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1. chmod -R 644 ./DirectoryName - Include the -R parameter if it's a directory and you wish for all the files within that directory (DirectoryName) to be altered chmod with permissions 644
2. mkdir - makes a new directory mkdir ./foldername
3. rm - (removed a file) rm ./filename
4. mv - move a file to another location. This is also used for renaming a file) mv ./filename ./newlocation/filename
5. ls -la - Makes a list of all the files within the directory (including the hidden ones)
6. ls -ltr - Makes a list of all the files within the directory in the respective order of 'last updated'
7. find - (Find a file/directory) find ./ -name filename
ifconfig - (Find out the IP address of the computer) ifconfig
chmod - (change the permissions of the file or directory (object). ) chmod -R 777 ./filename
chmod -R - Include the -R parameter if it's a directory and you wish for all the files within that directory to be altered chmod -R 644 ./foldername
mkdir - makes a new directory mkdir ./foldername
pwd - currently directory location
whoami - (find out which user you're logged in as) whoami
find - (Find a file/directory) find ./ -name filename
echo - (respond back to the user. This is useful if you want to see what environment variables are set) echo $java
rm - (removed a file) rm ./filename
top - Will display a dynamic of the CPU, swap and RAM memory available
1. sudo su - oracle - while logged into a unix terminal using your normal username, you can log into the sudo user (in this example, Oracle)
2. SSH - (Connect a secure connection through terminal to a server ssh @) ssh
1. tar - (Create compressed tar files) tar -cvzf ./test.tar ./testtar/
2. untar - (used tar files and uncompress them) untar -xvf ./uncompressed_folder ./compressed.tar
3. gunzip - (Unzip gz) gunzip
1. top - Will display a dynamic of the CPU, swap and RAM memory available
1. SCP - copy from servers (scp : ./) scp c_dredfe@
1. grep 'string Value' ./* - An expression to look into files and folders for the string expression
2. find -R ./* -name 'file name' - Locates the file called 'file name'
3. ps -aux | grep java - will find all the services running with the name java
1. whoami - (find out which user you're logged in as) whoami
2. echo - (respond back to the user. This is useful if you want to see what environment variables are set) echo $java
3. which - (Find out the path of the enviroment setting. Example, if 'cp' not working... it was using an alias instead (decided to point to the true path (bin/cp)) which cp --> /bin/cp)
4. sum - (will give you the size of the file in bytes) sum ./filename
5. XARGS -
6. DOS2UNIX - (converts windows files to unix) dos2unix ./filename
nervouswiggles / OIF weblogic managed server log file during startup
Created September 30, 2015 18:58
413_OIF Invalid/unsupported key store or incorrect password. Please verify that the password is correct and the store is a valid PKCS#12 PFX wallet or Java KeyStore file.
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-- OIF weblogic managed server log file during startup
Servlet failed with Exception
java.lang.RuntimeException: The server could not initialize properly: Invalid/unsupported key store or incorrect password. Please verify that the password is correct and the store is a valid PKCS#12 PFX wallet or Java KeyStore file.