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@wait.until { @driver.find_element(tag_name: "h1").text.downcase.include? "cart" }
context "searching" do
before(:all) do ""
# find <input name="searchquery">
@driver.find_element(name: "searchquery").send_keys("cheese")
# find <input id="search-button"> and click it
@driver.find_element(id: "search-button").click
# wait until the title starts with "cheese"
@wait.until { @driver.find_element(tag_name: "h1").text.downcase.start_with? "cheese" }
# encoding: UTF-8
require "rubygems"
require "selenium-webdriver"
require "awesome_print"
# allow colour in RSpec results
RSpec.configure do |config| config.color_enabled = true end
describe "The Easyart website" do
before(:all) do
s3cmd sync --exclude '.DS_Store' --exclude '.git/*' --exclude-from '.gitgnore' --add-header=Expires:max-age=604800 --acl-public ./ s3://the_bucket_name
$(window).bind('popstate', function(event) {
var filename = location.pathname.substr(location.pathname.lastIndexOf("/"));
if (filename.indexOf("page1") > 0) {
// go back to the page1 context
} else {
// go to the page2 context
$("a").each(function(k,v) {
$(v).click(function() {
// do something here to load the content in dynamically
history.pushState(null, null, $(this).prop("href"));
return false;
it "each artwork should have the correct structure" do
JSON.parse(response.body)["results"].each do |artwork|
artwork.keys.sort.should eq JSON.parse(FactoryGirl.create(:artwork).to_json).keys.sort
context "#index (GET /artworks.json)" do
# create 30 Artwork documents using FactoryGirl, and do a HTTP GET request on "/artworks.json"
before(:each) do
30.times { FactoryGirl.create(:artwork) }
get "/artworks.json"
describe "should list all artworks" do
# the request returns a variable called "response", which we can then make sure comes back as expected
it { response.should be_ok }
it { JSON.parse(response.body)["results"].should be_a_kind_of(Array) }
describe "as_json method" do
subject { artwork.to_json }
# test the root object structure
it { should have_json_type(String).at_path("artist_id") }
it { should have_json_type(Array).at_path("available_sizes") }
# test a nested object
it { should have_json_type(Object).at_path("artist") }
it { should have_json_type(String).at_path("artist/id") }
it { should have_json_type(String).at_path("artist/slug") }
Which is totally awesome.