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nicelifeBS /
Created April 1, 2014 23:29
modo - pyAPI test. Returns a list of all selection sets of a selected meshItem. First two methods are old python scripting (the second uses the lx.Service for query). The third method is pyAPI
#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
import lx
def output(command):
'''introspect methods and classes'''
lx.out('$$$$$$$$$ dir $$$$$$$$')
nicelifeBS /
Last active October 6, 2015 09:24
Vector class
import math
class vector(object):
"""vector([x,y,z]) -> create a vector object in 3D space."""
def __init__(self, data): = data
if len( != 3:
raise ValueError("Expecting a 3D vector -> [x,y,z]")
nicelifeBS /
Created January 27, 2014 09:58
modo script - select a material by its name
# Author Bjoern Siegert 2014-01-27
# Slect a material by name if it is
# in the scene.
# Name is defined by an argument just after
# the script name
nicelifeBS /
Last active January 4, 2016 15:39
modo script - Query edge selection sets and give out their name
## lx layerservice ##
layerService = lx.Service("layerservice")"layers", "main") # select active mesh layer
nVmaps = layerService.query("vmap.N") # get vmap number
# walk through the vmaps and print the names of it if the type is edgepick
for vmap in xrange(nVmaps):