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# Install brew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# Install composer
brew install homebrew/php/composer
composer global require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*"
# Add to your .bash_profile

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am negonicrac on github.
  • I am negonicrac ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is A44B D467 5DDB CE0F 600F D9E3 2A08 A418 9F81 1865

To claim this, I am signing this object:

public class HttpDomainRoute
: HttpRoute
private Regex domainRegex;
private Regex pathRegex;
public HttpDomainRoute(string domain, string routeTemplate, HttpRouteValueDictionary defaults, HttpRouteValueDictionary constraints)
: base(routeTemplate, defaults, constraints)
this.Domain = domain;
negonicrac / SampleDataAccess.cs
Created October 11, 2012 15:56
Can you convert NVarChar into a string?
var r = new DataSet();
var connectionString = "database-connection-string";
using (DbConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString: connectionString))
using (DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())
module CanCan
class Query
def sanitize_sql(conditions)
# customize to handle Mongoid queries in ability definitions conditions
class CanDefinition
def matches_conditions_hash?(subject, conditions = @conditions)
Ever wondered how to login as another user within Devise?
Recently we had a feature request that would provide Admins with the ability
to sign is as another user. You could imagine live demonstrations or even production
support calls where you would like to be signed in as another user, yet not
have to ask for or decrypt their current password. After stewing for a bit, we found a
pretty nice solution with Devise.
Here's the Cucumber feature...
ENV["WATCHR"] = "1"
system 'clear'
def growl(message)
growlnotify = `which growlnotify`.chomp
title = "Watchr Test Results"
puts message
image = message.match(/\s0\s(errors|failures)/) ? "~/.watchr_images/passed.png" : "~/.watchr_images/failed.png"
options = "-w -n Watchr --image '#{File.expand_path(image)}' -m '#{message}' '#{title}'"
system %(#{growlnotify} #{options} &)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Put this script in your PATH and download from like this:
# onemanga_downloader.rb Bleach [chapter number]
# You will find the downloaded chapters under $HOME/Documents/OneManga/Bleach
# If you run this script without arguments, it will check your local manga downloads
# and check if there are any new chapters
Given /^I visit subdomain "(.+)"$/ do |sub|
#host! "#{sub}" #for webrat
Capybara.default_host = "#{sub}" #for Rack::Test
Capybara.app_host = "http://#{sub}" if Capybara.current_driver == :culerity
# As far as I know, you have to put all the {sub} entries that you're
# using in your /etc/hosts file for the Culerity tests. This didn't seem to be
# required for Rack::Test
# Hi! I'am rack middleware!
# I was born for protect you staging application from anonymous and prying
# My author's name was Aleksandr Koss. Mail him at
# Nice to MIT you!
class Staging
def initialize app, options = {}
@app = app
@options = {