all operating systems.

  • Fixed gammaToLinearPrecise in shaders not being as precise as it should be.

  • Fixed ImageData:paste and ImageData:setPixel to have more consistent clamping and rounding of color values when different formats are used.

    (?i)(^\s*Url64bit\s*=\s*)'.*'       = ${1}''
    (?i)(^\s*Checksum\s*=\s*)'.*'       = ${1}'dc434ef7b427de462ddced513a2f62614fbdc3ce103481771eaf6470d161e3c0'
    (?i)(^\s*Checksum64\s*=\s*)'.*'     = ${1}'46c1d2bab149ce911f0c21d5763a121902f06fe27397d592a09801bfdf726d73'
    (?i)(^\s*Url\s*=\s*)'.*'            = ${1}''
    (?i)(^\s*ChecksumType64\s*=\s*)'.*' = ${1}''
    (?i)(^\s*ChecksumType\s*=\s*)'.*'   = ${1}''
Attempting to build package from 'love2d.nuspec'.
Successfully created package 'C:\projects\au-packages\love2d\love2d.11.3.nupkg'

Package updated
Chocolatey v0.10.15
Attempting to push love2d.11.3.nupkg to
love2d 11.3 was pushed successfully to


mysql-python - checking updates using au version 2020.8.11.94620

nuspec version: 8.0.21
remote version: 8.0.21
No new version found

Update History

Showing maximum 120 dates.
Click on the first letter of the package name to see its report and on the remaining letters to see its git commit.

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