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Feature: Real-time websocket streaming # features/streamer.feature:1
Scenario: Receiving recently-created annotations over the websocket # features/streamer.feature:2
Given I am acting as the test user "smokey" # features/steps/
And I am listening for notifications on the websocket # features/steps/
client >> Frame(fin=True, opcode=1, data=b'{"messageType": "client_id", "value": "c9c9cf10-7f4e-433a-9817-934ac8db6670"}')
2017-05-16 17:44:23 [DEBUG] client >> Frame(fin=True, opcode=1, data=b'{"messageType": "client_id", "value": "c9c9cf10-7f4e-433a-9817-934ac8db6670"}')
client >> Frame(fin=True, opcode=1, data=b'{"filter": {"clauses": [], "actions": {"create": true, "update": true, "delete": true}, "match_policy": "include_all"}}')
2017-05-16 17:44:23 [DEBUG] client >> Frame(fin=True, opcode=1, data=b'{"filter": {"clauses": [], "actions": {"create": true, "update": true, "delete": true}, "match_policy": "include_all"}}')
When I create a
diff --git a/wp-config.php b/wp-config.php
index 08cac9b0..cc45af6c 100755
--- a/wp-config.php
+++ b/wp-config.php
@@ -104,13 +104,10 @@ else:
$secretsPath = 'wp-content/uploads/private/secrets.ini';
$secrets = file_exists($secretsPath) ? parse_ini_file($secretsPath) : false;
- if ( in_array( $_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT'], array( 'live' ) ) && $secrets ) {
- define( 'DBI_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', $secrets['dbi_aws_access_key_id'] );
id = sa.Column(types.URLSafeUUID, server_default=sa.func.uuid_generate_v1mc(), primary_key=True)
references = sa.Column(pg.ARRAY(types.URLSafeUUID, zero_indexes=True))
thread_root_id = column_property(references[0])
thread_root = sa.orm.relationship('Annotation', primaryjoin=remote(id) == foreign(thread_root_id), uselist=False)
from flask import Flask
from flask import make_response, render_template
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
resp = make_response(render_template('index.html'))
resp.headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = ("default-src 'none'; "
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index a0e4750..cfdb2c6 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ ESLINT := node_modules/.bin/eslint
EXORCIST := node_modules/.bin/exorcist
MUSTACHE := node_modules/.bin/mustache
+CLIENT_ENTRYPOINT := $(shell node -p 'require.resolve("hypothesis")' 2>/dev/null)
set -eu
if [ "$#" -lt "2" ]; then
echo >&2 "Usage: h-ssh <ENV> <APP> [SSH_ARGS]"
exit 1
<!doctype html>
Ihr naht euch wieder, schwankende Gestalten. Die früh sich einst dem trüben
Blick gezeigt? Versuch’ ich wohl euch diesmal fest zu halten! Fühl’ ich
mein Herz noch jenem Wahn geneigt. Ihr drängt euch zu!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit! Aenean commodo ligula
import multiprocessing
import time
def generate(queue, close):
queue.put_nowait('x' * 65523)
def main():
import locale
import os
import time
import psycopg2
import requests
Just some text which includes <h1>HTML tags</h1> for testing.
What about this one <script>alert('XSS!');</script> then?