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Akhmad Fathonih neofreko

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neofreko / wait-until-async.js
Created June 1, 2018 01:16
wait until condition becomes truthy. Inspired by former works or wait-until libraries and tutorials.
const waitUntil = async (asyncCondition, timeoutMs) => {
const wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const intervalMs = 1000;
const startTime =;
const result = await asyncCondition();
const endTime =;
const timeSpentMs = endTime - startTime;
console.log(`checking waitUntil condition, timeout in: ${timeoutMs}ms`);
Wed Apr 25 07:10:44 UTC 2018
neofreko / image_has_sentence.rb
Created April 25, 2018 03:55
extract sentence using rtesseract
# brew install tesseract
# gem install rtesseract
# gem install mini_magick
# example:
# puts image_has_sentence?('/Users/me/Pictures/hi.png', 'hello world')
require 'rtesseract'
require 'mini_magick'

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am neofreko on github.
  • I am neofreko ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBOuUtqWIaiFCPUC_qesLBjMUSCr05Tjiaw2BZgk0j_vgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

neofreko / feed-tldr.js
Created October 9, 2015 01:06
parse feed and run tldr on the feed item urls
var FeedParser = require('feedparser'),
request = require('request'),
summary = require('node-tldr'),
Promise = require('promise');
function summarize(link) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
summary.summarize(link, function(result, failure) {
if (failure) {
console.log("An error occured! " + result.error);
var summary = require('node-tldr');
summary.summarize('', function(result, failure) {
if (failure) {
console.log("An error occured! " + result.error);
neofreko / 00-rebuild-nginx.config
Created February 19, 2015 09:38
Configuring TCP service on Elastic Beanstalk ref:
git: []
gcc: []
gcc-c++: []
make: []
zlib-devel: []
pcre-devel: []
openssl-devel: []
libxml2-devel: []
neofreko / delete-fb-test-users.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
Delete fb test users recursively
// jSON URL which should be requested
$app_id = 'app id';
// get access token here:
//<app id>&client_secret=<app secret>&grant_type=client_credentials
$app_access_token = 'access token';
$json_url = ''.$app_id.'/accounts/test-users?access_token='.$app_access_token;
neofreko / anno.txt
Created December 28, 2013 19:20
Given a node annotated with this JSON, how would you visualize those nodes. How do you browse thru it?
[ { start: 13,
end: 19,
spot: 'DESIGN',
confidence: 0.158,
id: 8560,
title: 'Design',
uri: '',
abstract: 'Design is the creation of a plan or convention for the construction of an object or a system (as in architectural blueprints, engineering drawings, business processes, circuit diagrams and sewing patterns). Design has different connotations in different fields (see below). In some cases the direct construction of an object (as in pottery, engineering, management, cowboy coding and graphic design) is also considered to be design.',
label: 'Design',
categories: [ 'Design', 'Architectural design', 'Arts' ] },
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<table xmlns="">
<author>Akhmad Fathonih</author>
<description>URL 404 check</description>
USE '' AS mytable;select * from mytable where url = '']]></sampleQuery>