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Created May 14, 2009 10:06
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Capistrano recipe to sync rails database and files within a multi stage environment
set :sync_directories, ["public/assets", "public/galleries"]
set :sync_backups, 3
require 'yaml'
require 'pathname'
# Capistrano sync.rb task for syncing databases and directories between the
# local development environment and different multi_stage environments. You
# cannot sync directly between two multi_stage environments, always use your
# local machine as loop way.
# Author: Michael Kessler aka netzpirat
# Gist: 111597
# Released under the MIT license.
# Kindly sponsored by Screen Concept,
namespace :sync do
after "deploy:setup", "sync:setup"
desc <<-DESC
Creates the sync dir in shared path. The sync directory is used to keep
backups of database dumps and archives from synced directories. This task will
be called on 'deploy:setup'
task :setup do
run "cd #{shared_path}; mkdir sync"
namespace :down do
desc <<-DESC
Syncs the database and declared directories from the selected multi_stage environment
to the local development environment. This task simply calls both the 'sync:down:db' and
'sync:down:fs' tasks.
task :default do
db and fs
desc <<-DESC
Syncs database from the selected mutli_stage environement to the local develoment environment.
The database credentials will be read from your local config/database.yml file and a copy of the
dump will be kept within the shared sync directory. The amount of backups that will be kept is
declared in the sync_backups variable and defaults to 5.
task :db, :roles => :db, :only => { :primary => true } do
filename = "database.#{stage}.#{ '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S'}.sql.bz2"
on_rollback { delete "#{shared_path}/sync/#{filename}" }
# Remote DB dump
username, password, database = database_config(stage)
run "mysqldump -u #{username} --password='#{password}' #{database} | bzip2 -9 > #{shared_path}/sync/#{filename}" do |channel, stream, data|
puts data
purge_old_backups "database"
# Download dump
download "#{shared_path}/sync/#{filename}", filename
# Local DB import
username, password, database = database_config('development')
system "bzip2 -d -c #{filename} | mysql -u #{username} --password='#{password}' #{database}; rm -f #{filename}"
logger.important "sync database from the stage '#{stage}' to local finished"
desc <<-DESC
Sync declared directories from the selected multi_stage environment to the local development
environment. The synced directories must be declared as an array of Strings with the sync_directories
variable. The path is relative to the rails root.
task :fs, :roles => :web, :once => true do
server, port = host_and_port
Array(fetch(:sync_directories, [])).each do |syncdir|
unless "#{syncdir}" "create local '#{syncdir}' folder"
Dir.mkdir "#{syncdir}"
end "sync #{syncdir} from #{server}:#{port} to local"
destination, base =
system "rsync --verbose --archive --compress --copy-links --delete --stats --rsh='ssh -p #{port}' #{user}@#{server}:#{current_path}/#{syncdir} #{destination.to_s}"
logger.important "sync filesystem from the stage '#{stage}' to local finished"
namespace :up do
desc <<-DESC
Syncs the database and declared directories from the local development environment
to the selected multi_stage environment. This task simply calls both the 'sync:up:db' and
'sync:up:fs' tasks.
task :default do
db and fs
desc <<-DESC
Syncs database from the local develoment environment to the selected mutli_stage environement.
The database credentials will be read from your local config/database.yml file and a copy of the
dump will be kept within the shared sync directory. The amount of backups that will be kept is
declared in the sync_backups variable and defaults to 5.
task :db, :roles => :db, :only => { :primary => true } do
filename = "database.#{stage}.#{ '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S'}.sql.bz2"
on_rollback do
delete "#{shared_path}/sync/#{filename}"
system "rm -f #{filename}"
# Make a backup before importing
username, password, database = database_config(stage)
run "mysqldump -u #{username} --password='#{password}' #{database} | bzip2 -9 > #{shared_path}/sync/#{filename}" do |channel, stream, data|
puts data
# Local DB export
filename = "dump.local.#{ '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S'}.sql.bz2"
username, password, database = database_config('development')
system "mysqldump -u #{username} --password='#{password}' #{database} | bzip2 -9 > #{filename}"
upload filename, "#{shared_path}/sync/#{filename}"
system "rm -f #{filename}"
# Remote DB import
username, password, database = database_config(stage)
run "bzip2 -d -c #{shared_path}/sync/#{filename} | mysql -u #{username} --password='#{password}' #{database}; rm -f #{shared_path}/sync/#{filename}"
purge_old_backups "database"
logger.important "sync database from local to the stage '#{stage}' finished"
desc <<-DESC
Sync declared directories from the local development environement to the selected multi_stage
environment. The synced directories must be declared as an array of Strings with the sync_directories
variable. The path is relative to the rails root.
task :fs, :roles => :web, :once => true do
server, port = host_and_port
Array(fetch(:sync_directories, [])).each do |syncdir|
destination, base =
if "#{syncdir}"
# Make a backup "backup #{syncdir}"
run "tar cjf #{shared_path}/sync/#{base}.#{ '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S'}.tar.bz2 #{current_path}/#{syncdir}"
purge_old_backups "#{base}"
else "Create '#{syncdir}' directory"
run "mkdir #{current_path}/#{syncdir}"
# Sync directory up "sync #{syncdir} to #{server}:#{port} from local"
system "rsync --verbose --archive --compress --keep-dirlinks --delete --stats --rsh='ssh -p #{port}' #{syncdir} #{user}@#{server}:#{current_path}/#{destination.to_s}"
logger.important "sync filesystem from local to the stage '#{stage}' finished"
# Reads the database credentials from the local config/database.yml file
# +db+ the name of the environment to get the credentials for
# Returns username, password, database
def database_config(db)
database = YAML::load_file('config/database.yml')
return database["#{db}"]['username'], database["#{db}"]['password'], database["#{db}"]['database']
# Returns the actual host name to sync and port
def host_and_port
return roles[:web], ssh_options[:port] || roles[:web].servers.first.port || 22
# Purge old backups within the shared sync directory
def purge_old_backups(base)
count = fetch(:sync_backups, 5).to_i
backup_files = capture("ls -xt #{shared_path}/sync/#{base}*").split.reverse
if count >= backup_files.length
logger.important "no old backups to clean up"
else "keeping #{count} of #{backup_files.length} sync backups"
delete_backups = (backup_files - backup_files.last(count)).join(" ")
try_sudo "rm -rf #{delete_backups}"
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nice, and what about sync remote server with localhost? :)

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You can't sync two remotes directly, you'll have to sync down the remote to your local host and sync it up to another remote.

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I was talking about something like that:


# download db
rsync user@servername:/home/railsapp/myapp/shared/db/production.sqlite3 db/development.sqlite3

# fetch images
rsync -avz user@servername:/home/railsapp/apps/mmdtg/shared/system public/
rake db:seed

cp db/development.sqlite3 db/production.sqlite3

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The recipe can sync multiple directories. For moving the db you could setup an after callback or simply create a new target where you call the fs:down target.

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