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Working from home

Nick Gallimore nfgallimore

Working from home
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// $NAME <$>
// University of Akron
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept> // Needed for std exceptions
#include <cstdlib> // Needed for strtod
#include <cerrno> // Needed for errno
<div class="container">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec justo massa, interdum varius lacus vitae, ornare euismod felis. Quisque consequat sem nec massa rutrum euismod id ac elit. Nullam tincidunt, massa a cursus porttitor, arcu tellus ullamcorper quam, sit amet tristique sapien lectus sed ipsum. Phasellus sodales viverra dui, id suscipit eros ornare et. In ultricies metus velit, non consectetur quam rutrum vel. Donec varius massa ut tellus varius, ac rutrum orci rhoncus. Donec egestas, tellus vel dignissim commodo, lacus dolor consequat odio, ut lacinia nisl diam vel arcu. Sed ut molestie lectus. Ut massa ipsum, tempor ac neque in, tincidunt rhoncus lectus.</p>
<p>Morbi id tellus posuere, ultrices diam ac, blandit leo. Donec vitae vehicula tellus, ac viverra justo. Mauris ullamcorper erat massa, nec eleifend est hendrerit eget. Curabitur fringilla ligula nulla, eu fermentum lorem varius et. Aliquam sed diam non sem accumsan laoreet. Sed posuere sagittis nunc.
import json
def handle_error(error):
## here are the three possible structures discussed in the meeting:
error_code_is_unique_to_endpoint_and_status_code = '''{
"errors": [
nfgallimore / skiplist.h
Created September 14, 2018 03:05 — forked from unsuthee/skiplist.h
C++ Implementation of Skiplist
#ifndef _SKIPLIST_H_
#define _SKIPLIST_H_
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
nfgallimore /
Last active September 27, 2018 21:31 — forked from pwenzel/
LAMP stack on OSX with Homebrew, built-in Apache, multiple PHP versions, VirtualhostX optional

This guide shows how to set up a PHP and MySQL development environment using OSX's built-in Apache, using Homebrew to install necessary components. With this strategy, you can use different versions of PHP for certain virtual hosts.

VirtualHostX is a convenient way to manage development sites, but not required.

Install PHP and MySQL with Homebrew

brew update
brew install php56
brew install mysql
mysql.server start
2020-02-21 15:30:04.404 13983-13983/? I/zygote: Not late-enabling -Xcheck:jni (already on)
2020-02-21 15:30:04.429 13983-13983/? W/zygote: Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
2020-02-21 15:30:04.490 13983-13983/? W/ActivityThread: Application is waiting for the debugger on port 8100...
2020-02-21 15:30:04.492 13983-13983/? I/System.out: Sending WAIT chunk
2020-02-21 15:30:05.415 13983-13990/ I/zygote: Debugger is active
2020-02-21 15:30:05.494 13983-13983/ I/System.out: Debugger has connected
2020-02-21 15:30:05.494 13983-13983/ I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
2020-02-21 15:30:05.897 13983-13983/ I/chatty: uid=10079( identical 2 lines
2020-02-21 15:30:06.098 13983-13983/ I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...
2020-02-21 15:30:06.300 13983-13983/ I/System.out: waiting for debugger to settle...