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neilconway / gist:1221171
Created September 16, 2011 04:02
instance_exec + blocks
class X
def self.morph(name, &blk)
define_method(name) do |*args, &user_blk|
instance_exec(*args, &blk)
morph :xyz do |a, b, &blk|
puts "HELLO, WORLD!", b)
neilconway / gist:1221176
Created September 16, 2011 04:08
instance_exec + blocks, almost works
class X
def self.morph(name, &blk)
define_method(name) do |*args, &user_blk|
instance_exec(*(args + [user_blk]), &blk)
# ALMOST works: the syntax for "blk" is inconsistent with normal Ruby though
morph :xyz do |a, b, blk|
puts "HELLO, WORLD!"
neilconway / gist:1342481
Created November 6, 2011 04:43
Lattice => set homomorphism, unsealed + pass-by-ref semantics
bar <= foo {|f| [f.x, some_lattice]}
baz <= bar {|b| b if b.some_lat.morph_pred(5)}
quux <= baz {|b| b if b.some_lat.morph_pred2(10)}
Suppose we produce an initial "bar" tuple t; t passes the first check
(on morph_pred) but not the second check (on morph_pred2). Then
"some_lattice" changes. At minimum, we need to recheck morph_pred2 --
but it seems challenging to figure that out without potentially
rechecking all the tuples produced in the current strata that are
transitively dependent on "some_lattice".
Title: Abstraction without regret in systems building: The case of databases
Speaker: Christoph Koch, EPFL
Date & Time: Wednesday 29 January 2014, 12:00pm
Location: 405 Soda Hall
It has been said that all problems in computer science can be solved by adding
another level of indirection, except for performance problems, which are solved
by removing levels of indirection. Compilers are our tools for removing levels
of indirection automatically. However, we do not trust them when it comes to
$ grep -r "Replica is in" store/latest/*/*/master.stdout
store/latest/n1/mesos/master.stdout:I0918 16:37:07.958381 32011 recover.cpp:475] Replica is in EMPTY status
store/latest/n1/mesos/master.stdout:I0918 16:37:12.241037 32015 recover.cpp:475] Replica is in STARTING status
store/latest/n1/mesos/master.stdout:I0918 16:43:57.680018 32274 recover.cpp:475] Replica is in VOTING status
store/latest/n2/mesos/master.stdout:I0918 16:37:07.926134 30205 recover.cpp:475] Replica is in EMPTY status
store/latest/n2/mesos/master.stdout:I0918 16:37:11.659729 30205 recover.cpp:475] Replica is in STARTING status
store/latest/n2/mesos/master.stdout:I0918 16:43:57.543515 30449 recover.cpp:475] Replica is in VOTING status
store/latest/n3/mesos/master.stdout:I0918 16:37:07.945878 30916 recover.cpp:475] Replica is in EMPTY status
store/latest/n3/mesos/master.stdout:I0918 16:37:12.358263 30913 recover.cpp:475] Replica is in STARTING status
store/latest/n3/mesos/master.stdout:I0918 16:43:57.345937 31172 recover.cpp:475] Replica is
curl -i \
-u neil:foo \
-d slaveId=39775db5-91f7-4b33-98f6-e1276cfe4c56-S0 \
-d resources='[
"name": "disk",
"type": "SCALAR",
"scalar": { "value": 1024 },
"role": "ads",
diff --git a/src/tests/reservation_tests.cpp b/src/tests/reservation_tests.cpp
index 703d762b8..bb82e3646 100644
--- a/src/tests/reservation_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/reservation_tests.cpp
@@ -2408,12 +2408,18 @@ TEST_F(ReservationTest, HierarchicalReservation)
Owned<MasterDetector> detector = master.get()->createDetector();
+ Future<SlaveRegisteredMessage> slaveRegisteredMessage =
+ FUTURE_PROTOBUF(SlaveRegisteredMessage(), _, _);