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nievergeltlab / missing_a2
Created April 8, 2021 21:31
When PLINK does not give you A2 because you forgot to add it, get it from HG annotations (only works if strand matches, need ot add in strand matching code)
zcat /mnt/ukbb/adam/ptsd/ehr_reformat/74_dai2/daner_iPSYCH2015_PTSDbroad_chr1to22_HRC_MAF01.gz | awk '{print $2,$4,$5,$7}' | LC_ALL=C sort -k1b,1 > /mnt/ukbb/adam/ptsd/ehr_reformat/74_dai2/daner_iPSYCH2015_PTSDbroad_chr1to22_HRC_MAF01.afs
LC_ALL=C join -1 1 -2 2 <(cat /mnt/ukbb/adam/ptsd/ehr_reformat/74_dai2/daner_iPSYCH2015_PTSDbroad_chr1to22_HRC_MAF01.afs) <(LC_ALL=C sort -k2b,2 95_biom/PTSD_broad_EA_clean.head.assoc.logistic) > 95_biom/PTSD_broad_EA_clean.head.assoc.logistic.merged
awk '{FRQ=$4; A1=$7; if(A1==$2) { A2=$3} else if(A1 != $2){ A2=$2; FRQ=1-$4}; print $0,A2,FRQ}' 95_biom/PTSD_broad_EA_clean.head.assoc.logistic.merged | grep -v -E "A T$|T A$|C G$|G C$" > 95_biom/PTSD_broad_EA_clean.head.assoc.logistic.merged.gwas1
nievergeltlab / contrastrg.r
Last active March 16, 2021 18:31
Compare two sets of genetic correlations
d1 <- fread('rgdifferences.csv',data.table=F)
#772 traits, so 0.05/772 = 6.476684e-05
#I like it better with all correlatios shown. I';ll grey out the NS ones!
d1$color <- "grey"
d1[which(d1$p <= 6.476684e-05 | d1$p_trauma <= 6.476684e-05),]$color <- "black" #significant in at least one
nievergeltlab /
Last active January 15, 2021 18:25
MVP summary statistics do not have rs-ids. This converts the sumstats to a vcf format then annotates the VCFs using SNP information from UCSC (or maybe it was dbSNP? file is called All_20180423.vcf.gz, just google it)
#LC_ALL=C join <(awk '{print $1}' w_hm3.snplist.sorted) <(awk '{print $22,$1}' eur_broad_mar172020_allchr.broad_tinnitus.maf01.resultsa.txt.annotated | LC_ALL=C sort -k1b,1) | awk '{print $2,$1}' | LC_ALL=C sort -k1b,1 > w_hm3.snplist.linked
for anc in his # eur aam asn his # "$anc"
#important to use ref and alt1 for this!
cat vcf_header1b.txt vcf_header2.txt <(awk '{OFS="\t"}{if (NR>1) print $1,$2, ".", $4,$5 , "100", "PASS", "MVP="$3}' "$anc"_broad_mar172020_allchr.broad_tinnitus.maf01.resultsa | sort -n -k1r,1 -k2,2 ) > "$anc"_broad_mar172020_allchr.broad_tinnitus.maf01.resultsa.vcf
bcftools view "$anc"_broad_mar172020_allchr.broad_tinnitus.maf01.resultsa.vcf -Oz -o "$anc"_broad_mar172020_allchr.broad_tinnitus.maf01.resultsa.vcf.gz
#LC_ALL=C join <(awk '{print $1}' w_hm3.snplist.sorted) <(awk '{print $22,$1}' eur_broad_mar172020_allchr.broad_tinnitus.maf01.resultsa.txt.annotated | LC_ALL=C sort -k1b,1) | awk '{print $2,$1}' | LC_ALL=C sort -k1b,1 > w_hm3.snplist.linked
for anc in eur aam asn his # "$anc"
#important to use ref and alt1 for this!
cat vcf_header1b.txt vcf_header2.txt <(awk '{OFS="\t"}{if (NR>1) print $1,$2, ".", $4,$5 , "100", "PASS", "MVP="$3}' "$anc"_broad_mar172020_allchr.hearing.maf01.resultsa | sort -n -k1r,1 -k2,2 ) > "$anc"_broad_mar172020_allchr.hearing.maf01.resultsa.vcf
bcftools view "$anc"_broad_mar172020_allchr.hearing.maf01.resultsa.vcf -Oz -o "$anc"_broad_mar172020_allchr.hearing.maf01.resultsa.vcf.gz
nievergeltlab / lanc.r
Created October 16, 2020 20:56
Demonstrates how RFmix outputs can be expanded togenome wide, local ancestry coded to be used in analysis.
#Do a kcolumn split of local ancestry
#Do a delimiting of | then kcolumn split of haplotypes vcf
zcat gtpc_phased_chr22.vcf.gz | tail -n+11 | sed 's/|/\t/g' > gtpc_phased_chr22.vcf.haps
zcat gtpc_phased_chr22.vcf.gz | head -n10 | tail -n1 | sed 's/#//g' | awk '{$1=$1; print}' > gtpc_phased_chr22.vcf.haps.header
#Notice that the odd/even selection REMOVES the columns, rather than selecting them, hence the file names are haps1 and haps0
awk '{ for (i=10;i<=NF;i+=2) $i="" } 1' gtpc_phased_chr22.vcf.haps | cat gtpc_phased_chr22.vcf.haps.header - > gtpc_phased_chr22.vcf.haps1
awk '{ for (i=11;i<=NF;i+=2) $i="" } 1' gtpc_phased_chr22.vcf.haps | cat gtpc_phased_chr22.vcf.haps.header - > gtpc_phased_chr22.vcf.haps0
#THe first step may be to just filter down the list of subjects.
#cat betr/qc1/ vets/qc1/ > test.fam
#Big note:
#The plink --fam d.fam --dosage c.txt list sepheader Zin --write-dosage command doesnt seem to work to combine male and female files
#Doing this will make each SNP appear to be a different SNP for the male and female files (in other words, N SNPs doubles, and will be ALL NA for
#either men or women
#Instead do the traditional command saying that the subjects are split but not hte SNPs, but make a temporary file where the SNPs are subset to onyl the
#intersecting set!
nievergeltlab /
Last active June 29, 2021 19:11
Compare allele frequency differences across populations. Then perform a clumping procedure, where the most significantly differentiated markers are kept.
### Find ancestry informative markers, using 1000 Genomes reference data as an example
#Use global ancestry as a phenotype for association analysis in unrelated KGP subjects
#Perform LD based clumping so that in each LD block, the strongest AIMs are selected
#Making sure that no indels or ambiguous markers are used
#Liftover markers (if you care)
#Get subject populations
#Extract only AFR and EA samples from the 1000G VCF data, on non monomorphic markers
#Rename duplicate rs-ids in a .bim file
#Sometimes you get .bim files where rs-ids are not unique. This renames the duplicates. Preference to not rename is given in order of first marker listed.
#V1 - Oct 28, 2016
args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
qced_bim <- args[1]
print("Reading .bim file")
dat1 <- read.table(qced_bim,stringsAsFactors=F,header=F) #Load the QCed SNP list
names(dat1) <- c("CHR","SNP","cM","BP","A1","A2")
nievergeltlab /
Last active June 29, 2021 19:13
Reference subjects may be admixed. To create un-admixed virtual subjects, go over a rolling window, performing unsupervised clustering of subjects. For a given subject, only keep the region windows where they belong to their purported population.
for chr in {1..22}
plink2 --bfile pts_PROM_mix_am-qc --chr $chr --make-bed --out data/"$study"_$chr