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##HOW TO: Setup XAMPP and Drupal on Ubuntu

In this gist, I will walk you throughthe steps I took to get my personal machine ready to develop with Drupal for the 2015 Epicodus PHP Course Curriculum


  1. A Computer - If you don't have one, how the...what?! face palm
  2. Ubuntu - The OS
nhufinney / assertions-compareScreenshot.js
Created December 18, 2015 18:11 — forked from richard-flosi/assertions-compareScreenshot.js
Nightwatch with Visual Regression testing
// assertions/compareScreenshot.js
var resemble = require('resemble'),
fs = require('fs');
exports.assertion = function(filename, expected) {
var screenshotPath = 'test/screenshots/',
baselinePath = screenshotPath + 'baseline/' + filename,
resultPath = screenshotPath + 'results/' + filename,
diffPath = screenshotPath + 'diffs/' + filename;