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nfunato / _sample.lisp
Last active June 21, 2020 06:59
CL utility snippets
;;; CL utility snippets -- MIT LICENSE
;;; originally starting from porting p59c.hs ( to CL,
;;; which uses
;;; delay, force (promise.lisp)
;;; xsequence (xsequence.lisp)
;;; xtranspose (xtranspose.lisp)
;;; groups-of, xsplit, xmerge (groups-of.lisp)
;;; 2015-09-27 tconc and lconc (xconc.lisp, xconc.scm)
;;; 2015-09-29 random test stuff (for-random-test.lisp)
nfunato / fizzbuzz.fth
Last active June 24, 2022 23:09
FizzBuzz in gforth (for code golf)
\ FizzBuzz in Forth by @nfunato on 2015-04-30
\ Execution rule:
\ 1. invoke shell
\ 2. exec gforth this-file -e bye
\ : x
\ 101 1 do
\ 1
;;; Five programming problems every Software Engineer should be able to
;;; solve in less than 1 hour
;;; Problem 1 (SUM)
;;; Write three functions that compute the sum of the numbers in a given
;;; list using a for-loop, a while-loop, and recursion.
(defun sum-r (l &optional (s 0)) (if(null l) s (sum-r (cdr l)(+ (car l) s))))
(defun sum-for (l) (loop for i in l sum i))
(defmacro while (xs &body body)
;;; CAUTION: this code is not fully tested!
;; FIXME: use lquery rather than plump if preferable
:drakma ; a full-featured common lisp http client
:plump ; a parser for HTML/XML like document
:clss ; a DOM traversal engine based on CSS selectors
:cl-redis ; a client library for Redis database, an advanced K/V store
;; :chirp ; a twitter client library for common lisp
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp -*-
;;; sutra transcribing of cl-overload w/ a bit of re-factoring
;;; in order to understand its specification
;;; 2015-08-22 @nfunato
;;; original code is cl-overload.lisp show-matz/CL-OVERLOAD commit 91af6928e5
;;; (formally 91af6928e538cfcf9634d7cbb47771dc4cfa3dcd) as of 2015-07-26
(provide :cl-overload)
nfunato / ZenHan.el
Last active July 9, 2016 02:35
Convert numbers, alphabets, and some other characters (except punctuations) from Zenkaku format to Hankaku format.
;; checked under Emacs24
(defun eisuu-hankaku-region (from to &optional ascii-only)
"Convert JP `zenkaku' eisuu ([A-Z0-9a-z]) and some other chars, which does
not include punctuation chars, in the region to `hankaku' chars.
`Zenkaku' chars belong to `japanese-jisx0208'
`Hankaku' chars belong to `ascii' or `japanese-jisx0201-kana'.
NOTE: Optional argument ASCII-ONLY is ignored here."
(interactive "r\nP")
(narrow-to-region from to)
#!/usr/local/bin/sbcl --script
;; The exercise in
(load "unix-opts") ; or (ql:quickload "unix-opts")
;; Essential processing
;; Similar to the following Haskell expression, but in somewhat eager:
原文:[ Lisp for Web-Based Applications]
;; updated by nfunato on 2015-11-27
[ 普通のやつらの上を行け]へのリンクがslashdotにアップされた後に、何人かの読者は、私たちがViawebでLispを使ったことで得られた固有の技術的なアドバンテージについて、さらに詳しく聞きたがった。
nfunato / nn2.lisp
Last active January 12, 2016 23:07
;;; -*- coding:utf-8; mode:lisp -*-
;; This is a secondary work for
;; See for the article regarding the copyright.
;; 2015-01-09 @nfunato
;; オリジナルに対する本質的な変更は無く、
;; 実質的な変更点は、以下の手法で焦点でない細部を見えないようにしたこと
;; - 数値ベクトルへのarefアクセスは、calc- という関数に分離した
;; - 数値ベクトル以外のarefアクセスはstructure accessor経由にした
-- a study for
-- 2016-03-09 @nfunato
module Lib (generatePoem) where
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Data.Maybe (maybe)
import Data.List (foldl', tails)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map