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Nitin Borwankar nborwankar

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url: "",
nborwankar / nitin_jchris_evently_chat
Created August 13, 2010 01:45
Transcript of skype chat between Nitin Borwankar and J Chris Anderson
Nitin Borwankar: So big picture question that helps me understand why I should spend time grokking evently - two part question
Nitin Borwankar: a) why did you feel the need to create yet another framework b) what can I do with evently I couldn't do with
jQuery events etc?
Chris Anderson: evently was a natural consequence of using jquery
Chris Anderson: it just wraps up all the repetitive crap I kept doing in jquery, and does it automatically
Chris Anderson: so b) nothing
Nitin Borwankar: ok cool
Nitin Borwankar: second q
Chris Anderson: I think evently was discovered not invented
Nitin Borwankar: what are the component files of an evently minimal app (there's too much in a couchapp to tell what's essential
// just got # 2 so far
// can do number 3 by removing first two handlers but apparently thats not what you want
<div id="the_div">
<ul id="the_list">
<li id="the_item">Click me!</li>
var Person = function(name){ = name;
Person.prototype.getName = function(){ return};
var thomas = new Person('Thomas');
var amy = new Person('Amy');
(function(name, container){
var index=10;
function log(){
function iterate(){