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pushing pixels

Christian Hochfilzer netconstructor

pushing pixels
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netconstructor / wp-modifydb.php
Created May 1, 2012 10:55 — forked from jcanfield/wp-modifydb.php
Serialized PHP Search and Replace
* Safe Search and Replace on Database with Serialized Data v2.0.1
* This script is to solve the problem of doing database search and replace when
* developers have only gone and used the non-relational concept of serializing
* PHP arrays into single database columns. It will search for all matching
* data on the database and change it, even if it's within a serialized PHP
* array.
netconstructor / image-resize-crop.php
Created April 15, 2012 22:38 — forked from rbncha/image-resize-crop.php
Wordpress Image resize and crop function
* This function is used to resize and crop image
* based on width from the center of the image
* creates new image from jpg,gif,png,bmp to png images
function image_resize_crop ( $src, $w, $h, $dest = null, $override = false, $createNewIfExists = false ) {
$ext = array_pop ( explode ('.', $src) );
$filenameSrc = str_replace (".$ext", '', basename($src) );
netconstructor / custom-post-type-flush-rewrite-rules.php
Created January 23, 2012 10:46 — forked from jeremyboggs/custom-post-type-flush-rewrite-rules.php
Pseudo-elegant way to flush rewrite rules after creating a custom post type.
* Example for writing a WP plugin that adds a custom post type and flushes
* rewrite rules only once on initialization.
* On activation, we'll set an option called 'my_plugin_name_flush' to true,
* so our plugin knows, on initialization, to flush the rewrite rules.

Transparent Netflix only region unblock with Asuswrt Merlin

Ad-free time!, UnoTelly etc. services provide a nice way to unblock regions for Netflix and others using their custom DNS servers.

But I don't want to direct all my DNS traffic to them and I'm too lazy to manually configure all my devices (phones, tablets, media center boxes etc.). So here's how to transparently unblock Netflix for all your devices using the [Asuswrt Merlin][merlin] firmware. It's a custom router firmware which can be used on the Asus RT-N66U router for example.


Enable JFFS partition and SSH login from http://<ROUTER-IP>/Advanced_System_Content.asp

netconstructor / gist:8534cac73b01f3fae5d8
Created February 28, 2016 11:40 — forked from davidbalbert/gist:6815258
How to install custom SSL certificates on an ASUS RT-N66U running asuswrt-merlin
# First, enable SSH in the Administration->System tab.
# Then log in to the device.
# Verify that https_crt_save is off
admin@RT-N66U:/tmp/home/root# nvram get https_crt_save
# Enable https_crt_save and verify that it was set correctly
admin@RT-N66U:/tmp/home/root# nvram set https_crt_save=1
admin@RT-N66U:/tmp/home/root# nvram get https_crt_save

require('child_process').fork() and beyond


The purpose of this sample is to show the power of EventEmitter2 in the context of a specific example centered around [DIRT][0] (Data-Intensive Realtime) and [ETL][0] (Extract, Transform, Load) applications in node.js. Given the clear limitations of the V8 heap-size doing any exceptionally large data processing in node will require such patterns, and it is in the interest of the community that we start solidifying them.


Lets suppose that you have an ETL that you need to run on a large set of logs which has already been partitioned into files of a size that will by themselves not overload the V8 heap. These kind of size-limited log or data files are common and should need no explaination.

This ETL runs with initial conditions (very common), and thus there may be many sets of worker processes analyzing the same data for different purposes. As an intelligent developer knowning the blocking nature of in-memory data manipulation you decided

* Based off of the Lucene prolog parser in the wordnet contrib package within the
* main Lucene project. It has been modified to remove the Lucene bits and generate
* a synonyms.txt file suitable for consumption by Solr. The idea was mentioned in
* a sidebar of the book Solr 1.4 Enterprise Search Server by Eric Pugh.
* @see <a href="">Lucene Sandbox WordNet page</a>
* @see <a href="">SVN Repository of the WordNet contrib</a>
* @see <a href="">Solr 1.4 Enterprise Search Server Book</a>
function inspect(obj, maxLevels, level)
var str = '', type, msg;
// Start Input Validations
// Don't touch, we start iterating at level zero
if(level == null) level = 0;
// At least you want to show the first level
if(maxLevels == null) maxLevels = 1;
# Get a next task from some tasks queue, create and start a crawler
def start_crawler():
settings = CrawlerSettings()
settings.overrides['TELNETCONSOLE_ENABLED'] = 0
settings.overrides['WEBSERVICE_ENABLED'] = False
crawler = Crawler(settings)
url = get_url_from_some_queue()
# Get a next task from some tasks queue, create and start a crawler
def start_crawler():
settings = CrawlerSettings()
settings.overrides['TELNETCONSOLE_ENABLED'] = 0
settings.overrides['WEBSERVICE_ENABLED'] = False
crawler = Crawler(settings)
url = get_url_from_some_queue()