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`rustup toolchain install nightly`
`rustup default nightly`
`export PATH="${HOME}/.rustup/toolchains/`rustup default | sed 's/ (default)//'`/bin:$PATH"`
// dependencies
brew install java automake libtool gmp mpfr pkg-config maven libffi openssl protobuf python
// bash update
brew install bash
sudo vi /etc/shells
-> Add /opt/homebrew/bin/bash ,and delete /bin/bash
git clone
cd evm-semantics
import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider
import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.Credentials
import jenkins.model.Jenkins
def indent = { String text, int indentationCount ->
def replacement = "\t" * indentationCount
text.replaceAll("(?m)^", replacement)
Jenkins.get().allItems().collectMany{ CredentialsProvider.lookupStores(it).toList()}.unique().forEach { store ->
ndkoo / gist:213c6b31e7dd812bbd86cfaec307689b
Created April 25, 2022 08:12
Windows Patch file extract
Run Command Prompt (or run as administrator) and use the following syntax to extract .msu file content.
expand –f:* <pakcage-name.msu> <destination-folder>
expand –f:* Windows6.1-KBXXXXXX-x86.msu C:\\ExtractedMsu\\
After extraction, you can you can install it by using Package Manager with following command line syntax.
pkgmgr.exe /n:C:\\ExtractedMsu\\Windows6.1-KBXXXXXX-x86.XML