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Last active October 9, 2018 13:58
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@require: stdjabook
@import: matrix
document (|
title = {\SATySFi;で行列};
author = {\@nekketsuuu};
show-title = false;
show-toc = false;
|) '<
[${1}; ${2}; ${3}];
[${4}; ${5}; ${6}];
[${7}; ${8}; ${9}];
@require: math
@require: table
module Matrix : sig
direct \matrix : [(math list) list] math-cmd
end = struct
let-math \matrix elmss =
let body = text-in-math MathInner (fun ctx -> (
let cellss = fun t -> ( (fun elm -> t#c {${#elm}})) elmss in
let grf = fun _ _ -> [] in
read-inline ctx {\tabular(cellss)(grf);}))
in ${\paren{#body}}
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